Chapter 440 "Your Man is Here (2)"

“I will give you two choices. First being w.a.n.g Deyuan and w.a.n.g Deyi must leave the w.a.n.g House, never to return to Fairy City again. The second choice… that is, I will do it myself and cripple them!”

For the grandpa down below, either choices were a difficult one so he didn"t know how to respond. But time won"t be on his side today, nor would that powerful aura that"s coming from afar permit it.

“This…” Elder Zeng was stunned after seeing the old figure emerging from the clouds. ” Elder Ren Yi of the Holy Land"s, what is he doing here?"

Unlike the surprised look coming from everyone though, Bai Yan"s second s.h.i.+fu only had panic and fl.u.s.ter in his appearance as he fled over to the woman"s position.

“How come you are here?” Like everyone, Bai Yan also found it strange and shocking.

Perhaps its due to his urgency, or the long distance he traveled, but Ren Yi was unconventional from his usual cool tone. Grasping hard at his student"s shoulder, he blurts out the entire message in one go, “Yan Yan, hurry and run, your man is coming to find you! I… I can’t beat him.”

Ren Yi made his last sentence sounded very shameful like he had no face to show himself before the girl. Then again, they did gang up on Di Cang three to one and still lost.


The crowd was thrust asunder by this bombsh.e.l.l of a news

The elder of the Holy Land… knows Bai Yan? And are closely related?

Moreover, he actually…. cannot beat her man?

Who on earth is her man?

No longer just showing surprise in his eyes, Elder Zeng from the Medicine Sect also revealed panic in that old face.

Among those in the alchemist profession, the deciding factor to one"s status and glory lies solely on their alchemic knowledge and capability.

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And the results… let"s say it was shocking and unbelievable. They were able to show everyone that they"ve become proficient enough to be recognized as seventh rank alchemists!

To be clear, there aren"t many fortunate or skilled enough to reach such heights. Even for the Medicine Sect, there"s only a few very old elders at that stage. Therefore, imagine how ashamed and embarra.s.sed Elder Zeng felt right now knowing the pompous words he spouted earlier.

He would rather dig a hole and stuff himself in there to avoid confronting the world.


“You said… Di Cang came to find me? How did he know I am here?" Still in the air, Bai Yan went from her initial shock on that face to a look of guilt.

“This…” Ren Yi coughs a few times like he"s embarra.s.sed, "It"s your third s.h.i.+fu who inadvertently leaked your whereabouts, it has nothing to do with me and your big s.h.i.+fu."

That"s right, Qiu Shu Rong is always the scapegoat in these cases. Just like any siblings, the youngest always gotta take the blame for anything bad, isn"t that the way things go?



It"s as if their hearts just got ruthless smashed until its been turned to mush. They aren"t deaf. For the woman to call Ren Yi her second s.h.i.+fu could only mean the other two main elders are also her s.h.i.+fu!

Just that, why does it sound like she"s doing the instructing and the opposite is being instructed?

Compared with the shock of the people, w.a.n.g Deyi on the other hand could only be called scared beyond his wits. Their w.a.n.g family may be the gatekeepers of the Misty Fairy House, but at the end of the day, they are merely watchdogs at its core.

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