Chapter 431 “Birthday Storm (1)”

“Chief of the An House has arrived!”

Under the complimenting voice of the people, this high-pitchedannouncing sound clearly had a resonating effect on the guests becauseall had got silent. The mood was totally different from a second agowhere laughter and chattery was abundant.

It’s no secret that the relations.h.i.+p between both families were notclose at all, compounding the fact that w.a.n.g Xiaopeng had beat An XiangRan several years ago, it’s more fitting to say their stances are thatof enemies than friends.

So, imagine the surprise in everyone’s mind to hear the An family’schief coming in person to the birthday banquet. Turning their heads, allattention was now placed onto the peachy boy and his uncle.

While An Xiang Ran didn’t give ahoot about the extra eyes coming his way, his uncle didn’t think thesame, especially when he finally saw w.a.n.g Xiaopeng stuffing his face onthe dining table.

“Chief An, what a pleasure to have you come.” Coming out from hisinitial shock, the senior and host for the day hurried to step forwardin open arms for the unexpected guest.

“Ahumph,” issuing a dry cough to clear his throat, An Zhen Ningsubconsciously swept his eyes to the side where his excited nephewstood, “I am here with my nephew to show him the ways and to bring acongratulatory gift as well.”

After saying that, he was about to let the servants bring in the said gifts; however, his nephew An Xiang Ran had beat him to the punch by rus.h.i.+ng ahead for the main dining hall….

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Like any careless dote who didn’t pay attention to his own speed, itdidn’t take much for the peachy boy to trip over something. Cras.h.i.+nghard to the floor, the delicate box inside the kid’s sleeve had rolledforward, revealing the contents inside with its red radiance.

“Xiang Ran!”

Scared to the point of losing his spirit, An Zhen Ning could nolonger care about the gift-giving. Running over himself, he hurries tocheck on the boy’s welfare.

“My boy, how are you, did you get hurt anywhere?” The man’s face was full of tension and worry.

“I am fine.” Shaking his head, the peachy boy was just ready to pickback up the box when something unexpected occurred – an unknown hand hads.n.a.t.c.hed it away from him first!

“Gee, your An House is toopolite, giving us such valuable gifts. I will go ahead and collect itfirst for my father.” Grinning right up to his eyes, w.a.n.g Deyi’s uglysmug could only be called an eyesore.

How unexpected for them to use the Dragon Fruit as a gift. If itwas normally then we would have no choice, but now…. Haha, the MedicineSect’s elder will be here soon!

“w.a.n.g’s family Old Three,” An Zhen Ning’s complexion got dark, “ThisDragon Fruit belongs to my nephew and not a gift, please return it tous.”

He’s already being quite polite there. If was his father instead, the old pops would’ve directly taken action already.

“Chief An, a gift that is already sent cannot be returned, don’t youknow any manners?” w.a.n.g Deyi’s face was very shameless there, showingevery intent to steal the fruit from its owner.

Naturally the people here today wouldn’t miss the odd behavior.Lowering their voices into a whisper, the discussions could only becalled humiliating for the host.

“What are you doing Old Three? Hurry and return the Dragon Fruit thisinstant!” The grandpa roars, embarra.s.sed to the point of wanting to diga hole and hide in it.

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