Adorable treasured fox: Divine doctor mother overturning the heavens!

Chapter 478 "She is the Disciple of the Holy Land (1)"

Chapter 478 "She is the Disciple of the Holy Land (1)"

“Since Elder Ceo w.a.n.g has agreed, then let’s us begin." Ye Ying found no surprise in the response from the elder. Showing a snarky grin, she pushes forward despite the odd looks she"s getting. "For all those partic.i.p.ating today, please follow me inside."

With that proclamation made, the people only made a few whispering gestures before moving forward. They didn"t understand why the girl would make such a strange rule right before the convention but its of no recourse to them.

Now, one group after the other, the crowded venue was now completely empty except for Bai Yan and her son.

“That"s right.” Bai Yan"s response was s.h.i.+ning and filled with confidence, showing no ounce of embarra.s.sment over the fact.

“Uhh, Miss, I"m sure you"ve heard it as well just now.…." Not looking good in his complexion, the senior knew this wasn"t right. After all, the fact that the girl and little boy could stand here meant the elder in their family had also received an invitation.

Not answering right away this time, Bai Yan first wanted to appease her agitated son that"s clearly angry by the maltreatment. "So this is the style of the Medicine Sect? I traveled a thousand miles to get here and the first thing you people do is to drive us out. What"s more, when have the Medicine Sect fallen so low that a mere outsider could dictate the rules?"

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The word "outsider" was a stinging needle, shooting directly into Ye Ying"s grotesque heart with every syllable. Going cold in her expression, she glares down with fury at the woman and her son.

“Miss!” Turning dark as well, Elder Ceo w.a.n.g snaps out, "Ye Ying is an honored lady of our Medicine Sect and will soon become the G.o.ddaughter of our young lord. If you don"t show her your respect then it"s the same as disrespecting the Medicine Sect as a whole! Didn"t your elders teach you any form of manners?"

WAHH! The crowd exclaims.

Those who had previously ridiculed Ye Ying were turning their heads in disbelief and shock, So Ye Ying is not only a distant relative of the Medicine Sect, but the future lady as well? With such a background, who would ever dare to look down at her again?

She only mentioned its her grandmother bringing up the topic, not herself or anyone making such a promise. Her goal wasn"t a confirmation from the involved party, but rather the misconception of such a rumor. So long as the world believes it then that"s enough.

“Miss Bai," pressing her lips together, Ye Ying purposefully issues out a sigh like she"s lamenting the fact. "Not all of the world"s people with the last name Bai is related to our Medicine Sect. If I am an outsider then you are not even qualified to be one. I advise you to leave it at that and leave first less you make a fool of yourself."

From the beginning to end, Bai Yan never once gave Ye Ying a glance. Her focus solely lies with her son which she ended up pinching on the cheek. "Son, the alchemy convention here is too boring, why don"t we go home instead. How about it?"

Giving an obedient nod, Bai Xiachen"s eye glowed with light as he spoke: "But what about Grands.h.i.+fus and them? What are we going to tell them when they ask?"

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