Adopted Soldier

Chapter 300

Chapter 300

Alex unaware of what his grandfather was planning to do, was now contemplating what he himself should do . A year ago he was so sure that he would be able to escape, but look at what happened . He tried multiple times to escape but no matter what he did he wasn"t able to do anything . Everything he did, everything he thought of was antic.i.p.ated and countered by his grandfather .

Since the beginning Alex was playing on the palm of his grandfather"s hands . If Emily were here, she would"ve said that in this situation Alex wasn"t even a player, but merely an npc .

Even the hope of someone coming to the rescue was slowly fading from Alex"s mind . Ever since the death of his teacher Sir Lyner, Alex had lost faith in a rescue mission . Even though Alex wanted to believe that his father Carlo would rescue him, he couldn"t . He understood what kind of abilities Carlo had, compared to what the Shadow Mercenaries plus his grandfather had, Carlo wasn"t there match .

"d.a.m.n it! What should I do? I"m sure that crazy sonuvab*tch was planning to do something that would go against my own will . If I don"t escape he might brainwash me or do something worse to control me . If that"s the case should I die instead? I can"t escape and no matter what I do he"s always ahead of me . The only thing that sh*tty grandfather won"t ever guess would be me killing myself . "

Alex"s thoughts were going somewhere even darker, as he actually thought that dying would be much more preferable than whatever plans Richter had for him . That was when he remembered something . It was a memory of Carlo handing out a mission .

"That"s right Dad gave me a final mission . . . To live and be happy . . . Am I actually thinking of quitting on a mission? Am I actually even considering failing a mission?"

Alex started to remember all the people he met, the people he called his friends . Those guys might have lived sheltered lives, but Alex was sure, if they were in the same situation none of them would ever give up .

"Did those guys ever gave up on anything? No, they would never even think of giving up . If Niel was here, he would remained calm and collected, as he tries to figure what to do next . If Emily was here she would a.s.sess the situation and would"ve gotten in the nerves of the people present . She would then distract them with her antics so she could think of a plan . If Oliver was here he would find the whole situation interesting . He would have endured even more than I could . If Sayaka was here, she would have used her trickery to escape . If Rachel was here she would never backed down towards that old man . If Evangeline was here, I"m sure she would treat this like any normal kidnapping . If kei was here . . . Hmm . . . I wonder what he would have done, unlike the others he wasn"t really that st.u.r.dy . . . "

When Alex was happily trying to think of what his friends would do if they were in a similar situation, he remembered the final member of the Mercenary Club . He remembered that person, even the confident smile of his that betrayed no fear .

"If Sir Lyner was here, he would have laugh at the whole situation and then he would say . "A place where I can sleep and eat, plus every other day I get to fight strong guys . Well isn"t this a nice place, isn"t this a vacation home . " I guess he would"ve said that to my grandfather"s face with that vicious smile of his . "

Alex couldn"t help but laugh at what he thought Lyner would say . He could really imagine Lyner saying that right in front of his grandfather"s face, without a care in the world . It"s been a long time since Alex laughed . . . No, now that he started thinking about it, wasn"t this the first time Alex truly laughed .

Even back when was still Dalvir Greyhound, he would never laugh . He would smile from time to time, but never laugh out loud . When Alex thought about that, it just made him laugh even harder than before .

Once he was done laughing Alex shook his head . "Heh, that felt nice . . . I guess giving up isn"t really something I would do . "

. . .

While Alex was thinking of new ways to escape, Richter entered the room Alex was in . Alex who looked at his grandfather entering the room, noticed that the old man was wearing his battle gear, and he could see the guns hidden within his coat . Richter then approached Alex and removed his restraints .

Once Alex"s restraints were removed he distanced himself from his grandfather, while looking at the old man confused . Alex wasn"t sure what this was, but he was now on full alert . Richter without saying anything tossed something towards Alex . When Alex saw that, at first he thought that it was a grenade or something, but it wasn"t instead what Richter tossed were his weapons .

Not only his weapons even his bullet proof vest was given back . Alex was still very wary, so he started to inspect his weapons, his guns, his sword, and every other equipment . All of them don"t seem to be tampered or anything . He couldn"t find a trace of anything .

"What does this mean old man?" Richter smiled hearing his grandson"s question and answered .

"Wear those things, then I"ll tell you of the surprise I have in store for you . " Alex didn"t want to do what his grandfather said, but he knew that he needed to follow the old man"s order . Once Alex was done wearing his equipment, Richter spoke .

"Now that you"re fully equipped I can tell you the surprise . Remember when your birthday pa.s.sed by and we didn"t celebrate it due to your tests . I as your kind grandfather have decided to hold a celebration for you . In this celebration I invited your friends to come and play . Oh, I know that you"re shy little boy my little grandson, and you don"t want them to come . So I"m going to give you a belated birthday gift . If you are somehow able to beat me, or better yet kill me, then of course you can do whatever you want . . . "

Alex was still stunned as he was having a hard time processing what his grandfather just said, no it was more like he didn"t want to believe what his grandfather just said . Richter seeing Alex"s reaction didn"t care and continued saying what needed to be said .

"But if you lose, of course we"ll need to invite your friends to join in the fun . Well there is also the chance, that you"ll disappoint me too much . If that happens I guess as punishment you won"t even get to see your friends . So Alex I-" Richter wasn"t able to finish what he was going to say, as he suddenly dodged a bullet that came from Alex"s direction .

Richter smiled as he saw the expression on Alex"s face . Basically there was none, Alex right now was completely stoic . This was the situation Richter was hoping for, as he was getting happy from his success he started to evade, while he retreated for the moment . The limited s.p.a.ce of the room they were in wasn"t really ideal for Richter .

Seeing his grandfather exit the room, Alex followed suit as he reloaded his gun . At this moment Alex had only one objective . Kill his grandfather without mercy or remorse .

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