"eating vinegar for the other person!"

Yu Haining clearly still retained her rationale and did not run off into a remote place that would be difficult to find. She was calmly sitting by the lake, staring into the depths blankly.

When w.a.n.g Guangning walked over, he could smell the strong odour of alcohol. As expected, she really was drunk.

“Hey, you alright?” w.a.n.g Guangning walked over to Yu Haining and asked without much sincerity.

Yu Haining slowly turned her head, and saw w.a.n.g Guangning. Then she revealed a pure and innocent smile which was slightly blurred, “Guang……Guangning……You came……”

As she spoke, her body feel towards w.a.n.g Guangning.

w.a.n.g Guangning quickly propped Yu Haining up to prevent her from pasting herself on him. He frowned and said, “How come you drank so much?”

“Missed you……” Yu Haining answered dazedly. He head drooped to one side, falling onto w.a.n.g Guangning’s arm. She had unexpectedly fallen asleep.

f.u.c.k, what kind of situation was this?

w.a.n.g Guangning stared at Yu Haining in bewilderment. Indeed, she appeared quite pure and charming as she slept. The inconceivable thing was, her makeup didn’t smudge even though she was drunk to this extent.

And yet, the problem was that he now had absolutely no interest in her!

“Hey, don’t fall asleep! Wake up……” w.a.n.g Guangning patted Yu Haining a few times. She answered blearily, but still did not come to.

Ah, what exactly was happening now?!

He had only been upholding his responsibility as a fellow cla.s.smate to check if she was in danger or not!

It really was hard to be a good person in this world!

In w.a.n.g Guangning’s heart, ten thousand gra.s.s mud horses¹ galloped by wildly. He silently cursed and resigned himself to the fate of supporting Yu Haining up.

[1] 草泥马: (cǎo ní mǎ) chinese internet slang which is a play on the words 肏你妈 (cào nǐ mā) – f.u.c.k your mother.

He then made a few phone calls to Yu Haining’s roommates so they could come and bring her back. Unexpectedly, not a single of those calls was picked up.

w.a.n.g Guangning felt that there seemed to be something wrong. However, it was near the end of the term, and if people weren’t busy revising then they were busy sleeping. It was quite normal to be unable to contact others. Hence, he wasn’t particularly concerned about it.

In order to solve the problem, he could only find a hotel outside for Yu Haining to stay the night.

It was fortunate that there were many small hotels surrounding the university.

With great difficulty, w.a.n.g Guangning half carried and half dragged Yu haining to a hotel near Moon Lake. During the journey there, Yu Haining’s soft chest rubbed against w.a.n.g Guangning’s arm multiple times, just like what happened at their dates when he had chased her in the past.

However, w.a.n.g Guangning sorrowfully discovered that even though his entire body would be restless and incessantly excited if he accidentally touched her chest in the past, he didn’t feel any hints of agitation now.

Could it be that he truly was going to bend? Such a major thing was far from good.

With a grim expression, w.a.n.g Guangning booked a room for Yu Haining. Then, modelling the mentality of one transporting goods, he carried her there. w.a.n.g Guangning threw Yu Haining onto the bed and sat on the edge. He sighed in relief, then stood up in preparation to leave.

To w.a.n.g Guangning’s surprise, just as he shifted, Yu Haining also moved. She rested her long and delicate palm on his hand, then spoke in a sweet but clearly intoxicated voice that carried an unspeakable charm, “Guangning……don’t leave……”

w.a.n.g Guangning drew back his hand and replied, “It’s very safe here, so you can sleep at ease.”

Yu Haining didn’t seem to hear what he said, and she once again fell on him. Either deliberately or unconsciously, her body rubbed against w.a.n.g Guangning. Her arms also conveniently wound themselves across his shoulders as her cherry lips leaned close to w.a.n.g Guangning’s ear. Breathing lightly, she whispered, “Guangning……don’t go……I……like……like you……”

w.a.n.g Guangning pursed his lips and ripped himself out of her embrace. Expressionlessly, he said, “You’ve had too many drinks.”

You should quickly stop before going too far!

With things having reached this stage, w.a.n.g Guangning could guess that there was something suspicious about Yu Haining’s supposed intoxication this time.

But in regard to what exactly she wanted to achieve, w.a.n.g Guangning held not a single iota of interest.

Firstly, he didn’t believe that Yu Haining would really fall in love with him. And even if she really did like him, the w.a.n.g Guangning of present would not give any response in return.

w.a.n.g Guangning could feel an ache in his head. Although he was quite impatient now, his good manners made it impossible to say anything too unpleasant to women.

Yu Haining didn’t know about the changes in w.a.n.g Guangning’s thoughts. Everyone in f University knew that although w.a.n.g Guangning had many people who liked him, his standards were extremely high and no one had ever caught his attention. It was only until his third year, that he first felt affection for another person.

And that person was Yu Haining.

Therefore, Yu Haining was convinced that even if her previous entanglements with Zhang Lingyi and other men were known to w.a.n.g Guangning, he would only feel deeply hurt and sad. So long as she threw herself into his arms and took the initiative to be friendly, it would be extremely easy to win a newbie at love like him.

And even if w.a.n.g Guangning really changed his heart, she wasn’t afraid. Yu Haining was confident in her own beauty and strategies: it wouldn’t be much of a problem to let her and w.a.n.g Guangning tangle together for a night.

Men were all l.u.s.tful. After all, who would throw out a beauty who had sent herself onto their doorstep?

In particular, w.a.n.g Guangning’s current appearance of rejection clearly reflected his inexperience. As long as she gave him a taste of sweetness, he would definitely sink into it.

While she calculated, Yu Haining allowed her coat to slide off. Inside, she wore only an extremely light chiffon shirt. A few of the b.u.t.tons on it were all open, exposing her pink lace bra underneath.

With her excellent figure and stunning features, normal men would have long rushed towards her.

Yet, w.a.n.g Guangning only felt a headache. He didn’t intend on saying much more, and planned on just directly leaving.

“Guangning……” From behind him, Yu Haining reached out and hugged his waist. She pressed her exposed chest onto his back and rubbed softly. “Guangning……I like you……these days, I have always been thinking of you……”

Enough, there would be no movement even if you really wanted to.

w.a.n.g Guangning silently swore, and was just about to coolly and mercilessly pull apart Yu Haining’s hands which encircled his waist. He didn’t expect for her hand to slip down directly onto a certain sensitive place.

w.a.n.g Guangning coughed in shock, then suddenly jumped up and tore away from Yu Haining. His eyes darkened, and he said, “Yu Haining, please show some self-respect.”

But Yu Haining’s expression was more complicated than his. She stared at w.a.n.g Guangning in disbelief as her complexion changed again and again. Finally, she couldn’t hold back and asked, “Guangning……you’re not hard……are you?”

Even though she only touched him a little bit just then, Yu Haining knew from her experience with countless other people that w.a.n.g Guangning had absolutely no reaction at all.

But it was already so late into the night, and things had already reached this stage…

Under these circ.u.mstances, as long as it was a man, it was impossible for there not to be a single reaction at all, regardless of whether the woman in front of them was the one they liked.

Yu Haining had never doubted her own charm, and naturally started suspecting w.a.n.g Guangning’s ‘ability’.

He wouldn’t be so unlucky, right? Could it be that this was the reason why w.a.n.g Guangning never had a girlfriend?

A faint light of contempt revealed itself in Yu Haining’s eyes.

“You’re thinking too much.” w.a.n.g Guangning’s expression was very calm. “I just can’t get hard for you.” With that, he turned and left through the door without a second glance.

Yu Haining, who had been left behind, stayed dazedly in the same spot. She didn’t recover from the impact of w.a.n.g Guangning’s last sentence for a long time.

In actuality though, w.a.n.g Guangning was not as unruffled as Yu Haining thought. It could be said that he basically fled as soon as he came out from the hotel.

Of course there wouldn’t be a reaction, he had just been hard once before not long ago…

But that person had been…

w.a.n.g Guangning faced the wind and shed tears. He didn’t have a reaction when a beautiful woman like Yu Haining held him, but was hard from just pushing down Zhang Lingyi when they were joking around.

Was there anything more misfortunate than this?

In order to escape this cruel reality, w.a.n.g Guangning decided to go back and have a good night’s sleep.

The next morning, those in the marketing major had an exam. When w.a.n.g Guangning walked out from the examination room, he discovered that everyone seemed to be glancing at him somewhat strangely.

A few people who had good relations with him even quietly ran over and asked him, “Guangning……how have you been recently?

w.a.n.g Guangning was baffled by these odd questions, “What do you mean ‘how have I been’?”

The people who had questioned him asked urgently, “You know, in regards to your relationships?”

w.a.n.g Guangning was even more confused. “Aren’t they the same as always?”

“Ah……” They revealed a disappointed expression. After conversing for a while more but not gleaming any other information, they could only resentfully leave.

Feeling slight apprehension, w.a.n.g Guangning pulled over Sun Siyang and asked him, “Was there any news about me these past few days?”

Sun Siyang had revised until the middle of the night yesterday, so he still hadn’t completely recovered. Upon hearing w.a.n.g Guangning’s question, he froze for a moment then subconsciously took out his phone to check.

As such a high level xiao cao, w.a.n.g Guangning was a frequent topic in FXingRen. As soon as there was any sign of trouble, it could be found in the forums on FXingRen. Sun Siyang was already accustomed to visiting FXingRen to read the gossip about w.a.n.g Guangning.

After a moment.

“Ah ah ah ——” Sun Siyang screamed.

“What happened?” w.a.n.g Guangning’s head was sore due to the shout.

“Guangning, you went and booked a room at a hotel with Yu Haining last night?” Sun Siyang asked in amazement.

w.a.n.g Guangning’s eyelid twitched, and he grabbed the phone. Only, he saw a thread labelled as ‘important’ on the front page that had a shocking t.i.tle——

《w.a.n.g Guangning defeated Zhang Lingyi and won the beauty: pa.s.sionately booking a room with Yu Haining before the exam》

f.u.c.k, shouldn’t this t.i.tle which was like the ones on third-rate tabloids be censored?

With a trembling hand, w.a.n.g Guangning clicked on the thread. With an excited, gossipy and ambiguous tone, the poster described how they personally saw w.a.n.g Guangning taking Yu Haining to a hotel in the middle of the night.

Then, there was more gossiping in which people discussed whether this proved w.a.n.g Guangning had defeated Zhang Lingyi and successfully pursued Yu Haining.

To his surprise, there was even a photo of w.a.n.g Guangning himself dragging Yu Haining into the hotel. In the photo, Yu Haining’s entire person was basically hanging on his body, and it appeared as if there was a chance of something happening at any time.

The time this was posted was at 12 o’clock last night. Less than twelve hours later, there was already more than one hundred pages already written. At the end of the term, everyone was under great pressure. Thus, it was rare for such gossip to be produced. Furthermore, it was even related to the two famous xiao cao at the university, as well as the xiao hua. Everyone speculated underneath the post, using it as an opportunity to also reduce stress.

w.a.n.g Guangning and Zhang Lingyi were both the dream lovers of the girls at the university, and no one doubted the matter that they would eventually be able to successfully pursue Yu Haining. However, the question was who would be the one to do so.

The confession they had both given at the university’s festival caused a sensation back then, and everyone was curious about the results.

Now, it could be said that the truth had come to light. After all, there was even a photo. This was the so-called ‘if there is a photo, then it is the truth’.

Hence, everyone sighed with sorrow. Some people were rueful that Zhang Lingyi had unexpectedly lost, while others proclaimed that knew from the very start that Yu Haining would definitely choose w.a.n.g Guangning.

There were also many girls who had burst into tears below, sobbing about ‘how could w.a.n.g Guangning have a girlfriend’, and ‘how could they go to a hotel after only just getting together’?

This was truly too impure! It completely subverted his image of a prince!

There were also some people underneath who said acidly that w.a.n.g Guangning didn’t have good taste, and that Yu Haining was just a s.l.u.t. These opinions immediately obtained the support of many, but there were also a group of people who promptly spoke out in Yu Haining’s favour.

In short, everyone was very quarrelsome.

“What even is this all about?!” w.a.n.g Guangning gazed up at the sky and wailed in anguish.

“Guangning……” Sun Siyang shot him a complicated look, and finally asked after a long time, “Did you really……do that with Yu Haining?”

“I didn’t!” w.a.n.g Guangning replied forcefully, “She was drunk, so I sent her there to sleep it off.”

“Oh.” Sun Siyang answered, but his eyes conveyed his obvious disbelief.

A beauty was still a beauty. He didn’t believe that w.a.n.g Guangning would not take action!

Unless he was incapable!

w.a.n.g Guangning couldn’t be bothered arguing with him, because he suddenly thought of something. This post was extremely hot right now, so it was difficult to guarantee that Zhang Lingyi had not seen it.

He didn’t know what reaction Zhang Lingyi would have upon seeing it.

w.a.n.g Guangning quickly took out his phone, and realised that it been powered off due to his exam this morning.

Sure enough, as soon as he turned it on, w.a.n.g Guangning received several text messages from Zhang Lingyi.

w.a.n.g Guangning, I despise you!

w.a.n.g Guangning, you’d better quickly explain to me what’s going on!

w.a.n.g Guangning, I believe that you’re not this kind of a person.

w.a.n.g Guangning, quickly call me!

Zhang Lingyi had called him by his name rather than shou shou, so it seemed that the other really was worried.


Everyone seems to be doubting w.a.n.g Guangning’s ‘ability’ ???

I had a bit of trouble posting this, but the chapter should be uploaded. Let me know if it’s not though > .

translator: k i a i


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