Publishedat 4th of May 2020 09:55:07 PM
Chapter 10

Since she was the eldest, should she bear everything? Always asking her to let things go! Why should she do that?

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She threw her bag on the sofa . She gambled in her heart and was particularly uncomfortable .

She didn’t know whether she was angry at Su Xingyang or Su Xingchen, or her family’s weirdness, maybe both .

But she knew that this kind of jealousy for her younger brother could not be shown on her face .

Mother Su thought that she was so angry because of Su Xingchen . She said to Su Xingyue, “Why cry over this little thing?”

Su Xingyue said, “It’s a trivial matter to you, but do you know what my cla.s.smates say? Now everyone says I am the Shā mǎ tè’s sister!”

Su Xingyang took the time to look up and said, “Why didn’t anyone call me the Shā mǎ tè’s brother?”

“Who doesn’t know you? You play basketball, who will say that in front of you?”

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The old lady said to Su Xingyang, “Okay, if people said that to you, what would you do? Of course you would get angry . ”

Turning to Mother Su, the old lady replayed, “Didn’t I say not to take her in?”

Su Xingyue’s voice was loud from the start to make Su Xingchen hear . The others paid attention to her feelings and lowered their voice .

The conversation in the living room could be clearly heard . Su Xingchen opened her eyes and looked at the door of the room . She made her bed and slept .

As she looked at the ceiling with open eyes without sleepiness, she thought of leaving this place but didn’t know where to go .

Her uncle had raised her for twelve years . She had her own parents who did not have any reason to keep her . She could no longer be as capricious as when she was nine years old . That time she was aggrieved and went to her uncle’s home with her school bag, even though they were so far away .

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It was also inconvenient to live here; it wasn’t convenient to sit on the fence and keep sharing a room with people .

She didn’t know where to go .

She was able to practice alchemy and refine medicine . But firstly, her cultivation level wasn’t enough to do that and secondly, there was no raw material . Even if she took a break from school to work to earn a little money, it would not be enough for her to buy materials .

Besides, what could she do? Could she work as a bodyguard? She was underage and she didn’t even have an ID card .

It was not practical to live on campus . It was even more inconvenient living in a school dormitory where four people share a room .

She could only go one step at a time . First study, then get admitted to a good university, get out of here, then choose a corresponding major, and refine something in the future .

Thinking of this, Su Xingchen fell asleep .

She woke up as soon as the bell in the living room rang the next morning .

The International school started at 6:30 in the morning . The brothers and sisters of the Su family had to get up at six, go to the bathroom and brush their teeth .

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The Su family only had two bathrooms, Su Xingyue took the master bedroom’s bathroom, Su Xingyang took the public bathroom . Su Xingchen could only go to the laundry pond behind the kitchen to brush her teeth and wash her face .

When Su Xingyang came out and saw Su Xingchen was.h.i.+ng her face, she looked at her curiously several times .

After Su Xingchen cut her hair short, the two looked more alike .

Her eyes first fell on her hair and then on her face .

The seventeen-year-old girl already knew beauty and ugliness . Su Xingyue was a little uncomfortable when she saw Su Xingchen’s sharp nose and delicate face .

The same parent gave birth to her, but she inherited her mother’s generous face with a short nose bridge . Su Xingchen and Su Xingyang inherited her father’s goose egg face with a high nose bridge .

Before, when Su Xingchen wore makeup on her face like a ghost all day, her face with that Shā mǎ tè hairstyle wasn’t clear .

Now that she had cut her hair, and cleaned her face, Su Xingyang found that Su Xingchen had good skin . She was like a porcelain doll, crystal clear . Not only didn’t that few inch hair make her look like a man, but also her beauty was un.o.bstructed and unrequited .

She went back to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror, only to feel that she was not satisfied with herself anymore . Her nose bridge should be higher and narrower, her jaw on both sides should be cut off .

Su Xingyue became more upset when she looked at herself . She threw the towel on the sink and walked out without carrying the schoolbag on her back .

After Su Xingyang finished was.h.i.+ng, Su Xingchen went to the bathroom . He packed up his schoolbag and waited for her .

When the elevator door opened, Su Xingyue turned back impatiently and asked Su Xingyang, “Are you coming or not?”

He saw Su Xingchen coming out of the bathroom and went to the elevator .

Su Xingyue pressed the door close b.u.t.ton before Su Xingchen got on .

Su Xingyang quickly extended his arm but still failed to stop it from closing .

At this time Su Xingchen was already standing outside .

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