Brad was surrounded by a dark aura. He widened his eyes but could see nothing outside. He could only watch Olympia"s faint silhouette. But he was confused. They were in his consciousness earlier, but where is this place? Brad looked around and noticed that lots of things has changed. His surroundings were no longer similar. The s.p.a.ce was also a lot darker than the previous one.

While scanning the surrounding, he saw a woman clad in fiery red. She had a fiery red hair and eyeb.a.l.l.s matching her clothes. She was strikingly familiar and her beauty was ethereal. Beside her was a blue-clad man. His hair and eyeb.a.l.l.s were deep blue in color. He was carrying a light blue crystal sword in his hand. The sword was also emitting an aura. The lady was smiling at Brad and was carrying a spear in her hand which glowed. Fire gushed out of it, but did not harm the surroundings. Brad was unable to take off his eyes from them. "Such a lovely pair!" He thought. The man held the woman by her waist as they moved on till they came in front of Brad. Brad did not know for how long did they walk before reaching him, but he could guess that the pair had strikingly similar features with Olympia.

They reached Brad and bent down on one knee before paying their respects.

"Greetings, Sovereign King. We pay our respects to the Great Sovereign King." They said in unison.

"Please get up." Brad told them.

"May I know who are you?"

"I am Demetria, and he is my husband Aiden." She answered with a bowed head.

"Hehe. Ice and fire." Brad laughed out loud. "Don"t you think your names are sarcastic?"

"Yeah. They are." Demi answered in her melodic voice which could melt everyone"s heart.

"Can I ask, why are you calling me Sovereign King?" Brad asked curiously.

The pair eyed each other and said, "Forgive us, Sovereign King. We were asked to protect you."

"Protect me? Why? Also, both of you did not tell me your ident.i.ties." Brad asked again.

They looked at each other and smiled. Then, with a voice laced with sorrow, Aiden said, "Um. Olympia is our child."

"And?" Brad asked again.

"And nothing. Sovereign King, it is time to leave."

"No, you can"t leave yet. Give me some answers." Brad was on the verge of crying as he demanded.

Demetria and Aiden sighed and closed their eyes. They could not meet Brad"s expectant eyes. If they told him about their ident.i.ties, Brad would be in a huge danger. Worst of all, Olympia would be affected too.

They sighed in their hearts and knew that Brad was waiting for an answer, but they couldn"t answer it themselves. Demetria got up from the ground and patted Brad on his shoulders before pulling him into a hug. She pulled out the pendant she was wearing on her neck, and placed it on his palm.

"Please give it to Olympia on our behalf. She will understand. This has its own uses. Keep it safe."

Brad looked at the pendant. It had a tiny crystal container, in which something hot could be seen bubbling. The crystal container was embedded on another crystal which was of the shape of a teardrop. The entire pendant was so beautiful that he could not takes his eyes off it. When he finally looked at them, what he saw terrified him.

Suddenly, they pulled out their weapons and stabbed them into his abdomen and he fell and fell into darkness before losing consciousness.

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