Adopted Soldier

Chapter 144

Chapter 144

The following day it was after school, Alex and the other members of the Mercenary Club headed towards the Drama Club"s Clubroom . The clubroom was on the second floor of the new school building . This club unlike the Gaming Club was a successful club . The last performance they had was a full house meaning that they were able to sell all their tickets . So the room they were given was bigger, than most clubs . They were even allowed to use the auditorium whenever they wanted .

They were the third best club in the school . Since the expectations were so high, a lot of the club members quit, after the last production . Now they only had eight members left, but since they were one of the clubs with bigger budgets, the student council gives them their full support . The crafting club even makes their sets . The music club also helps them with their background music .

Still now that they had fewer members, the ones left were the elite of the club . Yet because of some mishap the lead actor, Kevin wasn"t able to make it for the next play, which will happen next week Friday .

This is where the Mercenary Club comes in . Emily who was a friend of Katrina the President of the Drama Club via cosplaying . Told her friend that she knew someone who could replace Kevin . This replacement she was speaking about was of course Alex . On the other hand the replacement Katrina was thinking abuot was the most popular boy in school Niel .

. . .

When the Mercenary Club reached the Clubroom of the Drama club, they could hear some dramatic music playing inside . They could also hear two people talking to each other .

"We wont be able to make it . . . "

"I know that already . . . I guess this is goodbye . "

"Heh, will you look at that . I still have two left, want one?"

"Thanks . . . One last cigar before we go to h.e.l.l . "

"Do you think Leo made it?"

"If anyone could finish this mission it would be Leo . "

While the two people where having this conversation the Mercenary Club couldn"t enter the clubroom, since it was obvious that they were practicing . Then the sound of gunfire could be heard, the music also changed tones .

"Here they come . "

"Right on schedule, how many bullets do you have left?"

"I have ten rounds, you?"

"I got one shot left, and two grenades . "

"Not much, but let"s give them a surprise present . "

"Sure let"s do that . "

The gunfire intensifies and after a few more seconds a loud explosion happened .

"Cut! That was perfect!" This time the one talking was the voice of a girl . When Alex"s group heard this, they found their chance to enter the clubroom .

Upon entering the clubroom, they saw a lot of costumes on one side, a bunch of background pictures in another and in the middle of the room, were four people reading a script, two who looking at each other, and one person sitting on a chair holding a fan .

The girl sitting on the chair noticed Alex"s group had entered, and happily approached them . The girl approaching Alex"s group had on, and looked very aggressive for some reason . Emily started walking towards the girl and the two begin to hug .

"Emi! Long time no see!"

"It"s good to see you Kat . When the last time again?"

"When we went to cosplay as Lara and Hilda . So are you going to join us here in the Drama Club? With your skills you can play any role you want . "

"No, I"m happy with the club I"m in right now . . . Oh right, So Kat here we are and I brought you your new star . "

"I know, who would"ve thought that we can actually get the Niel Rayheart to play the protagonist of the story . " Katrina looked at Niel a.s.sessing him .

"No not him . This is the new star Alexander Samarita . " Emily pulled Alex into the spotlight . Katrina then looked at Emily with a weird expression, and then looked at Alex confused .

"What? He is the one playing the role? Not Niel, but Alex? The one who is rumored to have an expressionless face . Granted he is good looking, and I hear he is very athletic . . . but really, him?"

"Don"t dismiss him just yet . We all agreed even Niel stated that Alex is the one most suited one to play this role . At least try, come on do this one scene and see what you think . "

Emily showed her copy of the script and pointed at the scene Alex did yesterday . This time they wont just say one line they would do the whole scene .

"Very well let"s see what he can do . Everyone will be doing Act 5 scene 3 . Alex here will be playing the lead . Hand him a script will you . " One of the Drama club members handed Alex a script, and the three boys from the Drama Club as well as Alex stood center stage .

"Okay everyone get to your positions . . . Action!" Upon hearing katrina"s signal the actors started saying their lines, alongside some music .

"d.a.m.n it! How can we allow Jason to die!"

"I can"t do it anymore, this is it for me . There is no more glory in this . We"ll just get ma.s.sacred . . . Face it, we failed . "

"This mission isn"t allowed to fail . " Alex said his line the same way he would in the battlefield . Full of conviction and confidence . His tone was still indifferent, but by simply seeing his body language you could actually feel his conviction .

The Drama Club members were a bit surprised, but they still continued on . As expected of the best actors this school has to offer .

"What the f*ck Leo! There"s nothing left! We can"t finish this d*mn mission anymore . "

"Why? Because we lost one man?" The stoic expression coupled with a bit of confusion was perfect . Katrina was getting sucked in by Alex"s acting . Even the other actors saying the lines with Alex, really felt their roles even more . They actually felt like it was getting real .

"Of course you can"t understand! You . The perfect soldier! To you lives mean nothing! To you as long as the mission is completed, nothing matters . You may be the perfect soldier, but you are a worthless human!"

The next line Alex did was the same line he used yesterday, and same as before it was a perfect delivery .

"This is war we"re having, do you think one man"s death means anything? We are soldiers, nothing more, nothing less . " The moment Katrina heard Alex say that line, coupled his voice and his stoic expression . She really believed that Alex became Leo the perfect soldier . Katrina felt that she and the members of the Drama Club were transported into the battlefield .

The conviction in his voice, the resolve in his eyes . The chilly atmosphere of the battlefield his aura, his presence emitted was perfect . It was like he was born to play this role .

"Amazing!" The members of the Drama Club all clapped at this moment . Katrina was so amazed that she didn"t even get to say cut, before saying Alex"s performance was amazing .

Emily who was watching at the side was as usual having fun, seeing her plan going as smoothly as possible .

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