After Transmigrating As A Demon, I've Been Adopted By Angels!

Chapter 84: Finding A Blind Spot. Davis Had No Intention of Leaving!

Chapter 84: Finding A Blind Spot. Davis Had No Intention of Leaving!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lucifer"s brows were tightly furrowed.

Even if this mysterious angel, Jaime Angela was one of the seraphim in Paradise Island, it was impossible for him to disappear into thin air in the demon world.

There must be some details that he missed.

He snapped his fingers with his right hand and a gray screen appeared in front of Lucifer. This was a powerful magic device that connected the entire demon world search team.

On the gray screen, the map of the entire demon world was displayed.

The places that were searched by the search team would be marked black, and the places that were not searched would be marked with a bright red color.

Looking at the 99% coverage of the demon world"s map, Lucifer seemed to understand something and looked at the center of the map.

The temples of the twelve demon G.o.ds!

The Primordial Sin Demon Palace!

These were places that the search team did not dare to go to!

At this moment, the seven primordial sin demons were all sent to the teleportation point and the palace was unguarded.

Even if they set up some defense mechanisms, they would not be able to withstand a single blow from this mysterious angel.

“Men, quickly search the interior hall of the Seven Primordial Sin Demon Palace.

“If my guess is correct, then Jaime Angela must be hiding in one of the devil halls!”

The devil guard by the side nodded and immediately gave the order.

Very quickly, all the devil search teams surrounded the entire hall of the primordial sin demons and began to slowly search the interior of the devil halls.

They did not even let go of any clues. If that mysterious angel named Jaime Angela was really hiding here, he would definitely not be able to escape from their hands.

After the search team finished investigating the devil king"s hall, they were completely dumbfounded!

The entire treasury of the devil king"s hall of the seven primordial sins had been plundered by this mysterious angel!

Was this a method that an angel could use?

F*ck you, you"re a bandit!

All sorts of things were being plundered. Even low-grade treasures that were only useful to imps were being plundered at this moment.

Looking at the empty treasury of the Primordial Sin Demon Palace of the seven deadly sins, everyone was stunned on the spot.

“Leader, what should we do now?”

Finally, a demon was the first to recover from his shock and hurriedly asked the leader.

The leader frowned and used a magic tool to report the situation to his superior.

The seven primordial sin demon kings, who were far away at the seven teleportation points, quickly received the report from the search party.

When they heard that the treasury that they had acc.u.mulated for so many years was actually plundered by that hateful mysterious angel, several demons immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

What kind of person was this!

How shameless!

Are you a demon or are we demons!

Are you not afraid of tarnis.h.i.+ng the reputation of your Paradise Island?

At this moment, the faces of all the demons were as ugly as if they had eaten sh*t. However, at this moment, Gluttony and l.u.s.t were the only exceptions.

For Gluttony, as long as he could devour this mysterious angel, it would be equivalent to him monopolizing the deep foundations of the other six primordial sin demons for tens of millions of years.

As for l.u.s.t, she was getting more and more interested in this mysterious angel.

In the Great Hall, when he heard that the mysterious angel had plundered the seven primordial sin demons" treasure vault, he was completely dumbfounded.

In an instant, he was in a daze.

The sc.u.m among the angels!

Could an angel really do such a shameless thing?

Could it be that someone disguised as an angel came to the demon world to do such a bad thing in order to take revenge on Paradise Island?

Unfortunately, other races would never be able to release the holy power that only an angel could have.

It was just like how no creature except demons could absorb the power of chaos into their bodies.

If someone really did not open their eyes and wanted to do this, then what awaited them was only death.

Lucifer quickly returned to his senses and continued to a.n.a.lyze where this mysterious angel was heading to.

The next moment, Lucifer froze on the spot.

Almost the entire demon world had been investigated by the search army. Even his fallen angel temple and the temple of the twelve demon G.o.ds had been searched thoroughly.

The only place that was not searched yet was the place where this farce started… the Voodoo Palace!

Could it be that this mysterious angel had no intention of escaping?

This absurd thought appeared in Lucifer"s mind.

If the other party really dared to do this, then even Lucifer would admire the other party"s courage.

The other party was gambling.

He was betting on the fact that he was confident that this mysterious angel was actually a coward and that he would be desperate to leave the demon world as soon as possible.

In fact, Lucifer also thought so.

After all, as a holy angel, he would feel uncomfortable in this demon world that was filled with the power of chaos. He wanted to turn around and leave immediately.

This was no different from a demon heading to Paradise Island.

However, it was obvious that Lucifer was wrong.

He was extremely wrong!

Not only was Jaime not prepared to leave, but he also stayed where he was and watched the team search the demon world like a clown.

It was hilarious!

He even felt bored and robbed the Primordial Sin Demon Palace.

This was too terrifying!

What kind of courage and state of mind was he in to be able to be that unrestrained when faced with such a situation?

For a moment, Lucifer greatly admired this mysterious angel even though they were enemies at this moment.

“Gather the remaining people. That mysterious angel is probably in the poison worm hall right now.

“I want to go there personally. Follow me.”

After Lucifer finished his instructions, his body flashed and disappeared from the spot.

The servant by the side heard this and quickly gave his instructions. The mighty demon army marched toward the poison worm hall.

At this moment, Davis was sitting on the lawn with a piece of chocolate that was unique to the demon world in his hand. He was munching on it while reading a book.

Looking at the sun in the sky, he roughly calculated the time.

The people of the devil world must have figured out his position by now.

Davis slowly stood up, dusted himself off and said, “Looks like it"s time to leave this place.”

On Davis" right hand, pure holy power condensed into a pure white wing.

Leaving the wing in place, Davis immediately left the insect hall.

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