Affection: Call Of The King

Chapter 6 and will grow in the future.

Yos.h.!.+ It"s been a week. Truthfully speaking I"ve been really busy this week for one reason.

That is why I have an Announcement. After much deliberation, I"ve opened a Patreon account. I won"t go into details here, but for those interested the sticky post about it is . Suffice to say I spent the entire week slaving over the extra content to put on Patreon – which currently amounts to the rest of Chapter 6 and will grow in the future.

As I said I"m not gonna ramble about it here, so just enjoy the following s.m.u.t~

Chapter 6


The man he feared more than anyone was soon in front of his eyes. With a pale face that had lost colour, Takahito"s lips shook.

"How did you…?"

"It"s the "scent"."

Arthur who was dressed in a turtleneck and a long black leather coat answered.

"I came here following the "scent". If it"s your "scent", no matter how many hundreds of yards separate us, I will sense it."

That was the sense of smell of a mature adult…moreover one who was an Alpha.

Those words were in no way an exaggeration.

"It is useless even if you hide."

The moment he heard that force to surrender like low tone from above him, Takahito"s back s.h.i.+vered. With Arthur"s arrival the core of his chilled body once again was wrapped in heat, and that heat was promptly transmitted all over his body.


The exaltation he had felt when he"d been listening to the howling had come back?

In reaction to Arthur"s voice?

Doubting his own abnormal action, shortly thereafter, Takahito suddenly realized.

"Perhaps…that howling earlier…was it you?"



He could not believe that the source of the heartrending beautiful howling had been arrogant tyrant in front of him.

(Even though…it was the first that time my heart has been moved in such a way that I even cried…)

As he was faced with a suspicious gaze, the man asked in return with discouraged expression "Is there any problem?"

"Not a problem, but…"

While the soul moving howling was still ringing in his ears, Takahito continued to speak with hesitation.

"Somehow…it seemed like you were calling someone. Where are you? …answer me now, like that."

Arthur"s gaze slowly narrowed.

"If you knew I was calling, why did you not follow?"

(As I thought he had been calling!)

"Why did you hide?"

"Why…you ask…"Takahito faltered at the inquiry piled upon him.

That, that was because he"d resolved meeting with Arthur was disagreeable to him.

"You probably heard from Eugene that I was coming today?"

Takahito was annoyed by his manner of speaking that made it seem almost like the man wanted to say that no matter how long he"d been waiting, naturally it was his duty to come running once the man called him.

Even if he"d marked him, he was neither that man"s property nor underling. Neither was he a member of their pack.

(Don"t act like you"re my master!)

Takahito glared at the man who was dauntingly standing in his way and lording over him from above.

"It was because I did not want to meet you!"

The end of Arthur"s eyebrow moved with a twitch.


"Because if we met, you would again…"



a.s.sault him. If he was a.s.saulted again, he would probably get pregnant. He was afraid of that.

However, he pulled his lips close unable to speak of it.

Receiving the silently glaring Takahito"s gaze without being swayed, Arthur opened his lips.

"I heard from Eugene, but it seems your body has completely recovered."

His shoulders shook at the low tone of the man"s voice.

Is the man saying since he"s recovered how about it? Had the man waited for a suitable time when he"d recovered to come a.s.sault him again?

(It"s definitely like that…)

Because of the sudden stress his limbs chilled.

Even so, not wanting the man to know of his fear, Takahito deliberately emphasized the glint in his eyes. It was the only resistance left to him now.

As he wondered at Arthur knitting his eyebrows at the defiant look in Takahito"s eyes, the man bent over and grabbed the collar of Takahito"s gown.


He reflexively resisted being made to stand.

"Le…let me go"

He resisted with all his strength, but he was not able to shake off Arthur"s hand.

(Like this…it"s the same as previously. …I"ll be done!)

Driven by his irritation, Takahito bit into Arthur"s hand that was holding the collar of his gown.


Using his eyeteeth he dug in with all his strength.

At the same time as his response of biting his sharp teeth into the hard skin, Arthur clicked his tongue a little bit. The man"s eyes that were raised in surprise glowed with a yellow light. It was just that part that had undergone beastly transformation.

(Did I make him mad?)

Due to the intensity of those beastly eyes his body was paralyzed, and the strength of his jaw slackened. As he released the arm from his mouth, he was lifted up by his seized collar. His body floated a few centimeters above the floor.


Having easily lifted Takahito with one arm, Arthur put their faces in point blank range where the tips of their noses could touch at any moment. The yellow eyes glowed with a piercing light.

"Don"t oppose me."

He threatened in an earth crawling low tone.


(You"re blocking my neck…can"t breathe)

 When he flapped his mouth open and close in need of oxygen, unexpectedly the restraint loosened. Momentarily as Arthur"s arm that had been constricting his neck let go it became easier to breathe.


He was fiercely choked by all the air that had entered his lungs in one go.

"You"re suffering like that, why don"t you learn?"

Arthur threw a question at Takahito who was coughing violently holding a hand against his throat. There was irritation floating in that expression.

"I went easy on you so to not break you, but nevertheless for almost two days you were not able to get out of bed."

As expected, that had been the man going easy on him.

"It"s clear that you learned with your body that it was pointless to resist me. Incorrigibly rising against an opponent one cannot beat is something fools do."

With moist eyes Takahito glared at the man who had lowered his voice with annoyance.

"Maybe I am a fool, but…in comparison with suffering obediently it is…much better."

It went without saying that he realized he was foolish.

The difference in status between him and Arthur, he"d been shown it to a hateful degree the last time.

If it came to choosing the way he was a.s.saulted, the path of him docilely obeying what he was told without biting back would probably end in the least amount of damage. …with his head he understood that it was a struggle in vain.

But, he had at least a tiny little bit of a backbone.

He had pride as a member of the Jinguuji family.

"…if looked at from your side, it probably does seem very small and trivial. But for me it is a matter of having my pride as a man."

Arthur silently looked down at Takahito, who had declared that like a challenge with a flas.h.i.+ng glint in his eye, but before long he opened his mouth.

"Despite having a doll like face, you have a really strong will."


"But, being stout-hearted is not a bad thing."

Muttering as if speaking to himself, just slightly one corner of his mouth rose.


Did …he just…laugh?

Seeing that for the first time - as Takahito was taken off guard by an expression other than irritation, anger and scorn, Arthur continued "Well, it"s what one expects of a good upbringing."

Immediately following that both of his arms were seized, and his body was turned around. One of his arms was twisted up, and his chest strongly pushed against the wall.

Having made him unable to move, Arthur buried his teeth in the back of Takahito"s neck.


On account of what happened earlier his body that had fangs buried into it cringed with fear, but after a little while the place that had been bit into by the sharp points of teeth slowly grew hot.


It wouldn"t take a lot of time for the "heat" that had acc.u.mulated there to change into throbbing ache.


What he was currently feeling was not just simple pain. Yes, there was pain, but grasping the sweet numbness inside that pain, Takahito fluttered both eyes.

More than numbness, it was an ache.

Interlocked with that twinge in the back of his neck, his back began to itch. He had to deliberately fasten close his mouth, it had seemed like he would let out a strange noise.

(…what…happened to me?)

While he was bewildered by a sensation he had not experienced in the past, Arthur untied the belt of Takahito"s gown. Both ends of the belt fell down gently, and the gown opened. Furthermore, the edge of his pyjama top was lifted up and a hand entered under.

The hot palm of the hand touched bare skin, and his body shook in surprise. He wanted to run away, but because Arthur whose left arm was on the left wall was tightly pressing him from behind he could not move.

For a while the insolent right arm moved up and down ma.s.saging his skin, but finally it stopped like it had found its target.


He released a sound octave higher than usual because his nipple was suddenly pinched.

(Wh…why such a thing?)

Without paying attention to the fl.u.s.tered Takahito, Arthur"s long fingers teased the nipple.

The pinched nipple was twisted like a piece of string, the tips squashed and scratched by nails… Moreover, before he noticed the left hand had also joined, giving the same stimulation to the other nipple.

"En…ough. Sto…p"

It was the first time that place was tormented by someone. It was uncomfortable, painful, unpleasant, and Takahito entreated to be released with a face that had turned a deep red. But, of course, Arthur was not the sort of kind man to readily comply with Takahito"s request.

Instead, the more he disliked it the fiercer the movement of the fingers became, he felt like he was filled with heat.

This is the worst. It clearly is, but…

In the beginning there had only been an unpleasant sense of discomfort, but gradually his tormented chest grew tingling numb. Whether it be in reaction to the stimulation, his nipples tightened.

"They"ve …stiffened."

It was breathed into his ear in a tone that seemed to tell the man was feeling his reaction, and the back of his ear fidgeted.

(What…is this feeling?)

Even though this was something he himself was feeling it was…incomprehensible. Unknown.

Arthur once again whispered near the perplexed Takahito"s ear.

"All right, seems your nipples are feeling it."

His voice was somewhat satisfied.

(He said they were "feeling it"? What?)

"It"s easy to understand. …the "scent" has become sweeter."

At the thing that would confuse him even at the best of times being pointed out in such a way his face flushed.

The "scent" was…sweet?

The changes of his body that were not understandable to him, they were understood by Arthur.

That thought was unbearably embarra.s.sing, he felt like running away.

Arthur was also strange.

The previous time he had pragmatically shown interest in only his male genital and back hole.

He hadn"t touched any other place.

There was no point in Arthur who was not gay suddenly playing with Takahito"s nipples.

This was…almost…almost like…a caress.

(Is he…caressing me?)

For argument"s sake even if that was so, Takahito did not understand the reason for giving him caresses.

After all, clearly it was not really necessary to make it feel good.

Since for Arthur this was a task, whether the "breeding" target him felt good or bad, as long as the target was reached, that sort of thing did not really matter…

"Don"t get distracted."

Scolded in an irritated voice, contrary to his intention his protruding nipples were tightly pulled. A current of electricity ran through him.


His twitching body jumped up and down, and was caught from behind by Arthur. He was surrounded by sweet, spicy "scent".


(This "scent"!)

He"d been sensing Arthur"s body scent for a while, but the "scent" he was catching with the tip of his nose right now was considerably stronger in comparison with earlier. The sweetness had also grown.

The moment he inhaled the rich personal scent, his head became dizzy. He had not experienced it even once, but doesn"t getting drunk on alcohol feel like this?

Now Takahito also understood.

A werewolf"s personal scent getting stronger was a sign of desire.

Arthur"s male symbol that was brus.h.i.+ng against his a.s.s was a physical proof of that.

That thing was straining hard and tinged with heat to a degree he could feel the pulsation even over clothing.

Just as he realized that the man was experiencing desire for him, his heart became turbulent.

(I"m a fool)

This is not the time for his heart to go thump.

Again, that will start. The painful, bitter h.e.l.l time…

(I have to run. Somehow…I have to run!)

While he tried to cheer himself up with all his might, this time Arthur"s hand slipped into his pyjama bottom.

The naked s.e.xual organ was gripped by the large hand, and he shuddered.

Without giving Takahito time to resist, Arthur"s hand began to move.

Because of the synergy of his nipples that were still being insistently teased and the direct stimulation of his genital his lower body throbbed.


Sweet breaths spilled from his nose, and his back s.h.i.+vered. His sack also tightly contracted.

Just by stroking it several times, the desire inside of Arthur"s hand all too quickly became erect. As the pyjama pants were lowered to mid-thigh, it jumped out vigorously.

His body had already been made keenly aware of feeling pleasure caused by that man"s hand.


Sickly-sweet sounds continuously escaped from his slightly open lips. By the sticky wet sound that reached him in unison with his own flirtatious voice he realized that he was leaking pre-c.u.m.

If it had come to this, he couldn"t avert his eyes anymore.

To the reality that Arthur"s hands made him feel.

To the reality that he was more excited and worked up than he had ever been.

(…d.a.m.n. Why?)

Like this…it is clear that he feared Arthur.

If he was embraced, he would probably become pregnant with Arthur"s child.

That"s why he had escaped to the bas.e.m.e.nt, and had hidden himself like a mouse.

Although he"d been driven into a corner with no way out, he could not forgive himself who was falling under that clearly hated man"s wiles.


To show at least minimal resistance, he shook his neck left and right.


However, his words of rejection were pitifully powerless.

There was no reason to think he would be able to dispute Arthur with that kind of voice, and the hand that had been tormenting his p.e.n.i.s began to grope around his a.s.s like it was natural. Dipped in the overflowing pre-c.u.m, the finger rubbed it on the narrow wrinkle. The long finger pierced the back hole, and smeared the bodily fluid inside as well.


Maybe because the man had already captured him, he found his sensitive spot extremely easily, and dishevelled him with precise finger movements.

When Takahito"s harshly gasping voice had also grown hoa.r.s.e, Arthur burrowed his fierce desire in Takahito"s appreciated hole.


Takahito dug his nails into the stone wall and endured that shock.

He wanted to refuse the insertion, but he had no means that would let him be able to resist an Alpha in mating season, and slowly he accepted the hard object till the root.

Pus.h.i.+ng all of himself in and out, the man soon began to move. From the start he attacked with impatience that made it hard to breathe.

He was attacked incessantly from behind while standing, and mercilessly penetrated. Whenever he thought the man was about to fully pull out, he pushed in to the deepest part.


In spite of the one-sided action you could call an a.s.sault; the time it took for his body to adjust to the fierce length was remarkably faster than the previous time. He felt the pain fade little by little.

Conversely to the mitigation of the pain, signs of vague pleasure came from that pierced place.

In the beginning it was small, but its presence grew every time he was penetrated.


The first time it happened there had been nothing but pain and suffering. The hard to bear pain and the pleasure that had been drawn out by tormenting his male genital had barely offset each other.

(What is happening…now…)

He was feeling it, despite his p.e.n.i.s not being touched.

His body had begun to feel good from the s.e.x that connected places that naturally should not be connected.

As he realized that, his erection that had withered from the shock of insertion faced upwards again, and love fluids spilled from the tip.

Wet sounds came from their joined part, and fanned his own flirtatious voice that echoed in the bas.e.m.e.nt.

In a corner of his mind alarm bells reverberated.

He couldn"t allow himself to be washed away.

Despite one part of him screaming that…

Even though he knew he could not stay like this, he could not stop the part of him that was drowning in carnality.

His heart and body was split, and he became disconnected. He could not unify himself anymore.

Arthur"s breathing behind him also became rougher, and rapidly his movement became more severe. That fierceness also made Takahito"s breathing feeble.


Due to the almost carefully aimed like thrusting, he was being uplifted somewhere "higher". He did not concretely know where that "higher" was. He himself did not know what he was going towards, but intuitively he understood that he had stepped into an unknown territory.

(What? This, what is…)

While he was fl.u.s.tered as well, the pressure grew in fierceness. Like he would be blown away if he was not clinging to the wall.

There was light behind his eyes, and his head hazily whited out.


Arthur"s hand turned to the front, and clasped the wet length. While he hit his sensitive place in short bursts, he stroked the organ up and down rhythmically, causing Takahito to be tossed around by the two types of pleasure brought about from both the front and behind.


He could no longer restrain his voice.


When he released an immodest noise and clang to the wall, a noticeably heavier thrust was pushed into him. Right away his body fell into a floating like illusion. The floating sensation felt like he"d become weightless.


As Takahito exclaimed in a strung-out voice and bent his body sharply, he was tightly embraced by Arthur. While being held in his arms, Takahito was deeply pushed into two, three times.


Having stopped in Takahito"s deepest place, Arthur shuddered. A moment later he burst inside of Takahito.


Bodily fluid with a temperature that had almost reached boiling was poured inside, and he convulsed. As he shook repeatedly, Arthur once again embraced him tightly.

Inside of his body he could feel Arthur"s masculine root jumping about. Jumping about vigorously it copiously released seed in intermittence.


After 30 seconds or a minute, as Takahito remained dazed while still connected, Arthur who was behind him sighed deeply. He slowly pulled out from Takahito"s body.

Before Takahito could fall on his knees and collapse on the floor in exhaustion, he was supported by Arthur.

Inside of those burly arms he vacantly ruminated over the strange sensation he had just experienced.

(What was that…just now?)

His body had softly risen; it had felt like he"d been floating in mid-air.

"…you came?"

Recognizing Arthur"s voice near his ear, he exclaimed in surprise, and turned his face towards his back. There he met a pair of amber eyes.

In the man"s face there was a sense of accomplishment that had not been there before.

"Just now…"

"Just now you came with your behind."

(Came? He means I reached o.r.g.a.s.m?)

"You"re lying…"

"I"m not. Take a look yourself."

Prompted, he once again turned back to the front. He could see cloudy liquid scattered on the stone wall.

(This…is mine?)

In other words - just now he had reached climax by a.n.a.l s.e.x…?

As he was suddenly overcome with surprise without being able to believe it, Arthur whispered in a conqueror"s voice.

"This is proof that the "Eve" inside of you has awoken."

"…the "Eve" has?"

"Try to remember the feeling just now."

The moment he shook his shoulders at the arrogant p.r.o.nouncement, he felt something strange on his legs.

When he realized that the true ident.i.ty of the strange feeling was the sensation of Arthur"s s.e.m.e.n traveling down his thighs, he received a shock.

Just now he had been filled with so much male s.e.m.e.n it had overflowed, and dripped out.

(Pregnant…I"ve probably become pregnant…)

With a feeling of having fallen into a pool of despair, Takahito could only s.h.i.+ver.

Somebody"s learned the taste of nanshoku…muhamuha

By the way, I have to apologize to the people who"ve asked about re-translation. I"ve seen all the e-mails, but they keep slipping my mind. Also as for this novel I vaguely remember giving someone else permission to re-translate it, but it seems they haven"t done it. I"ll sort it out at some point. Again my apologies.

Anyways, on a side note, as I said previously I"ve translated the rest of Chapter 6 for Patreon, so there"s only chapter 7 left. It"s about 40 pages long, so as you can see We"ll be done very soon. Considering that I will be making another poll together with the next update to decide on the next project. This will include the continuation of this book and other books, if people would rather see something else.

But that"s that. As for next update, it will be out in a week at the latest as per my promise on Patreon.

For those not interested in Patreon, you can also support me on ko-fi! Since I"m taking this seriously, I"ve set a goal that would benefit all readers – a translation frenzy, where when the goal is met, I would set aside a week to entirely dedicate to translating as many pages as I can every single day. The goal is set pretty high, but that"s because it"s something that is very exhausting, so I can"t do it too often.

– – Next Part

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