Adopted Soldier

Chapter 178

Chapter 178

The news of Lyner being the one and only SS rank merc of Berdonia was a shock to the group, but not as much as Sayaka being an . The way Lyner acted and talked was already a dead giveaway, so hearing him proclaiming himself to be a merc wasn"t that surprising .

What truly surprised the group was his rank of SS . The mercs known to the public were usually B rank mercs, the most famous one was a movie star . On the other hand A rank mercs above were always unknown figures some even thought that there was no rank above B .

Seeing how the B rank merc who was a movie star, did all his stunts which were all unbelievable . They couldn"t imagine what kind of skills Lyner truly had .

The guy who was usually asleep turned out to be someone unbelievable . . . Still now that they think about it, this could explain why he was treated like a King by the other staff members, and why he gets paid even if he sleeps all day .

. . .

Same with Sayaka the group wanted to do some Q and A with Lyner, but that proved difficult since once again he was already in deep sleep . Alex warned everyone present, if someone was stupid enough to get near Lyner while in that state, they might actually die .

After hearing what Alex said no one tried to wake up the sleeping dragon .

. . .

Lunch time was now over and everyone went back to their cla.s.srooms, except for Kei who directly went into the restroom, and hid himself in there . Kei was now sitting down on the toilet seat s.h.i.+vering in fear .

Awhile ago he looked like he accepted the idea of Sayaka being an, as well as Lyner being the one and only SS rank merc of Berdonia . But in truth he was scared sh*tless, worse of all he was alone in this fear . Based on how everyone reacted it would seem like he was the only one scared .

In his head, that could only mean one thing . The other members had equally scary backgrounds .

"Okay I need to calm down . " Kei tried to control the s.h.i.+vering of his body, as he started to hyperventilate . He then began to look at his phone and typed SS rank merc theories . This was something he does to calm down, when he learns a shocking news, he tries to gain more information .

This might sound counterproductive to some, but to Kei it wasn"t . There were many theories about SS rank mercs, it said that each of three largest countries had one . Yet the one who was most famous was the recently appointed SS rank merc of Berdonia .

That merc even had a verse dedicated to him .

Run, run, run, cause here he comes .

Run, run, run, for the monster comes .

A Swish of his blade and your head begone

With the shot of his gun, you"re all but done .

This new piece of information made Lyner seem like the boogeyman, but much scarier since he was real, and he was his club adviser . The more Kei searched online, the more Kei understood how frightening Lyner was .

Of course some of the information was bogus, but Kei knew which ones were lies, and which one were real . This was one of the skills he acquired after a long time gathering information, it was like a sixth sense of sorts .

"Sir Lyner has once raided the base of two of the ten Generals of the Granado Empire . He was even suspected to have killed the son of one of them . " At this point Kei was looking for information in the deep web . Some of the things written here about Lyner was too exaggerated to be true .

"This can"t be real right? Sir Lyner was once ambushed by four S rank mercs, with one hundred B rank mercs, and even mid tier soldiers . It even says he left only one alive to tell the story . This is too much to be true . . . " Even though he was saying it was too much, Kei"s instincts was telling him otherwise .

As he went in deeper Kei was shocked to see, that Lyner was not only involved with the top ranks of the Granado Empire, but the Southern union as well . He read that one of the three Saints, the female Saint had actually proposed to Lyner, and he fled .

That female Saint has tried numerous times to enter Berdonia to chase Lyner, but the government wouldn"t allow it . Even though Berdonia and the Southern Union weren"t antagonistic like the Granado Empire, they weren"t friends either . The relations.h.i.+p between the two nations was in a neutral stance . So seeing that one of the Saints wants to mess around with an SS rank merc of another country, of course the country protected Lyner .

There was a lot more information about Lyner, but Kei wanted to check about Sayka"s family too . He looked online and all it says was Sayaka"s family is a respected old family of Berdonia, that existed since its making, when Berdonia broke away from the Empire .

Obviously there was no mention about them being, but there was a lot of information about them being great artisans . It was even mentioned that the masks they make were second to none .

Kei kept on digging until he found an old thread in one of the forums about famous killings . It was said here, that there was a theory that in Berdonia lives a fearsome family of . This family was so good that all there murders would look like accidents or suicide .

It was also said that this family produced the strongest called . . . It was only up to there and the post doesn"t continue anymore .

Kei tried to dig into it deeper but there was no more information about this so called legendary family of Berdonia . All the forums and threads pertaining them don"t exist, except that one old thread .

It was like they left that thread to be a warning for the others that were trying to learn more . Kei was now unsure, if he could truly look Sayaka in the face and not s.h.i.+ver in fear . Though for some reason it was not only fear, he was feeling, Kei was also feeling excited as well .

It was like he was part of something bigger . It was like he was the protagonist of a story, where he stumbles upon an exciting new world he wasn"t suppose to be a part off, yet now he was .

Kei always dreamt of breaking away his normal mundane life . That"s also one of the reasons he liked collecting information about other people, since it felt like they were living a more exciting life than he was .

Yet now he was actually living in that exciting life, and he wants to back out? Could he even back out at this point? Kei was feeling really conflicted . He was just a normal high school boy, that was a bit better than most in collecting information . That was it, aside from that there was nothing special about him .

His scores in school weren"t high nor were they low . His athletic ability was a bit better than most, and his looks were pretty much average . If you look at him in a crowd of people you would have difficulty finding him .

"This might be my only chance to join this kind of world . . . What should I do?" Kei was in a crossroads in his life .

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