Publishedat 13th of May 2020 10:46:30 PM
Chapter 20

It was too late to stop her .

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Looking at the homework that was torn in half, he was also angry, “Why did you tear her homework?”

“Homework? Will she do her homework? She is just cheating you! What did I say? I said she wouldn’t study well . I said not to let her go to the cram school . The result was, she fell in love and went to someone’s home . ”

“You still spent so much money for her cram school, You just threw the money in the water!”

Mother Su got more angry .

Father Su said helplessly, “Now that the money has been paid, what can we do? Just give her a chance, can’t you?”

“No!” Mother Su’s face had turned ugly, “Can’t she go to the cram school in the small commodity market? Is it not expensive for her? I thought she really wanted to study . ”

She sneered, “Thinking about it, why can she go to a cram school? Yangyang Yueyue hasn’t gone to a cram school before, and they are still in the top ten . If she really wants to study, why not study with her sister and brother . Yangyang is one year younger than her and Yueyue is in her senior year!”

Father Su had never been aware of it in the past, she always compared Su Xingchen with Su Xingyue and Su Xingyang . He did the same, but suddenly felt that he should not always verbally compare his second daughter to his other kids . He hadn’t noticed anything yet, just subconsciously felt that it shouldn’t be said that way .

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“Can you speak quietly? Yangyang and Yueyue are doing their homework . ”

Father Su tried to reason with her, “Xingchen finally wants to change, wants to be better . You are her mother, you do not encourage her but even drag her down . Who will be standing behind her? No matter the reason she went for, Teacher Zhao’s learning environment is better than that of the small commodity market . ”

Mother Su exploded, “How did I drag her down? You said I dragged her down!”

“Did I not let her go to the cram school, or was she short of anything, she ate well, she drank, or did I abuse her? You are a good person, and I am a wicked person!” She thought that she was always a wicked person in the shop and Father Su was a good person . She didn’t get angry .

“Now that you are a good person . Why didn’t you say anything when your mother wanted to give her away?”

Father Su was short of breath as soon as she mentioned it .

At that time, it was indeed his mother who wanted to give her away . He was busy with work, and his wife was in confinement . Yue Yue was only one year old at that time and she couldn’t live without her . His mother had to take care of Yue Yue . She had no energy to raise two people, nor could she care for his wife’s confinement . He could only call his mother-in-law to take care of her .

It can be said that Su Xingchen was taken care of by her grandmother since she was born . His mother-in-law, who had taken care of her for a whole month, was reluctant to give up, so she discussed it with his father-in-law, then took care of her for two years . She promised that after Yue Yue went to kindergarten, and the old lady was free, she would send her back .

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Father Su saw that the old lady was clamoring to give her away every day, so he asked his mother-in-law to keep her for a while .

It didn’t take long for his wife to get pregnant again, so he kept procrastinating picking her up for years .

The fact that his father-in-law and mother-in-law helped raise the child had lowered him in front of the elderly mother-in-law, and his wife . Over the years, he still felt guilty .

Mother Su turned her back to face the window and get sulky .

Mother Su was still chattering, “If you had looked for this cram school for Yangyang and Yueyue, I wouldn’t have said anything . But what’s the use of making her go to such a good cram school? Isn’t it embarra.s.sing that she fell in love with someone at their house?”

In the end, Father Su said that he would let her study for half a year and if she hadn’t made any progress, she would quit .

Mother Su was not happy, “Do you pay her to fall in love with someone?”

“What if the money was all paid?”

Mother Su was in charge of the account, and always used to be the black-faced wicked one in the shop . She kept urging, “I’m going to ask them to return it”

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“This money doesn’t need you to pay, can’t I pay it?”

Mother Su sneered, “Well done, you can dig it out and show me your money . ”

Father Su was also angry, “I don’t believe that the money I have earned over the years wouldn’t be enough to apply for a cram school!”

Old Man Su had been back home for a while . He was listening to them arguing in the living room . Hearing this, he shouted from outside the living room, “How much? I’ll give it!”

He went back to the room and took out his bank card . He gave it to Mother Su, “There are 20,000 Yuan in this card . Take it first and pay the fee tomorrow . ”

Mother Su stopped talking .

She knew that if she really took her father-in-law’s money to apply Su Xingchen in that cram school, then there would be a real gap between her and her husband .

So she cried .

When she cried, even if Father Su was very angry, he didn’t know what to say to her .

In the end, Su Xingchen did attend the cram school . But after such a fight, the two of them took a step back . They decided to see the result after half a year .

Su Xingchen just attended the cram school, but it seemed like she had made a big mistake . The dogs in her family were restless again, but she treated the issue coldly .

She had a deeper understanding of her first life situation and was eager to leave this place .

They couldn’t hurt her, but in such an environment, she was not happy .

In fact, she didn’t even remember Zhao Moqin who Su Xingyue mentioned . How could she be impressed by someone who hadn’t yet seen the world?

She didn’t expect such a coincidence . Teacher Zhao’s house recommended by the cla.s.s teacher was actually Zhao Moqin’s house .

Even when the cla.s.s teacher recommended it, she didn’t think about it . Instead, her family heard that name and were determined not to let her study there .

She looked at the books Mother Su threw . She placed them on the bed and looked at some messy books . She stretched her hand to sort it out and set it right again .

Su Xingyue sat on the chair and looked at her condescendingly, and said, “If not for you, my parents would not quarrel!”

Su Xingchen turned her head . She looked at her indifferently, suddenly raised her lips and smiled, “No, it’s because of you . ”

When she smiled, the street lights of the city outside the window seemed to be reflected in her clear eyes, bright as a star .

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