Chapter 205 “Youngster Wen Ru (1)”

When the time comes, he too will have the capital to make demands:“Brat, you have to study these business tricks well. Even if you can’tinherit the main family’s fortune, you must at least be able to fend foryourself and not be butchered to death.”

w.a.n.g Deqiu really wanted to smack his son again for being so lazy, Ifthis kid could be even half as good as Xiachen then I won’t have toworry so much.

“I got it,” the chubby gives a perfunctory nod.

Next second, w.a.n.g Xiaopeng had already dashed away for the doorbecause he knew what his old man was planning to do next. Furthermore,this naughty kid didn’t forget to stick his tongue out as his own formof retaliation.

Grimacing at the brat’s demeanour, w.a.n.g Deqiu starts giving his sonthe chase: “Your stinking brat, watch how I will beat your b.u.t.t sillythis time!”


Back over at the old manor, Bai Yan was busy sipping away at her tea while waiting for her subordinate to arrive.

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“Mistress, is there something you need by calling for me?” Hualuo(head of the flower brothel) makes a partial kneel after entering themain reception hall.

“I made a business deal with the w.a.n.g family from next door. Have Lady Chu go negotiate the terms with them.”

“Yes, Mistress,” the enchanting woman respectfully complied.

“Oh yes, I wanted to ask you for a while now, how are the trainingfor those alchemists going?” Lowering her teacup, Bai Yan softly asked.

In this world, strength was most certainly important, but that’s notall there was to it. Alchemist are also important in a different way.

The powerful undoubtedly can take whatever they want with their sheerstrength, but alchemists have their own means to get what they want.Even without a high level of cultivation, they can turn to otherpowerful individuals to ask for help if needed.

That’s why, starting from three years ago, Bai Yan had secretlygathered a group of alchemists for her own use. Just that due to herown busy lifestyle, she never once checked on their progress.

“Mistress, the alchemists we brought in have all made greatimprovements with every single one of them reaching at least secondrank. For those more talented, we now got thirty at the third level andnine at the fourth level.”

“Then what about the fifth level?” She asked with a frown.

“This… except for Wen Ru, no one else was able to achieve such results.”

Wen Ru was a person Bai Yan met along her journey three years ago. Atthe time the youngster was still arrogant and rude; therefore, the twoquickly got into a conflict after they became interested in the sametreasure.

If martialists like to settle their scores by having a fightingmatch, its only proper the alchemist profession would compete with theirskills in alchemy. And that’s precisely what the two did. After losing,Wen Ru had since sworn allegiance to Bai Yan.

“No one being able to break into the fifth level is within myexpectations, but the number of fourth ranks are too low! How can therebe only nine people when we conscripted over two hundred talented geniusback then?” Bai Yan’s expression clearly didn’t look so good as sheslowly got up from her chair.

Nervous in her tone, Hualuo knew her next words will only make thewoman even unhappier. Nevertheless, she says it anyway out of loyalty.“Of the nine people, five of them were already at the third level…”

In other words, three years of effort yielded nothing more than a one level increase.

“Hualuo, bring me to see those alchemists. I want to check for myself why this is happening.”

This certainly cannot go on. I must think of some way to help these people advance further as soon as possible.


Inside the courtyard that’s almost perennially covered in a smokymist due to the constant use of the stoves, a large group of hardworking men were busy concocting their respective Dan pills with theircauldrons.

AHHH!!! A loud screaming cry suddenly broke the tranquility here.

The reasoning for this was Bai Yan’s unmerciful kick at the figurewho attempted to charge her at the first moment she stepped through thedoorway.

Sprawled there with his arms and legs on the ground, the handsome boyknown as Wen Ru puts on a pathetic look of grievance at his attacker:“How come I can’t see through your cultivation anymore? Don’t tell me,you made another breakthrough again?”

Aside from the alchemic contest they did three years ago, they alsocompeted in their cultivation. The end result, a very miserable defeatthat left him admitting defeat both physically and spiritually. Even so,he could still perceive the girl’s cultivation. But now, he couldn’tlike the woman was shrouded in a thick layer of mist.

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