Hah, I said a week or so and here I am…for once.

This is where the s**t gets real. The s.m.u.t is pretty Non-con. But still hot. So take heed.

In other news, I"ve started editing my other story Secret Nights In The Inner Palace, and plan to put it up as a PDF or maybe even an EPUB if I can figure that stuff out. It will have more footnotes, stuff like the meanings of Kanji in all characters names and so on. I"ve been planning to edit the thing for forever, so that"s why I hadn"t made a pdf before. The only thing I"m not sure about yet is how to best host it for people to download, haven"t done that before really.

Anyways, enjoy the s.m.u.t, you pervs~



He wondered how long he had been unconscious.

Feeling a chill on his skin, Takahito"s body shook with a twitch. The previous overwhelming feeling had disappeared. What he felt instead was the piercing cold of the floor.

Eventually, he realized that he was laying on the marble floor completely in the nude.

(I turned…back into a human?)

As expected, three days after a new moon his transformation did not last for long it seemed.


Jeering, the moment he wanted to quickly get up, the back of his neck was firmly grasped. The large hand applied pressure, and his face was once again pressed into the floor. His cheekbone hit the floor, and stinging pain ran through him.


At Takahito"s protest, an indifferent, low voice came from above.

"Don"t misunderstand."

It was Arthur"s voice. He had also turned back into a human.

"You have no right to veto this."


"You have only two choices. Either you die here, or you give birth to my child."

Takahito"s body s.h.i.+vered at the detached tone of voice. It was not just because of the coldness of the floor.

It was because this was the first time since birth he felt close to "death".

Previously he had keenly realised the difference in strength between him and the man.

It goes without saying that the werewolf Arthur, but also the human Arthur, could probably easily bring about his death.

If the man felt inclined as such, it was possible for him to break his break in a moment.

Slowly but steadily sweat poured from his pores, making his skin wet.

He had lost his final chance to escape, and now his life was in the hands of this despotic English werewolf.

One of two choices.

Live and be disgraced, or choose to die in this place.

If he chose death, he would not be able to return to j.a.pan. He would not be able to see his family again. He would also not be able to see Tachibana or Michiru either.

He would die without knowing love, or having met his "bondmate"…

He felt as if his body was under the control of ice cold despair.


There were still things about this world he did not know.

Places he has not gone to. Scenery he has not seen. Books he has not read.

There were a lot of things he wanted to know, and to experience.

He did not want to be secretly killed in a foreign country without having known all of that.

(I don"t want to die.)

While he thought about dying, his attachment to life he had not been aware of until now gradually got stronger.

If he died, that was the end.

If he now chose death, he would be personally relinquis.h.i.+ng his hope of returning to j.a.pan and seeing his family.

Moreover, if he died, it was likely Arthur would go after his mother.

Trying to prevent that, his father would be at risk as well.

"We will kill your father."

Recalling Wolfgang"s seething state, Takahito s.h.i.+vered. His family"s death was scarier to him than his own death.

(My family dying…I will not let that happen.)

Even if he was s.e.xually a.s.saulted, it was not a given he would conceive like Arthur desired.

He was probably not an "Eve". For argument"s sake, even if he was an "Eve", he had not yet feminized. It was clear he would not immediately get pregnant.

If he patiently endured this, and somehow got through it, at some point an opportunity for escape would probably come around.

(Since it has come to this, I have no choice but to bet on this possibility.)

As if sensing that Takahito had accepted his fate, Arthur loosened the pressure on his neck. Grabbing both of his arms, he was pulled from the floor. Immediately after he realized his body was floating, Takahito was put over Arthur"s shoulder.


With the heaven and earth turning upside down, blood climbed to his head.

"Le…let me go!"

Kicking his legs, he frantically floundered trying to escape.

However. "Don"t make noise," Arthur reprimanded in a thundering voice, and smacked his naked a.s.s.


Walking with a steady gait, in a few steps Arthur arrived at the bed and threw Takahito on it.


Falling on the sheets face up, Takahito utilized the bounciness of the mattress to turn his body around. Standing on all fours, he tried to get off the bed, but his ankle was grabbed from behind, and he was suddenly and forcefully pulled back. His body that had fallen prostrate with a jerk slipped on top of the sheets.


"Don"t struggle."

The man"s low tone was mixed with the clicking of his tongue, but it did not mean he would respond obediently.

Although he had resolved himself that this was better than death, a disagreeable thing is still a disagreeable thing. Naturally, no matter what he had decided he could not just follow along willingly.

  "Let…let me go…"

Even though he knew he was struggling in vain, Takahito raised his voice to demand his release, but then behind him he heard the sound of fabric being ripped. In a flash Takahito looked over his shoulder and his eyes captured the sight of Arthur tearing the corner of the sheets with his sharp eye-tooth. When he had torn a strip from the sheet, Arthur tied Takahito"s right ankle he had grasped with the fabric, and tied it to one of the vertical columns that held up the canopy.

"Wha…what are you doing?"

He impatiently pulled the tied leg, but the piece of fabric only tightened. Rather, the more he moved, the more the piece of fabric bit into his skin and pressed on him.

He bent his body and tried to undo the knot, but because on top of it being tightly tied Takahito was in a hurry, it didn"t succeed.

"I"m doing this because you don"t know when to give up."


While Takahito grappled with the knot, Arthur was again tearing the sheets. Brandis.h.i.+ng the torn sheets, he moved on the bed. Dreading the man approaching him from behind, Takahito yelled "Don"t come closer!" But, of course, that sort of thing could not stop Arthur.

His hands were seized from behind, and pressed against his back. He rocked his body to resist, but it was easily sidestepped, and his wrists were tied together with the cut-off piece of the sheets.

Like this he could not use one of his legs and both arms. He was completely driven into a corner.

(I…can"t escape now.)

His body"s temperature fell suddenly, and he felt the core of his body growing cold.

Rolling on the sheets with both of his hands tied behind his back, Takahito looked up at Arthur who was sitting on his knees at Takahito"s feet.

The man"s clothes had been torn during the transformation, so like Takahito he was naked.

As the perfection of that body was once again reflected in his line of sight, Takahito"s throat got stuck [1] momentarily.

[1] 喉が鳴るSo, apparently this means "seeing tasty food in front of you, your appet.i.te rises". Literally, it reads as something like "your throat rings", so you can think of it as getting thirsty, if you know what I mean…wink…wink

Wide shoulders and two st.u.r.dy arms. Profound pectoral muscles. Beautifully sculpted abdominal muscles. A tight rear. Muscular long legs.

The shadow play of solid muscles was breathtakingly beautiful, and in spite of the situation he was in, Takahito was fascinated by it for a brief moment.


He was overwhelmed by the statue like physical beauty of the man, an Anglo-Saxon, and moreover a shapes.h.i.+fter.

There was a big difference between the man and the meagre him who had little flesh on his body.

Just like earlier with their wolf forms, in human forms as well it was the difference between an adult and a child.

[t.n. Sorry, hun. I think this one should be blamed on you being an uke rather than you being young. Remember your bigger seme-ish twin brother? Yea, you ain"t gonna get bigger, hun~]

In the underbrush that started from the navel, in that nether region there was yet no sign of change. He did not know whether Arthur"s natural s.e.xual disposition was normal or not, but nevertheless he knew that the man did not immediately have a reaction upon seeing him naked.

However, even though it was not erect, its size gave him a big enough impact.

When this changed, how big would it become?

s.h.i.+vering, he got gooseb.u.mps just by imagining it.

(I beg of you, please don"t get a reaction…)

Arthur turned Takahito who was in a praying sort of mental state around on his stomach. Takahito turned his head sideways to ensure he could breathe, while his left shoulder blade was pressed down firmly.

After Arthur had completely disabled his movement like that, a finger was inserted in the seam of his b.u.t.tocks.

As the place he himself seldom touched was caressed by a fingertip, his hips sprang up with a start.

"Sto…stop it!"

He yelled in a loud voice, but Arthur did not hesitate even for a bit and poked around by moving his fingers as if he was exploring the narrow juncture. Having somebody else touch his back hole was nothing but uncomfortable. The unpleasant feeling only grew stronger and he shook his body to try to get away, but his immobilised body only twitched and did not move.

"Sto…stoop….don"t touch…ahh"

Abruptly, he was completely penetrated by the finger, and he unconsciously cried out. Takahito reflexively tightened his a.n.u.s, trying to prevent any further invasion. As Arthur tried to force him open, and Takahito desperately rejected him, their now advancing and now retreating battle continued.

"H…hurts…take it…take it out!"

"…as I thought, it"s quite narrow."

As the finger repeatedly tried to invade him Takahito heard such a pondering murmur, and then the finger was taken out. The hand pressing on his shoulder-blade also let go.

He felt Arthur getting off the bed. In silence he went towards the door. It was a different door than the one the three men had exited earlier, the fact of which that there was another door, Takahito realized only now. He had been that much lacking presence of mind. At the same time as Arthur disappeared behind the other side of the door, Takahito sighed.

In any case, he would probably soon return, but for the present his stiff body relaxed.

(I have to calm down.)

Even if he could not run away, he had to figure out a way to mitigate the damage even a little bit. In view of how he had fumbled around in the process earlier, perhaps for Arthur this was his first time with a male partner as well.

In other words, his s.e.xual orientation was normal. The fact that he showed no interest in his flat chest and male organ also appeared as proof that the man was of normal s.e.xuality.

[t.n. I think normal isn"t the right way to say it, but that"s the word they use in the novel.]

Naturally he only had s.e.xual interest towards women, but as was his duty as the leader he had to have s.e.x with Takahito who was a man no matter what.

If he a.s.sumed that, there was still hope. That was because when push comes to shove there was still the possibility that the man wouldn"t be able to get hard.

No matter if it was the breeding season, it was clear that the walls of s.e.xual ident.i.ty were high. He had a feeling they were not so easy to surmount. Actually, Arthur did not at all look like he was enjoying the situation.

Undergoing the process in a business-like manner with an expressionless face like he was shutting out all emotion, Arthur did not convey the excitement of a male beast about to copulate as all Takahito could perceive was a sense of duty.

(That"s right. After all, the guy doesn"t really want to do it with me.)

While he embraced that tiny hope the door opened, and Arthur returned. When Takahito lifted his head and peeped at him, he saw something like a plastic bottle in his hand.

He did not know what it was, but for some reason or another he had a bad hunch.

"Hey," pressing down his impatience and anxiety, Takahito called out to Arthur who had climbed upon the bed again.

"You don"t really want to do this, right? It"s clear you"re not interested in me, a man."


Arthur did not answer, but to Takahito it seemed like affirmation. Clinging to the ray of hope that had arisen, he tried to persuade.

"Even if you forcibly embrace me, it"ll be useless. I"m not "Eve", so I won"t conceive your child."

"You are "Eve"."

Arthur a.s.serted in a firm tone, and Takahito grew indignant.

"How do you know that?"

"I can tell."

He declared in a tone of voice filled with confidence.

Why was he so full of confidence?

Something that even Takahito who was the person in question did not know, how could a complete stranger say that with such conviction?

(I don"t understand.)

While he still felt bewildered, Arthur continued to speak.

"However, indeed, you"re not mature. Right now, you"re not an "Eve" yet."

He was not yet an "Eve".

Hearing those words he felt considerably relived. No matter what he had not been able to accept the fact that he was an "Eve".

However, his relief lasted only a moment.

"That"s why I will awaken the "Eve" inside of you."

Instantly Arthur"s amber eyes were filled with heat like they had been ignited.

With a firm gaze carrying a sense of duty, he gazed straight down at Takahito.

"I will change you."


At the ominous proclamation, Takahito"s temples twitched.

That"s what? What did he mean by "awaken"?

(No way…I don"t want to be changed!)

Caught by a vague sense of fear, he unconsciously shook his body left and right. However, the bindings tying his hands did not loosen no matter what, only making the fabric bit into his right ankle. His only free left ankle flapped around.


"Stop that meaningless resistance. It"s useless even if you resist."

Dropping down that in an admonis.h.i.+ng tone, Arthur put his fingers in the seam of Takahito"s a.s.s, and suddenly and forcefully spread it open.


As that private part even he did not know the particulars of was bared, his body flared up with heat. Furthermore, he felt an appraising gaze on that unknown place.

(N…no. Don"t look.)

As if in reaction to the gaze, his back felt itchy, and all over his body slowly but steadily sweat poured from his pores.

It was a place he had not shown anybody since he had become old enough to grasp what"s happening around him.

The place even he himself had not seen was being completely bared open by a man he had just met…

Rather, it was much more bitter to be stared at so deliberately than it was to be directly touched.

He felt like he was being ogled.

Being compelled into feeling so fervently shamed, this was the first time since he was born.

(His gaze…is hot.)

Some way or another, it felt embarra.s.sing.

"Stop! Don"t look!"

Even though he raised his voice he was completely ignored, and before long a thick liquid was dribbled on his exposed hole. Softly, a herbal scent rose up.


"It"s oil."

Arthur answered brusquely, plastering the herbal oil in between Takahito"s a.s.s-cheeks. The finger that followed the slippery narrow path pressed on the opening as if wondering how to start. Takahito"s hips sprang up nervously.

Added again and again, the oil spilled along the crack of his a.s.s, wetting even his bush and the sheets.

(It feels bad…)

He grimaced at the unpleasant sensation, and the finger slowly sank in.

As if the previous hard fight had been a lie, borrowing the slipperiness of the oil, it rapidly entered inside. Even though he put more strength into his sphincter muscles, he could not stop it.


Takahito fell into a panic. The sensation of a foreign thing entering his body, it was the first time he felt something that caused him such anxiety.

It was scary. It felt bad. No.

Unconsciously, his lower body tried to escape. Like wolves claw at the ground with their hind legs, he scratched at the sheets with his toes.

"Don"t move!"

At the thundering roar, Takahito drew back his body in fear.

"If you move around clumsily, I may injure you inside."


He was used to things like cutting his skin, but his body"s "inside" was a part he could not see, so the fear increased all the more.

Arthur pinned down the frozen Takahito with one hand, and began to move his finger. Just as he thought the man had slowly inserted the finger to the base, he slowly pulled it out.

Furthermore, he rotated the finger, rubbed and scratched.


At the unpleasant feeling that turned his insides, a feeling of nausea gradually rose from his stomach, and a groan spilled out.

In the beginning he had not understood what Arthur was doing, but before long he realized that these was preparations for receiving Arthur himself.

(This is bad.)

Cold sweat covered his forehead, and it grew hazy and dark in front of his eyes. The physically uncomfortable feeling of his r.e.c.t.u.m being stirred and the mental humiliation became a jumble, and his consciousness grew faint.

He could only wish that he was having a nightmare.

Just a few days ago he had been surrounded by his family, friends and cla.s.smates, spending his days in tranquility.

Then, when he had suddenly opened his eyes he was in UK and now he was about to be a.s.saulted by a werewolf.

Besides receiving such humiliation, he was being coerced into s.e.x, and in the end he would be "filled with seed".

As a result, if he was unlucky he would probably become pregnant with this arrogant werewolf"s child.

He had considered it better than dying, but maybe dying would be better?

Then something happened while such m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic thoughts were crossing his head.


A feeble electric current ran from the place Arthur had touched with his fingertip, and his hips involuntarily sprang up.

"Wha…t? What…why…aaaaahhh"

While he was voicing his bewilderment, once again an electric current ran through his spine. Having nothing to do with his own will his hips twitched then trembled.


Without knowing the true ident.i.ty of the electric current that reached till the crown of his head, Takahito blinked both of his eyes.

(What? Why were his hips moving of their own accord?)

"It seems like it is "here"."

The same time as Arthur spoke as if he had obtained confirmation of something, he rubbed in circles with his finger.

"Hii, aaaa…."

The rubbed place went numb just like if it had been pressed against an electrode, and the seam of his a.r.s.e also convulsed repeatedly.

"It has swollen."

Every time he rubbed with his finger carefully aiming for "that place", an itchy feeling was born.


Feverish gasps spilled from his slightly open mouth.

Just like it had been generated in the central part of his body - it was so hot.

His throat was parched, there was a numb tingling sensation in the corner of his eyes, and a membrane of tears was faintly stuck to his eyes.

(What…is this?)

In the corner of his mind he vaguely thought that he recognized this sensation. However, his train of thought was caught in a stupor, and he could not recall what it was.

Arthur bent his body, and put his lips near the back of Takahito"s ear.

"…it has loosened."

The back of his neck that was breathed on broke out in goose b.u.mps.


Ripples rose on his back, and his male organ that was touching the sheets twitched and had a reaction. Suddenly his abdomen grew hot.


With things having come to this, Takahito finally came to understand what that "sensation" he had been experiencing since earlier was.


The way the man moved his fingers gave him pleasure.

Because realizing it with his head and his feelings were different things, some words unintentionally slipped from his mouth "…no way!"

He could not believe it. No, he did not want to believe it.

He did not want to accept what he felt as a finger was thrust into that place, and it was sloppily tampered with.

"No way…no way."

Even as he repeated it his abdomen tightened, and the lying on one"s face posture became painful. His hips rose up impatiently, and as a result, he ended up posed in such a way that his b.u.t.t was sticking out.


A clear liquid overflowed from the tip of his desire that had changed shape, quickly stretching out on the sheets. As Arthur played with his a.s.shole, he also reached out his hand to Takahito"s front. He clasped the erect p.e.n.i.s, and slowly stroked it up and down.


A loose pleasant feeling oozed from the stroked p.e.n.i.s, and wet gasps spilled from his mouth. His abdomen throbbed eagerly, and his pushed out a.s.s shook back and forth.

It was the first time somebody else"s hand had caressed his genitalia, but the degree of pleasure could not be compared with his own shoddy masturbation.

Moreover, the size of the hand was different, as well as the skin texture. The same went for the strength used and the places that were stimulated.

The unexpected places were caressed in an unforeseen way as Takahito felt fervently excited at the fresh sensations.

"…the "scent" has gotten stronger."

Arthur breathed into Takahito"s ear. A faint enchantment could be perceived from his low tone that up until earlier had not let his emotions to peep through.


Takahito repeated like he was talking in delirium.

"You"re s.e.xually excited."

Takahito refrained that somewhat satisfied murmur in his heat addled mind.

(s.e.xually excited? Me?)

He had not quite felt the feeling form, but that which he felt currently, he knew that it was different than the vague sensation he had been experiencing previously.

Unnoticed, the amount of fingers that were stirring his body had grown to two, and his wet member was stroked by a large palm; these two types of concentrated pleasure ate at his whole body. The almost poison like stickily sweet sensuality stole his body"s freedom.


Agitated by the resounding wet sound, his eyes dampened and sickly-sweet long breaths escaped from his nose.


He already had no choice but to accept it.

That which…he currently felt.

The strange pleasure he felt that overwrote every pleasant feeling he had known up until now.

(I"m melting…dissolving…)

"You"ve come undone quite a bit."

Talking to himself Arthur pulled out his fingers. The creases that had lost the foreign object undulated in loneliness. Shame filled Takahito"s heart at the selfish squirming.

"It"ll be time soon."

As Takahito absentmindedly thought about what it would be "time" for, Arthur untied the knot on his right ankle, and turned Takahito over.

The male face opposite him held a different expression than the one in his memories.

A prominent brow and a high nose bridge, arrogant eyebrows, thick lips - the structure of the face was the same, however, something was different.

Before long he realized that it was his eyes.

In his eyes that had been as cool as a lake"s surface in winter now flickered a flame of desire.

The masculine face that was overflowing with pa.s.sion made his heartbeat jump.

Immediately after, his sense of smell caught an enticing "scent".


He had felt it when they had first crossed paths, it was the spicy "scent" that contained a stinging stimulus within its sweetness.

The "scent" was drifting from Arthur. As expected, it had to be the man"s body odour?

As he inhaled the unique personal scent, his head grew dizzy as if he had gotten drunk on the "scent"…

Having abandoned himself to the comfortable intoxication, Takahito"s legs were clasped by Arthur and spread widely.


Shocked by that, Takahito came to his senses.

The suddenly wide eyed Takahito gasped at the ferocious, erect symbol of masculinity that was within his view.

When he had seen it last time, there had been almost no reaction.

Unnoticed, it had transformed to a size that could be mistaken for a lethal weapon.

Even though it was terrifying he could not take his eyes of it, and as he stared at the sinister region between Arthur"s legs, his legs were spread even farther, bending his body. Before his brain could catch up with what the man was about to do, the tip was put against the place that had just recently been vacated by the fingers.

His heart unprepared, without warning he was pierced by the lethal weapon.


At the shock of something that exceeded the capacity of his body being pushed in, the hair all over his body stood up. Suddenly cold sweat poured out from all of his pores.

The pleasure that had been melting his body just now vanished in a moment, and his whole body was overtaken by the pain he had experienced at the beginning. From the place which had been forced open, it felt like his body had become disconnected.


No longer having the composure to act brave, Takahito cried and shouted in a loud voice.

"Ta…take…take it out…"

Even at the supplication that had a touch of shrieking, the man did not falter.

Arthur let Takahito cry and scream, unperturbed, as if he was willing him to accept that this was his duty, the man pushed his body forwards.


His arms tied and his legs clasped forcefully, there was no way left for Takahito to hold back the invasion of the man who carried the fate of his family on his shoulders.

It was slow going, but the length was driven in soundly. Slowly but steadily it opened up his body.

When the whole member was buried in, Takahito had no energy or willpower left, but Arthur was merciless.

As if saying now it"s time for actual s.e.x, he began to move.


At last, the "mating" had begun.


Oksies. There"s still 10 more pages in the chapter, but this is where it cut off, so that"s that. The 10 pages are a bit wordy, but I"ll try to finish them in a few days.

Also, thank you everyone for the congratulations, made me feel all fluffy~

Anyways, see ya soon^.~

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