After Transmigrating As A Demon, I've Been Adopted By Angels!

Chapter 271: If You Have a Problem With Me, You Can Say It

Chapter 271: If You Have a Problem With Me, You Can Say It

Raphael knew that Sarafini killed the four dragon kings in order to make an example of them.

However, she always felt that something was amiss.

Moreover, when she saw the transparent power that Sarafini used, Raphael suddenly remembered something important.

The source of that transparent power came from Davis.

How did Sarafini have such powerful transparent power?

It seemed that Sarafini"s body was emitting that completely transparent power from the inside out!

He could feel that the transparent power was very pure.

This was because he also had that transparent power in his body, but he never dared to touch that transparent power.

Firstly, that power came from Davis.

Secondly, that power was full of mystery, and he did not want to be the first person to eat the tomato.

Lastly, it was because of the psychological effects.

That power came from Davis" blood, and he always felt a little uncomfortable.

He was an archangel, but he needed to rely on the power of a virtue angel bloodline to improve himself?

However, when he saw that the Dragon Queen had completely mastered that power, he could not remain calm.

He understood that a Dragon Queen like Sarafini did not have so many worries and it was precisely because of her open-minded att.i.tude and her determination to become stronger that Sarafini was able to improve her strength so quickly.

Thinking of this, Raphael silently tried to absorb the mysterious power in his body.

Alice did not have as many thoughts as Raphael.

She was now completely shocked by the Dragon Queen"s powerful strength.

That terrifying and powerful power made her wors.h.i.+p it.

When Alice saw the Dragon Queen release that transparent s.p.a.ce explosion power, she was instantly intoxicated.

She did not expect that Sarafini had completely mastered that transparent power.

It was as if she could command it like an arm.

Alice discovered that not only was Sarafini"s body wrapped in that transparent power but she could also release that transparent power outside of her body.

It seemed that the Dragon Queen had transformed all the power in her body into that transparent power!

It was precisely because of that that Sarafini was able to use that kind of power without any sense of delay.

Moreover, she also discovered that the power of the skill released by that kind of transparent power would be greatly enhanced.

The four dragon kings that had turned into powder could explain everything.

Although the spatial explosion released by that demon was huge in scale and its power was not ordinary.

However, it did not kill any seraph.

The spatial explosion that the Dragon Queen had temporarily learned and released could actually kill four seraph level dragon kings in an instant.

This shocked her greatly.

It also made her yearn for it.

What she pursued was that kind of amazing and overwhelming power.

Only in that way could she protect Davis and hold him firmly in her hands. At least, she had some power to compete with Lilia.

Thinking of this, Alice silently retreated. In a corner that the other angels did not notice, she tried her best to absorb the power from Davis" body fluid.

If she did not succeed, she would die!

At this moment, Alice"s heart was filled with the thought of becoming stronger and Davis" figure.

She was the first angel to have intimate relations with Davis. She could not let other women take Davis away from her!

Just as the angels and the dragon warriors were shocked, a transparent energy spread out from the bodies of the four dragon kings.

The transparent energy had already absorbed all the energy in the bodies of the four dragon kings, and under the control of Sarafini, it returned to her body. It did not affect the surrounding angels and the dragon warriors.

It turned out that from the moment the image locked onto the four dragon kings, their deaths had already been decided.

Sarafini needed to be filled with energy, and the energy in the bodies of the four dragon kings could fill a portion of the gap in Sarafini"s power.

Sarafini was only curious about the reason for their betrayal, and had no intention of letting the four dragon kings off.

One reason was to test the power of the s.p.a.ce seed she had made, and the other was to shock the tiger.

Once the four dragon kings died, the demon in the demon world would definitely panic.

No matter who it was, in a state of panic, they would reveal their flaws.

That way, her plan would be even more perfect.

Only, Sarafini did not expect that the traitor would be the four dragon kings.

However, she did not care about any of this.

The true experts of the Dragon Race were all hidden in the secret realms of the Dragon Race.

The dragon warriors that were brought out this time were those who had not partic.i.p.ated in many actual battles.

Even if they were all dead, it did not matter.

What truly made her sad and happy was that the eight dragon kings were all dead.

Those eight dragon kings were dragons of a certain strength.

Their deaths had damaged the strength of the dragons.

However, they were basically traitors.

This was actually a good thing.

They had been hiding among the dragons for too long, and the more trouble they caused in the future, the greater it would be.

Now that all of them were dead, Sarafini felt a sense of relief.

Although losing the eight seraphim and the other dragon kings would bring her a lot of trouble, she would be much more free.

Most importantly, she could now legitimately take the remaining two thousand dragon warriors under her command.

She did not set up those dragon kings on her own initiative, but under the oppression of those old fellows of the Dragon Race.

The dragon kings were all appointed by them.

However, she did not expect that those dragon kings were all traitors.

Sarafini made up her mind that she would never have any more dragon kings in the future.

All the dragon warriors could only obey her orders!

Sarafini believed that when she returned to the headquarters of the Dragon Race from the ancient battlefield, her strength would increase by leaps and bounds.

At that time, those old fellows of the Dragon Race would no longer be able to order her around!

Thinking up to this point, Sarafini was filled with pride and confidence.

After coming into contact with that transparent power, she understood that it was only a matter of time before her strength surpa.s.sed those old freaks of the Dragon Race.

As she absorbed the power from the four dragon kings, she spoke to the rest of the Dragon Race warriors, “Do any of you have any objections to my actions like the four traitors? You can say it now, and I won"t pursue the matter.”

In the end, none of the dragon warriors dared to speak.

Furthermore, the powerful Dragon Queen, whom they all wors.h.i.+pped, did not have any objections.

Putting aside the obvious effect that raising objections would have been the Dragon Queen"s style, just questioning the queen might anger her.

Moreover, all the dragon warriors were very supportive of the execution of the four dragon kings.

Except for the first dragon king, the rest of the dragon kings were usually arrogant and domineering, and did not give the dragon warriors any good looks.

The low-level dragon warriors had long been fed up with their bad temper.

Therefore, when the four dragon kings from the fourth to the eighth dragon kings were eliminated, the dragon warriors felt very relieved.

Naturally, they had no problem with Sarafini.

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