Adopted Soldier

Chapter 131

Chapter 131

No matter how much Emily tried she just couldn"t get Alex hooked in watching anime, like she expected . She just couldn"t understand it, he was able to quickly get into gaming but why not anime? Well Alex did need to do his best because of the club . . . When Emily reminded herself on how Alex started to play, she suddenly had a brilliant idea and was now able to think of her next move .

Today she might not be able to hook in Alex, but she was still able to hook in Lilitth ojou-chan, so that was good enough . Still Emily wouldn"t just give up . She now had a new plan on how to get Alex interested in anime as well .

. . .

The following day to Alex"s surprise Emily was going to attend school today . She was actually waiting for Alex and Lilitth in the front gates of the mansion .

"What made you, suddenly decide to go to school today?" Alex couldn"t help but ask .

"Nothing much . . . I just felt like going to school today . " Emily who was wearing the school uniform with her tied in twintails . She actually looked like a middle schooler pretending to be a high schooler, but still she looked cute .

"Okay, but I need to go and fetch Rachel first . If you want you can go to school ahead of me . "

"No, it"s alright let"s go get Rachel . "

Lilitth who was holding Alex"s left hand, reacted when she heard the name Rachel . Every now and then when the siblings talk Alex would sometime blurt out this name . So this must mean that this Rachel person was someone important to her onii-sama, so she as the little sister decided to check her out .

Before they left Alex looked back and felt a bit weird . He was sure that at this point Carlo would suddenly appear and fawn all over Lilitth, but surprisingly the only person to see them off was the head butler .

Intrigued by this turn of events, Alex asked the head butler what had happened to Carlo . Which the head butler answered in a tone of voice that sounded like he was trying to suppress a sigh .

"The Master is in his study still fixing the so called Holy Alb.u.m . " When Alex heard this reply he wanted to smack his face . He was having difficulty accepting this sudden change of Carlo, but it was a fact that he was already like this so why deny it .

Without saying anything anymore Alex and his group simply left .

. . . .

A few meters away from the mansion Emily suddenly spoke .

"Hey Alex aren"t you going to ask me about my progress in hacking into the master"s computer?"

"No not really . I haven"t even fulfilled my end of the bargain so I wasn"t expecting for you to fulfill yours at the moment . "

"As usual how very rigid of you . Well anyway I started to try and hack it yesterday, and it would seem like it might take me a week or two to hack into it . The defense system of the master"s computer is simply G.o.dly . The one who created that system must be a part of that squad . "

Alex didn"t bother to say anything to Emily, since it felt like she already knows the answers to her own questions .

. . .

After a few more minutes Alex and his group finally reached Rachel"s house, and the person waiting for them, was none other than Dan Regius who was standing at the front door .

"Alex as punctual as usual, early even . So I heard you ran into trouble yesterday . I hope you didn"t make anyone of those punks touch even a hair of my daughter . " Dan was smiling at Alex, but while doing so he was also sending an immense bloodl.u.s.t directed at Alex .

"Don"t worry Instructor Dan, I"ve protected her properly . "

Dan then touched Alex"s shoulder and squeezed it using a great force . When Lilitth saw what Dan was doing, she was about to hit the bad man hurting her onii-sama . Yet Alex stopped her by holding her right hand tighter .

"Really did you actually protect her? Then how come you guys got attacked in the-" Dan wasn"t able to finish his sentence as he dodged an incoming attack . The one who attacked him was no other than Rachel herself .

"What the h.e.l.l are you doing you old man!"

"I was just worried about you my one and only daughter . "

"Don"t talk like that! You"re giving me the creeps, also mom has been looking for you . She was saying something about who ate her yogurt . "

"Oh sorry about this but I need to go . Have a good day in school my precious angel . Alex you better protect her properly . " Rachel was about to retort, but Dan already disappeared from sight .

"Sorry about that . The sh*tty father of mine, is just being overprotective . . . Oh who is this? You must be Lilitth, I"m Rachel nice to meet you . " Rachel knelt on the ground to be on eye level with Lillith and then smiled at her .

Lilitth who saw how aggressive an entrance Rachel made, didn"t leave a good impression of her, but she still needed to properly answer as Alexander Samarita"s little sister . She did her usual curtsy and responded .

"h.e.l.lo I"m Lilitth . I"m Alexander Samarita"s little sister, it"s nice to finally meet you Rachel . My onii-sama talks to about you a lot . " Hearing what Lilitth said Rachel started blus.h.i.+ng .

"Really? I wonder what kind of things he talks about?" Rachel shyly took a peek at Alex before smiling brightly at Lilitth .

"Oh something like you always attack when your embarra.s.sed . Also that you always seem to be in need of protection, despite having sufficient fighting capabilities of your own . " Lilitth was still smiling ever so cutely but the words she was saying were p.r.i.c.kly in Rachel"s ears .

"Really he talks about me like that?" Rachel took a peek at Alex, but as usual his stoic face betrayed no emotion .

"Sometimes he talks about you like that, but I"m sure onii-sama was just exaggerating . I"m sure you really aren"t exactly like that . " Alex who heard what Lilitth said, didn"t correct her since what she said were indeed the things he said . Though Lilitth simply didn"t say the other things about Rachel that he talks about .

Rachel on the other hand thought about her previous behavior, and she couldn"t deny anythign Lilitth said, since she acted exactly as Lilitth described her . It was a good thing that Alex hasn"t told her about yesterday, when she didn"t believe in him .

It seems like her first impression on Alex"s little sister wasn"t all that good, but she can still turn it around .

"Hey Lilitth how about we hang out later, after school . You can bring your brother along . I"m sure will have tons of fun . " Rachel was now determined to make Lilitth see her in a good light .

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