“when travelling, it’s too easy for BL to occur”

day twenty twotravel together to a distant place then hold hands while asking pa.s.sers-by for directions and take photographs of all the beautiful scenery along the way

Due to the fact that w.a.n.g Guangning and Zhang Lingyi had exams for the next two days, they did not continue their great cause of being gay. When the two days of h.e.l.lish revising and examinations concluded, they both gave a long sigh.

Some of their cla.s.smates who were in the same major as w.a.n.g Guangning and Zhang Lingyi had already bought their tickets to travel back home. For their last exam, they had just directly taken their luggage to the examination room then departed afterwards, thoroughly disappearing from the campus. Most of the other people also left within a day or two after their exams were completed. The few that remained were either waiting for their partners, taking the entrance exam for a graduate program, partic.i.p.ating in an internship, or just lazing about in their dormitory and playing games.

The day that the exams finished, w.a.n.g Guangning’s dorm room cleared out. Sun Siyang was one of those people who took their suitcases to the examination rooms.

Hence, during the two days after exams had been concluded, Zhang Lingyi stayed in w.a.n.g Guangning’s dormitory. Using a map, they searched online for directions and hunted for a place where they could travel to that was romantic yet not too far away.

After a.n.a.lysing from many angles, they finally decided on Xiamen. However, when it was time to book the tickets, they discovered……a tragedy!

Ah, so deceptive! Unexpectedly, there were no more tickets for beds on the train!

For a southern city like Xiamen, winter was the peak season for tourism. Coupled with the fact that many colleges and universities had a holiday during this period, countless students (especially couples), would travel to Xiamen. As a result, the tickets for the beds on the trains were sold out within a few days.

w.a.n.g Guangning and Zhang Lingyi’s family backgrounds were quite good, so they could have bought airflight tickets instead. However, as students who didn’t have any source of income and depended entirely on their family, they both couldn’t afford to boldly spend their parents’ money just so they could pay the fees for their journey. Thus, after a quick consultation, the two decided to buy tickets for the hard seats.

In any case, the ride would only be for around ten or so hours. Therefore, as men, handling these hard seats should be simple!

In this regard, w.a.n.g Guangning actually felt quite surprised……but also moved.

Initially, w.a.n.g Guangning was afraid that Zhang Lingyi would insist on travelling by air since he had seen the other purchasing gifts for his mother with a rich and imposing manner as if he completely didn’t understand how to keep house.

Although w.a.n.g Guangning was also able to afford it, he would definitely still feel uncomfortable in his heart.

Fortunately, Zhang Lingyi was the same type of person as he was: they both didn’t like unrestrainedly spending their family’s money.

w.a.n.g Guangning thought that the world truly was quite wonderful. Before, his interpretation of Zhang Lingyi was that the other was definitely arrogant and conceited, someone who considered themselves unexcelled on Earth. w.a.n.g Guangning was certain that Zhang Lingyi was a person who only knew how to spend his family’s money. However, it only after w.a.n.g Guangning had truly interacted with him that he realised Zhang Lingyi’s outlook of the world and life in general was better than many others.

Even though Zhang Lingyi always appeared as if he was aloof and remote, he was actually very modest and hard-working. He was also extremely polite and measured, as well as not picky about everything. In terms of life-related skills, Zhang Lingyi was more independent than most people, and never took his parents for granted.

Just like him.

Perhaps, this was the reason why w.a.n.g Guangning would be moved and attracted to him!

After buying their tickets, they both went out together and bought some travel necessities and food that would be eaten on the train. Then, with each person harbouring their own thoughts, the two packed their luggage and excitedly started on their journey.

The train that they were catching was at eight o’clock in the evening. The estimated time of when they would arrive was at nine o’clock of the next day. Travelling by train was usually quite boring, and paired with the fact that it was currently night, the view outside of the windows were a canvas of black, so there was absolutely nothing to gaze at. Hence, it became even more boring.

There were all types of people occupying the seats on the train. Some people were eating instant noodles, while others were talking on their phones or conversing with their travel partner. There were also a few people who were already asleep, while the sound of children crying sounded out occasionally. The entire carriage was permeated with a strange smell.

Although w.a.n.g Guangning was not afraid of having to endure hardship, it was really just too uncomfortable. Zhang Lingyi was not fairing any better than him, however, he didn’t show much of his discomfit.

w.a.n.g Guangning only saw Zhang Lingyi leaning against the window with a slight frown. The other then peeled the wrapping off a mint and handed it to w.a.n.g Guangning. “Shou shou, eat this. If you’re tired, then go to sleep. If you’re not tired, then let’s play cards.” As he spoke, Zhang Lingyi reached into his backpack and took out a deck of cards.

Sitting opposite them was a middle-aged man and a girl who seemed to be travelling alone. The man was already deep asleep, while the girl was staring blankly out the window. As soon as she saw Zhang Lingyi pull out the deck of cards, he eyes lit up and she smiled, “Wa~ Can I join you guys?”

“Of course you can.” Zhang Lingyi gestured with the deck of cards. Having three people play would be perfect for a few rounds of Fight the Landlord¹.

[1] 斗地主: (dòu dìzhǔ) This is one of the most popular card games played in China. It is played between three people with one pack of cards, and the game starts with the players bidding for the ‘landlord’ (地主) position. Those who lose the bid or don’t bid at all will enter the game as the ‘peasants’ (农民) team who compete against the landlord. The objective of the game is to be the first player with no cards left.

Consequently, the three people began to play Fight the Landlord while simultaneously chatting.

The girl was very talkative. It didn’t take long for Zhang Lingyi and w.a.n.g Guangning to learn that she was a university student studying in G City. It was currently a holiday period, so she was going home to visit family. However, her journey would last until the two stops before Xiamen.

This was how the three people pa.s.sed the next two hours, talking and laughing while playing the card game. Eventually, w.a.n.g Guangning felt too tired and decided to sleep.

However, the problem was that he had never sat on these hard seats before. He had already spent a long time moving around and trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in, but with no success.

“You can lean on my shoulder and sleep.” Upon seeing w.a.n.g Guangning’s constant shuffling, Zhang Lingyi felt quite uneasy. Hence, he magnanimously patted his own shoulder.

w.a.n.g Guangning glanced at the proffered shoulder. Considering the fact that they had already hugged each other before, this little amount of contact was nothing. After all, men shouldn’t bother with such trifles. As a result, w.a.n.g Guangning directly rested his head against Zhang Lingyi’s shoulder.

To be honest, this posture was not any more comfortable than lying on a table. However, w.a.n.g Guangning didn’t want to move away.

Therefore, he leaned against Zhang Lingyi’s shoulder and eventually fell sleep.

Zhang Lingyi’s head was turned to the side as he watched w.a.n.g Guangning. The other man was usually very lively with a bit of a temper, however, he was quite calm when he was sleeping. w.a.n.g Guangning’s thin lips were tilted up in a slight curve and his lashes were dark. His fair complexion only made him appear more pure and clean.

It was obviously just a quiet scene. However, Zhang Lingyi didn’t know why it formed an extremely moving picture in his eyes.

After a while, Zhang Lingyi’s gaze which was fixed upon w.a.n.g Guangning gradually darkened.

“Uh……” The girl who was sitting opposite and had been preparing to sleep shot them a complicated look and finally couldn’t help but weakly say, “Would it be too presumptuous of me to ask whether you two……are a couple?”

From the moment that she started playing cards with them, she had felt that there was something odd between Zhang Lingyi and w.a.n.g Guangning. Normally, men who travelled together were either close friends or brothers, but the interaction between these two did not seem to be as simple and straightforward as that. Instead, there seemed to be a sort of silent intimacy between them both.

It should be said that their relationship was particularly good. Yet, from their manner of speech, it could be seen that they weren’t a pair who had been together for several years.

In this era, gay couples was not anything shocking. As a result, the girl quickly came to this conclusion. At first, she had only been a bit suspicious. It was only when she saw this scene that she was finally unable to restrain herself from asking.

The strange feelings in Zhang Lingyi’s heart which had been welling up in that instant were interrupted by the girl’s question. Lifting his head, Zhang Lingyi smiled and said, “Ah, yes. Don’t we match each other perfectly?”

“En.” Initially, the girl had worried that she was too bold and Zhang Lingyi was be angry. Upon seeing him generously admit it, the girl quietly exhaled and laughed, “You must usually treat him extremely well then!”

Zhang Lingyi’s brow twitched. “Why do you say that?”

The girl chuckled and spoke, her words carrying an underlying blessing of wishing them well. “You look at him with a particularly tender gaze.”

When he heard this, Zhang Lingyi jolted and sunk into endless thoughts.

The girl then said something else, but it didn’t enter Zhang Lingyi’s ears. It was only when the station where the girl would get off at arrived and she bid him goodbye, that Zhang Lingyi finally managed to recover.

Quite a lot of people got off at this station. The originally packed compartment was now half-empty, and the rest of the pa.s.sengers on the train were sleeping. Those who weren’t sleeping were either playing on their phones, or just staring off into s.p.a.ce.

Inside the carriage, it was very quiet. The whistle blew, and the train once again embarked on its journey.

The sound of the wheels colliding with the railroad track echoed in through the gla.s.s window and the carriage swayed slightly.

w.a.n.g Guangning slept for the majority of the night. When he felt uncomfortable, he adjusted his posture while one hand simply wound itself around Zhang Lingyi’s waist.

Zhang Lingyi stiffened and didn’t dare to move. Since n.o.body else was watching, he took the chance to gaze avariciously at the youth next to him who was fast asleep.

Had his own feelings reached a point where they could no longer be hidden?

To the point that even a random pa.s.ser-by could easily see his own agitation and restlessness?

Reaching out a hand, Zhang Lingyi lightly touched w.a.n.g Guangning’s hair which had grown just a little bit longer.

That night, Zhang Lingyi found it difficult to sleep.

Their luck this time was quite good, as the train did not have any delays. At exactly nine o’clock the next day, the train arrived at the Xiamen station.

w.a.n.g Guangning had woken up quite early. Although he had slept for the entire night, the quality of it was not good. Hence, he had been in a state of confusion ever since he awoke. Even when they arrived at the station, w.a.n.g Guangning still hadn’t shrugged it off. On the other hand, while Zhang Lingyi did not get any sleep last night, his mental condition was better than his. Of course, that was only if the dark circles under Zhang Lingyi’s eyes were ignored.

With their backpacks slung over their shoulders, the two allowed themselves to be swept along by the crowd who were all getting off the train. Zhang Lingyi saw w.a.n.g Guangning’s bewildered appearance, it was as if the other would be carried away by the stream of people at any time. Sighting quietly, Zhang Lingyi stepped forward and grasped w.a.n.g Guangning’s hand.

w.a.n.g Guangning started. His muddled consciousness finally cleared a bit. w.a.n.g Guangning raised his head and stared at Zhang Lingyi, his eyes expressing his clear suspicion.

Zhang Lingyi glanced up nonchalantly at the sky, “We have to hold hands and ask pa.s.sers-by for directions.” There was a pause, then he continued, “En, we also have to take photos of all the beautiful scenery we see along the way.”

After he finished speaking, Zhang Lingyi lifted the camera which was in his other hand and directed it at w.a.n.g Guangning. Kacha!

Smiling mischievously, he said, “In xiao gong’s eyes, the most beautiful scenery is naturally shou shou~!”

“Go die!” Furious, w.a.n.g Guangning kicked Zhang Lingyi’s calf.

“f.u.c.k, that hurts!” Zhang Lingyi gritted his teeth.

“Who said it wouldn’t?” w.a.n.g Guangning hmphed. He dragged Zhang Lingyi forward, “Stop speaking nonsense. Let’s quickly get to the place we’re going to stay at, I’m exhausted.”


Zhang Lingyi, I can see you flirting with w.a.n.g Guangning (๑˘︶˘๑)

Chapters for BMHS and RIAIM will be uploaded soon ~

translator: k i a i

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