"Found it in the car," he said. "How are the youngsters anyhow?"

"Adorable!" said Carrie, and flung the rattle into the house.

Roger came straight to me and took both my hands.

"Upon my word, Clara," he said, "this is more luck than I ever expected again. Do you remember the last time we were all here together?"

"Of course I do." He was still holding my hands and I felt rather silly.

But the others had paired off instantly and no one was paying any attention.

"I was almost suicidal that last evening. You--you had just told me, you know."

I withdrew my hands. When a man is being sentimental I like him to be accurately sentimental. It had been a full month after that house party, at a dance Carrie gave, that I had told him of my engagement to Bill.

However, I said nothing and took a good look at Roger. He was wonderful.

Why is it that married men lose their boyishness, and look smug and sleek and domesticated almost before the honeymoon is over? Roger stood there with his hat in his hand and the hot noon sun shining on him. And he hadn"t changed a particle, except that his hair was grey over his ears and maybe a bit thinner. He was just as eager, just as boyish, just as lean as he"d ever been. And positively he was handsomer than ever.

Bill is plain. He is large and strong, of course, but he says himself his face must have been cut out with an axe. "Rugged and true," he used to call himself. But lately, in spite of golf, he had put on weight.

Well, to get on.

Luncheon was gay. Everyone sat beside the person he wanted to sit beside, and said idiotic things, and Peter Arundel insisted on feeding Alice"s strawberries to her one by one. n.o.body talked bills or the high cost of living. Roger is a capital _raconteur_, and we laughed until we wept over his stories. I told some of Bill"s stock jokes and they went with a hurrah. At three o"clock we were still at the table, and when Carrie asked the men if they wanted to run over to the Country Club for a couple of hours of golf Wilbur Bayne put the question to a vote and they voted "No" with a roar.

I remember that Harry Delaney said a most satisfactory thing just as luncheon was over.

"It"s what I call a real party," he said. "After a man is thirty or thereabouts he finds debutantes still thrilling, of course, but not restful. They"re always wanting to go somewhere or do something. They"re too blooming healthy. The last week-end I spent I danced until 4 A. M.

and was wakened at seven-thirty by a fair young flower throwing gravel through my open window and inviting me to a walk before breakfast!"

"Anyone seen about the place before eleven to-morrow morning," said Carrie, "will be placed under restraint. For one thing, it would make the servants talk. They"re not used to it."

So far so good. I"ll confess freely that if they"d let me alone I"d never have thought of getting even. But you know Carrie Smith. She has no reserves. And she had to tell about my party and the way the husbands behaved.

"Don"t glare, Clara," she said. "Your house is nice and your food and drink all that could be desired. But it was not a hilarious party, and I"ll put it up to the others."

Then and there she told about the swimming and the golf and the knitting. The men roared. She exaggerated, of course. Bill did not go to sleep at dinner. But she made a good story of it, and I caught Roger"s eye fixed on me with a look that said plainly that he"d always known I"d made a mistake, and here was the proof.

We went out into the garden and sat under a tree. But soon the others paired off and wandered about. Roger and I were left alone, and I was boiling.

"Don"t look like that, little girl," said Roger, bending toward me. "It hurts me terribly to--to think you are not happy."

He put a hand over mine, and at that moment Alice Warrington turned from a rosebush she and Peter were pretending to examine, and saw me. She raised her eyebrows, and that gave me the idea. I put my free hand over Roger"s and tried to put my soul into my eyes.

"Don"t move," I said. "Hold the position for a moment, Roger, and look desperately unhappy."

"I am," he said. "Seeing you again brings it all back. Are they looking?

Shall I kiss your hand?"

I looked over. Alice and Peter were still staring.

"Bend over," I said quickly, "and put your cheek against it. It"s more significant and rather hopeless. I"ll explain later."

He did extremely well. He bent over pa.s.sionately until his head was almost in my lap, and I could see how carefully his hair was brushed over a thin place at the crown. Thank goodness, Bill keeps his hair anyhow!

"How"s this?" he said in a m.u.f.fled voice.

"That"s plenty." I"d made up my mind, and I meant to go through with it.

But I felt like a fool. There"s something about broad daylight that makes even real sentiment look idiotic.

He sat up and looked into my eyes.

"There are times," he said, raising his voice, "when I feel I can"t stand it. I"m desperately--desperately unhappy, Clara."

"We must make the best of things," I said, and let my eyes wander toward Alice and Peter. They had turned and were retreating swiftly through the garden.

"Now," said Roger, sitting back and smoothing his hair, "what"s it all about?"

So I told him and explained my plan. Even now, when I never want to see him again, I must admit that Roger is a sport. He never turned a hair.

"Of course I"ll do it. It isn"t as hard as you imagine. Our meeting like this revives the old fire. I"m mad about you, recklessly mad, and you"re crazy about me. All right so far. But a thing like that won"t throw much of a crimp into Carrie. Probably she expects it."

"To-night," I explained, "we"ll be together, but silent and moody. When we smile at their nonsense it is to be a forced smile. We"re intent on ourselves. Do you see? And you might go to Carrie after dinner and tell her you think you"ll go. You can"t stand being near me. It"s too painful. I"ll talk to one of the men too."

He looked rather uncomfortable.

"Oh, I wouldn"t do that, Clara. They wouldn"t understand."

"Not about you," I retorted coldly. "I"ll merely indicate that Bill and I aren"t hitting it off, and that a woman has a right to be happy. Then, when things happen, they"ll remember what I said."

He turned round his wicker chair so that he faced me.

"When things happen?" he said. "What things?"

"When we elope to-morrow night," I replied.

I"m not defending myself. Goodness knows I"ve gone through all that. I am merely explaining. And I think Roger deserves part of the blame, but of course the woman always suffers. If he had only been frank with me at the time it need never have happened. Besides, I"ve been back to that bridge again and again, and with ordinary intelligence and a hammer he could have repaired it. It is well enough for him to say he didn"t have a hammer. He should have had a hammer.

At the mention of an elopement Roger changed colour, but I did not remember that until afterward. He came up to scratch rather handsomely, when he was able to speak, but he insisted that I write the whole thing to Bill.

"I can tell him afterward," I protested.

"That won"t help me if he has beaten me up first. You write him to the office, so he"ll get it Monday morning when he gets back from the game.

If anything should slip up you"re protected, don"t you see? Tell him it"s a joke and why we"re doing it. I--I hope Bill has kept his sense of humor."

Well, it looked simple enough. We were to act perfectly silly and moonstruck all the rest of that day and Sunday until we had them all thoroughly worried. Then on Sunday night we were to steal Wallie"s car and run away in it. The through train stops at a station about four miles away, at eleven-fourteen at night, and we were to start that way and then turn around and go to mother"s.

We planned it thoroughly, I must say. Roger said he"d get one of the fellows to cash a check for all the money he had about him. They"d be sure to think of that when Carrie got my note. And I made a draft of the note then and there on the back of an old envelope from Roger"s pocket.

We made it as vague as possible.

"Dear Carrie," it ran, "by the time you receive this I shall be on my way to happiness. Try to forgive me. I couldn"t stand things another moment. We only live one life and we all make mistakes. Read Ellen Key and don"t try to follow me. I"m old enough to know my own mind, and all you have been saying this last few days has convinced me that when a chance for happiness comes one is a fool not to take it. Had it not been for you I should never have had my eyes opened to what I"ve been missing all this time. I have wasted my best years, but at last I am being true to myself. CLARA."

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