Chapter 294 "Fu Tian Qi (2)"

Unable to resist shooting her mother another glance at being told toleave, Lan Xiaoyun (cousin) in the end returns her head with adetermined look in those eyes: "Alright."

It"s rare, but this time Di Xiao Wan (Di Cang"s sister) and Chi Yi Yi(Holy Land Princess) were very quiet in their demeanor. Silentlyfollowing behind Bai Yan, they didn"t make a single peep during thisperiod.


Once out and at the main hall, Lan Xiaoyun already knew what hercousin wanted to say. It"s abundantly clear to this girl that unlessthey show some force this time around, those people will surely pull outsomething even worse the next time.

“Miss Bai Yan," taking his seat on the master chair, the old lord wasthe first to speak, "If there is something you want to say then pleasego ahead."

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Showing clarity in her eyes, Bai Yan"s voice was both solemn andharsh at the same time: “My aunt is a daughter of your Dong family,there"s no questioning that much. However, we mustn"t forget she"s also adaughter of the Lan family now! She left our home in perfect condition,now she lies in bed and unable to wake, what should we say to that?Even her medicine was fake! I believe your Dong House should give us aproper answer for all this, don"t you agree?"

Going stiff in his old face, Dong Tian Ling (old lord) inexplicablywrinkled his brow before speaking: "Miss Bai Yan, you said it yourself,she"s my daughter so how can I not be worried about her safety? But youmust understand, sometimes one is powerless in front of a situation."

“What a good word of being powerless,” Bai Yan sneered. “The reasonwhy I didn’t make a move against that Fu Bao Yun (shameless woman) isbecause I was hoping your family can give us a proper explanation.Shame, it seems I was wrong. If you won"t do anything then I will do itpersonally!"

Dong Tian Ling"s (old lord) expression can"t be very good after beingso rudely rebuked. However, after the amazing display by the girlearlier, he"s in no position to get angry. Inhaling deeply: "In thefuture I won"t let Ruolan (aunt) be hurt again. Miss Bai Yan, its truewe are in the wrong, but this consists of my family"s internal matter, Ican"t have you interfering…."

His meaning was very obvious. Bai Yan belongs to the Bai House and not a member of the Dong or Lan House.

“Mother, you are a member of the Bai family, how come I don"t know? Ithought we only have the members of the Lan House as relatives?" BaiXiachen"s innocent remark popped up as soon as the old lord finished hisstatement, which directly left the old grandfather in a bind.


“Grandfather,” seeing her grandfather"s expression, Lan Xiaoyun wasthe first to show a dissatisfied face. "What Xiachen said is correct. Mycousin had already been removed from the Bai family"s lineage book soher relations.h.i.+p with my mother is closer than anyone."

If this is the case then this matter won"t be so easy to deal with…. The old lord was still hesitant to throw his own son into the fire. How can he? It"s his own flesh and blood and heir.


It was very sudden, but Old Madam Dong has had it. Tossing her canedown to the ground, she glares at her own husband as she spoke: “DongTian Ling! It"s bad enough that you won"t get justice for my daughter,now you are even hesitating when Xiaoyan and her cousin is here to help?I"m telling you now, if you dare interfering at this point then I willdivorce you! I"m going to take our daughter and leave this place!"

Over the years the pair had always been one of heart, to hearsomething so huge like divorcing one another, it"s not hard to imaginethe rage brewing up inside the old granny.

Showing a wry smile, Dong Tian Ling (old lord) knew he can onlyrelent at this point: "Fine, fine, I"m not going to get involved then.Whatever all of you want to do then go ahead. I will go call thosepeople out."

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