Adopted Soldier

Chapter 393

Chapter 393

Alex wanted to use RELEASE but for some reason, his body"s anatomy seems to have changed and the technique could no longer be used the same way . Alex first needed to figure out what was different, to be able to make adjustments and use RELEASE . For now, there was no possible way to check as they were in the middle of a life and death situation .

This made things a bit more difficult since the plant monster was hard to deal with . It had an ability that was similar to Richter"s nanomachines as all the wounds inflicted upon it will quickly close as it simply grows it back . Also unlike Richter, this monster has no known vitals making attacking using a gun pretty pointless . Cutting it down using swords seems to work better, but after you cut one part another one sprouts .

"This is so awesome! It"s like a monster from an RPG!" Emily who was slas.h.i.+ng away using a combat knife while dodging was in a super-excited state . It wasn"t only her who was excited .

"This is the same as that hard to kill monster in the game I was playing recently!" Oliver was also having fun at the situation that was basically a life or death situation .

"A monster that looks like it came out of a fantasy novel, how delightful! I need to think of new ways to fight!" Niel was trying all kinds of attacks as he happily said those words .

It was a very weird situation as those three were smiling happily while trying to kill the monster before them . On the other hand, the other members of the Mercenary Club found the plant monster quite troublesome . So while the three were distracting the plant monster, Alex approached Rachel .

"Rachel, can you use RELEASE?"

"No, I"ve been trying to use it since the moment I saw that monster but I just can"t . "

While the two were talking they finally reached the area where they wanted to be . They were currently in the weapon storage room of the Shadow Mercenary base . Though the weapon storage room was now a bit broken down, there were still weapons available for use .

Alex and the others took every grenade that they could find and tossed it at the plant monster . Once the grenades exploded in its face the plant monster was blown to pieces . Everyone was sure that it died, but then with only a quarter of its body left, the plant monster started to regenerate .

It was then Alex saw a weapon he could use at the corner of his eye . He immediately dashed towards it and upon picking it up he shouted, "Everyone step aside!" Once it was all clear Alex used the flamethrower he got .

This time the plant monster was burning rather nicely, and after Alex used all the fuel left in the flamethrower, the plant monster turned into nothing but ashes . Once the threat was gone, the group except for the excited three felt relieved .

"What was that! Of course, the weakness is fire?! Doy, I forgot the most basic of basics, I guess I really was too excited . Well, whatever so how about we talk about that thing we just fought . " Emily energetically started the conversation .

"It"s a monster created by fusing numerous plant life . Do you think this is one of the Shadow Mercenaries research subject?" Rachel responded seriously to Emily"s question .

"Is it possible that we really got transported to another world?" Oliver chimed in as well .

"No, it"s more likely that this is a result of the missile Hektor launched . " Alex gave his own opinion on the matter . When the others heard what Alex said, his conclusion felt more realistic . After Alex said that, he suddenly remembered that the base didn"t just have one inner garden, it had four more . If that creature was created by numerous plants, it was possible that that the others have become such creatures as well .

Alex then told others about his hypothesis, and they quickly got some weapons from the weapon storage room and escaped . They didn"t want to encounter another one of those creatures while they no longer had anything to burn it down with .

Once they got outside they were surprised by the scenery they saw . The trees have become taller, and in the skies, they saw strange-looking birds that they have never encountered before . The birds above seem to be the same size as an adult human .

Not only that from a distance they could see a huge mountain moving . The first thing Alex did upon seeing such a sight was to check the surrounding area, Niel did the same, while the others were rooted on the spot amazed and confused by the sight they saw .

"It really is another world!" Emily and even Oliver shouted in unison . As they were about to get really excited, Alex spoke .

"We"re not in a different world . You see this," Alex showed some marking on a nearby tree . "This is something I did when we were watching the missile fly upwards . Also, look at the ground," Alex then dug a bit and the bodies of the dead Shadow Mercenary agents appeared .

"Like I said a while ago, this is most likely the effect of those missiles . " As if on cue the moment Alex said this, they heard the sound of hissing, the group then went into a tight circle formation as they tried to pin point the location of the hissing . Then from beyond the trees, they saw something slithering towards them .

When it came into full view it turned out to be a snake, a very large snake . The snake raised its head and towered over Alex"s group . Its length was immeasurable at this point, but its thickness could be compared to a bear . Actually, when looking at it properly it looked like a dragon, one of those wingless ones you sometimes see in fantasy .

It looked at them with cat-like eyes and hissed showing its rather large tongue that seems to be as big as Kei . It looked like it was intimidating them ready to eat its snack . Alex and the others were ready for a battle, but then from behind them, another enemy appeared . Two more plant monster emerged from the base . They were now literally caught between a rock and a hard place .

Alex who was unable to use RELEASE and didn"t know if guns and swords work on the giant snake felt a lot of pressure . Of course, it wasn"t only him who was feeling that pressure everyone else was feeling the same thing . They were already ready to die when the missiles were launched, only to survive later . They thought that they had pa.s.sed the crisis but turns out there was more waiting for them .

As the group was thinking of what to do, the giant snake suddenly moved in for the kill . WIth how big its jaw was it could probably eat three of them at once . The moment it struck, Alex was able to pull Evangeline and Rachel to safety . Oliver was able to pull Kei, while Niel pulled Emily to safety .

After missing its target the giant snake collided with one of the plan monsters . The snake couldn"t fully put the plant monster into its mouth, as the plant monster started to expand, and used its vines to entangle the head of the snake . The remaining plant monster then fused with the plant monster being eaten, making them turn even larger . The plant monster was doing its utmost struggling to break out of the jaws of the giant snake, while the giant snake was trying its hardest devour the plant monster .

Alex and the others who were watching this scene had the same thoughts . "The world has truly changed . . . Hasn"t it . . . "

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