Adorable treasured fox: Divine doctor mother overturning the heavens!

Chapter 292 "Constantly Fussing Over the Break Will Only Confuse You"

Chapter 292 "Constantly Fussing Over the Break Will Only Confuse You"

Pursing her lips, Lan Xiaoyun"s gaze was indistinct: "In truth,whatever happens to them doesn"t matter to me, I don"t see them muchanyways. However, I just can"t bear to see my grandparents be sad,that"s why I and my mother endured them for so many years."

Hanging her head low, she attempts to cover the sadness in her eyes.

“But these people are only getting worse. Precisely because of theconstantly yielding from me and my mother that they are getting so outof control."

When has she been ever been picked on? If not for these being bloodrelatives, there"s no way the girl would"ve conceded so many times inthe past.

“Xiaoyun,” meeting her cousin"s eye, Bai Yan speaks in earnest, "it"spointless even if you try to divide them with your words. Your unclewill not believe you."

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Going stiff in her body, the helpless girl could only smileironically at herself: "It"s he who married that woman. The one thatshould be guilty is him, not us. Why must we the Lan House as a wholefoot his bill? Cousin, I am really dissatisfied with this."

Staying silent for a good moment, Bai Yan finally speaks after makinga soft sigh: "I will only give you this advice, you will only confuseyourself if you keep fussing over this matter of breaking or not tobreak."

Biting her lips until blood could be seen, Lan Xiaoyun needed a goodminute before she can come to. But when she did, those eyes were firmand convinced.

“I understand Cousin, this time I will definitely have Mother severher relations.h.i.+p with Uncle even if it means making my grandparentssad!"

The sadness with her grandparents will only be a temporary one.Besides, the fact that her mother was their daughter will never changeso there"s no harm there, but continuing on with this relations.h.i.+p mayhave dire consequences that could effect ones life.

Suddenly stopping before a building, Lan Xiaoyun knew this was the place. Inhaling deeply, she slowly pushes open the door.


Accompanying this sound of wood grinding against metal was ahollering shout of old and pain: "What are you people coming back hereagain for?! Do you really want to force your old mother into thegraves?"

Of course, this sentence can"t possibly be meant for thegranddaughter here. Just that, the remark was enough to send Lan Xiaoyuninto a terrible fright of horrific grey.

“Grandfather, what happened to Grandmother?”

The number of people lying on the bed wasn"t just Dong Ruolan – thegirl"s mother – there"s also the sobbing mess of the old madam….

Stunned by the familiarity of that voice, Dong Tian Ling was thefirst to glance over with his old head, "Granddaughter, what are youdoing here?"

“Tell me what is going on, how did the dispute occur between mymother and that woman? And how did Grandmother become like this? Where"smy second brother?" Her delicate body was literally trembling from thesight due to how aghast she was. In only a few steps, her emotional selfwas already clinging to the bedside, ready to collapse from her owntears.

Against that bombardment of a question, the old lord"s complexion wasvery stiff, as if unsure how to explain this. Rather it was the oldmadam who came to and spoke first. Shaking her old weeping head, hervoice was soft: "Oh my dear Xiaoyun, you shouldn"t have come back. Youraunt wants to gift you to the third prince, but because your motherrefused the idea, she"s been left in this state."


Like a lightning bolt striking down from the sky, Lan Xiaoyun was left completely brain dead there. Her mind a total blank.

That woman wants to give me to that third prince? Because of that reason, she injured Mother to this state?

It was then a delicate hand came stretching over. Tapping the girl onthe shoulder, it was soothing and comforting, bringing Lan Xiaoyun backto her senses.

How could I have forgotten, I still have my cousin here! As long as Bai Yan is here then those people can never succeed!

“Xiaoyun, let me have a look at Aunt"s condition."

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