Looking at the slightly stunned expression of Li Suwan, Li Zhizhi sincerely said, “Sister Wan’er, I understand your concerns. You’re afraid that now that I’ve been conferred the t.i.tle of Princess, Mother and Brother Xingzhi will come to flatter me and neglect you. But sister, there’s no need to worry too much. I won’t compete with you for anything. Whether it’s Mother or Brother Xingzhi, they will always be your family. Since I willingly gave way to you before, why would I compete now?”

She paused for a moment and smiled again, “If Sister Wan’er still has concerns, I can write a statement.”

“No need!” Li Xingzhi immediately stopped her, his expression complicated. He said to Li Suwan, “Zhizhi doesn’t mean that. Don’t misunderstand her.”

Li Suwan was at a loss for words and wanted to say something, but couldn’t argue. She could only cry and say, “I didn’t, Brother, I didn’t misunderstand her…”

Li Xingzhi interrupted her, “So, you weren’t really unwell today, right?”

Li Suwan’s face changed slightly. The room was scattered with various objects. Who, when feeling unwell, had the energy to throw a tantrum and break things? It could only be said that Li Suwan did it intentionally to vent her dissatisfaction.

With things at this point, Li Zhizhi was too lazy to continue watching their sibling drama. She left Ziteng Court and returned to Shuyue Pavilion. Haitang and Grandma w.a.n.g were standing in the corridor, talking. When they saw her coming in, they were pleasantly surprised and hurriedly greeted her.


“Oh, Miss is back.”

Since returning to the Li residence until now, Li Zhizhi finally showed the first genuine smile. Holding Grandma w.a.n.g’s hand, she affectionately said, “Grandma, it’s been a while. How’s your health?”

“Good, good!” Grandma w.a.n.g said with a smile on her face, “This old woman’s legs are still strong, just don’t know how the young lady is doing? Are you comfortable living in the Grand Princess’s mansion?”

“I’m fine too,” Li Zhizhi smiled, “Just sometimes I miss you all.”

“Oh,” Grandma w.a.n.g couldn’t stop smiling, “Thank you to the young miss for not despising me and still thinking about my old bones. It’s just a pity that I can’t be with you to take care of you.”

This time when Li Zhizhi came back, the Grand Princess also had her bring many maids from the Grand Princess’s mansion. Since there were no specific orders, they were waiting outside and ready to obey any commands.

Grandma w.a.n.g glanced at them and couldn’t help but sigh, “Young lady’s style is becoming more and more impressive. It seems that the Grand Princess treats you really well, and this old woman can rest a.s.sured.”

As they chatted, they walked into the house together. Li Zhizhi suddenly felt something was wrong, looked around, and asked, “Where’s Yulan? Why don’t I see her?”

If it were any other day, that girl would have come running out already. However, today, there was no sign of her, which was quite unusual.

Grandma w.a.n.g and Haitang exchanged a glance, and Li Zhizhi furrowed her brows, asking, “What’s wrong?”

“That girl,” Grandma w.a.n.g sighed, “is just someone who can’t keep her mouth shut. I’ve scolded her countless times, but she never changes. And now…”

Haitang spoke softly, “Yulan… today, while chatting with other servants, said some things. Unfortunately, Miss Suwan, accidentally heard it, got very angry, and punished Yulan to kneel in the garden. She won’t be allowed to get up until tomorrow.”

Li Zhizhi’s expression changed upon hearing this. Just at that moment, a servant came in, bowed, and respectfully said, “The master and madam have sent a servant to invite Miss Zhizhi to the dining hall for a meal.”

Li Zhizhi thought for a moment and said, “No need, just say I’m not in the mood and won’t go to the dining hall.”

After saying that, she paid no more attention to the maid and headed towards the direction of the garden with her entourage. Haitang led the way, and by the faint light of lanterns, Li Zhizhi could see someone kneeling in the corridor from a distance – it was the long-unseen Yu Lan.

Yu Lan had been kneeling for the entire afternoon, feeling a stabbing pain in her knees, almost unbearable. Suddenly, she heard someone calling her name, turned her head towards the voice, and after a moment of surprise, her expression became extremely astonished. “Miss! How did you come back?”

Li Zhizhi quickly walked a few steps and personally helped her up. Upon seeing the bruises on her cheek, she furrowed her brows tightly and asked, “Does it still hurt?”

Yu Lan shook her head repeatedly and then smiled, “Miss, you’ve really come back!”

She was still smiling foolishly, making Li Zhizhi feel a mixture of heartache and self-blame. In the comfortable days she had spent in the Grand Princess’s residence, she had forgotten that Yu Lan and Hai Tang were still in the Li Mansion. Given Li Suwan’s jealousy towards her, how could she not vent her anger on the servants of Shuyue Pavilion?

Although Yu Lan and Hai Tang had served her for a short time, they were gentle and honest, especially when Li Zhizhi first arrived at the mansion. They did not treat her with disdain like the other servants did. They were loyal and devoted, doing their best in everything.

Now that she was not in the mansion, she couldn’t protect them. What should be done in the future? Thinking about this, a nameless anger ignited in Li Zhizhi’s heart. She grabbed Yu Lan’s hand, instructing her and Hai Tang, “Pack your things now; I’ll take you away.”


Yu Lan was somewhat surprised and asked, “Go? Miss, where are we going?”

“To the Grand Princess’s mansion,” Lí Zhīzhī said calmly. “If you and Haitang, as well as Grandma w.a.n.g, are willing, you can all come with me to the Grand Princess’s mansion. We won’t be in the Lí residence from now on.”

“Really?” Yu Lan’s eyes lit up, and she happily exclaimed, “Does that mean this servant can follow Miss again!”

Haitang whispered, “But our indenture contracts are still with Madam…”

“Don’t worry, I will retrieve them for you,” Lí Zhizhi a.s.sured.

Soon, news of Li Zhizhi’s departure reached the ears of others in the Lí residence. Madam Lí stood up in disbelief and asked the servant, “Is she really going back to the Grand Princess’s mansion now?”

“Nonsense!” Lí Cen frowned and said, “She was fine just now. Why is she causing trouble again?”

Looking at Lí Xingzhi beside him, he asked, “You went to visit Wan’er with Zhizhi just now. What happened exactly?”

They had originally gone together, but only Li Xingzhi returned. When they sent someone to call Li Zhizhi, the reply was that she was in a bad mood, didn’t want to dine, and now she wanted to leave.

Seeing his father asking questions, Li Xingzhi hesitated to speak. Madam Li, noticing this, continued to inquire, and finally, the whole story was revealed. Li Cen was immediately furious, scolding Madam Li, “Look at what kind of daughter you’ve raised! Hysterical, causing chaos, not a bit like a refined young lady. If she behaves like this in her husband’s family, will it not be a constant disturbance?”

Madam Li was scolded, and in her heart, she resented Li Suwan for not understanding current affairs and being so ignorant. Now that Li Zhizhi was gaining popularity, she just didn’t want to avoid her sharp edges, but also dared to confront her.

At present, Li Zhizhi expressed her intention to leave, but Li Cen naturally refused. He personally went to Shuyue Pavilion and saw several maids busily packing luggage. His expression darkened, and he said to Li Zhizhi, “What are you doing? Quickly have them put everything back. You just returned to the mansion, and now you want to leave. What kind of behavior is this?”

After that, he said kindly: “If Wan’er really made you angry, I will ask her to come and apologize to you. She has been spoiled by your mother since she was a child, and she has no sense of propriety in what she says -”

Without waiting for him to finish, Li Zhizhi interrupted, “Father is worrying too much. I’m not angry.”

Li Cen furrowed his brows in confusion and asked, “If you’re not angry, then what is this about?”

Li Zhizhi smiled and said, “I just feel that I can’t stay in the Li Mansion any longer, so I decided to leave on my own.”

“Who said you can’t stay?” Li Cen said in a deep voice. “If you have something to say, say it clearly today. Don’t throw a childish tantrum here.”

“If Father says so, then let’s speak frankly,” Li Zhizhi looked at Madam Li and Li Xingzhi, who had just arrived. She said, “Today, I not only want to leave the Li Mansion, but I won’t come back in the future. Let’s go our separate ways, and from now on, have no connection with each other.”

Li Cen’s eyes widened, and he angrily shouted, “Nonsense!”

“I’m not talking nonsense,” Li Zhizhi showed no fear on her face, just stared directly at him and said lightly, “Every word has been carefully considered. If there is the slightest insincerity, let thunder strike me.”

“What nonsense is this child of yours talking about?” Madam Li entered and immediately heard these rebellious words, nearly causing her to explode with anger. She advised, “Zhizhi, don’t argue with your father.”

“What father?” Li Zhizhi turned her head coldly towards her, saying, “Both my parents are deceased. Where is the father and mother? Next year during Qingming, I will probably burn incense in front of their memorial tablets, fulfilling my filial duty.”

Upon hearing this, Li Cen couldn’t contain his anger any longer and scolded, “You wicked child!”

He then raised his hand to slap her, but Li Zhizhi quickly stepped back, avoiding the blow. She mocked, “Why is the lord so angry? Isn’t this what you and madam wished for?.”

Li Cen, with eyes burning red, pointed at her trembling and angrily, “Nonsense! If you say one more word, I will discipline you with family rules today.”

He roared, “Guards, bring the family rules!”

“My lord! My lord, please don’t!” Madam Li quickly stopped him, pleading, “After all, she is…”

“Get out of the way!” Li Cen pushed her aside forcefully, scolding Li Zhizhi, “You’ve become audacious after being bestowed the t.i.tle of a Princess. Even if the imperial decree hasn’t arrived, in front of the Emperor himself, you are still my daughter, Li Cen’s daughter. Even if I have to beat you to death today, I don’t need to consider anyone’s opinion!”

The refined demeanor of the past was gone. Li Cen’s eyes emitted a fierce and furious light, like a raging beast. His face turned red, and veins on his forehead and neck bulged, as if ready to pounce at any moment. Li Xingzhi could barely hold him back, desperately signaling to Li Zhizhi, saying, “Go away!”

Unexpectedly, Li Zhizhi not only didn’t leave but also sat down calmly, saying leisurely, “If you hit me today, I will file a complaint tomorrow.”

When these three words were spoken, Li Zhen immediately calmed down a bit. Li Zhizhi looked at him and continued calmly, “Now everyone outside knows that my parents are dead, and you are just my foster parents. Even the Emperor is aware of this, otherwise, why do you think the Emperor would bestow upon me the t.i.tle of a Princess? Of course, it’s because I have no parents and can only rely on the Grand Princess for support.”

Looking at the shocked expressions on the couple’s faces, Li Zhizhi even smiled and continued in a leisurely manner, “Master is right. The imperial decree has not yet been issued, so I can’t really be considered a Princess. What do you think the Emperor would think if I were to go and plead my case to him now? Would he think that the Li family deliberately plotted against the Grand Princess to sell their daughter for glory?”

She shook her head gently and sighed, “That would be a grave crime of deceiving the Emperor.”

Despite her words, Li Zhizhi’s expression remained calm, in contrast to Li Cen. He had always been concerned about his reputation and never imagined that such a calamity would befall him. He was furious and kept cursing Li Zhizhi, calling her a sinful animal and a worthless thing.

Li Zhizhi didn’t mind at all and even took a sip of tea before standing up gracefully and asking Yu Lan, “Is everything packed?”

The servants in the room were still in shock, staring dumbfounded at this grand spectacle. When they heard the inquiry, Yu Lan suddenly snapped out of it and, with less agility than usual, nodded repeatedly, saying, “Yes, yes, all packed.”

“Then let’s go. Oh, by the way,” Li Zhizhi remembered something and turned to Madam Li, smiling politely, “Could I trouble Madam to do me a small favor?”

Madam Li looked at her with trepidation, afraid she might say something astonishing again, and her voice trembled, “What… what is it?”

Li Zhizhi said, “The two maids I have in Shuyue Pavilion and a nanny named w.a.n.g, they are used to serving me. I thought of bringing them to the Grand Princess’s residence this time, so I wanted to ask Madam for their indenture contracts. Of course, I won’t let Madam suffer any losses.”

Finishing her words, she subtly gestured, and a maid from the Grand Princess’s mansion approached. She took three silver ingots from her sleeve and placed them on the table. Li Zhizhi smiled and said, “If the madam feels it’s not enough, we can negotiate further.”

“Don’t give her anything! Get lost!” Li Cen glared with anger, shouting, “You’re already going to the Grand Princess’s mansion, and you still want to take away servants from my Li mansion?!”

Li Zhizhi glanced at him, and the smile on her face faded. She said, “It seems that Master Li really wants me to file a complaint.”

This was a blatant threat. Li Cen was so angry that his hands were shaking as he pointed at her, “You wicked—”

“My wickedness,” Li Zhizhi smoothly continued, raising her eyebrows and smiling faintly, “was all learned from you. In the future, don’t ever mention that you are my real father and mother; it’s truly inauspicious.”

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