"actually, I went to the planet Hakuna Matata and inherited the throne!”

Keke, it is said that time pa.s.ses quickly like flowing water. In a blink, four years had pa.s.sed!

On a sunny afternoon outside G city"s airport departure terminal.

A slightly plump man with a cheerful smile on his baby face was leaning against a second-hand Volkswagen. He was anxiously staring at the departure terminal.

After a long time, a tall figure who was dressed in casual clothes and dragging a suitcase behind him leisurely walked out.

He was extremely handsome, with elegant and finely carved features. He strolled over to the exit gates, his every movement radiating an imposing and lofty aura that made people unable to tear their eyes away.

The young man with the baby face caught sight of him and immediately shouted, “w.a.n.g Guangning,” then dashed over.

w.a.n.g Guangning grinned as he collided with Sun Siyang who had flown towards him.

“Long time no see,” w.a.n.g Guangning said. His voice no longer carried the inexperience of youth; instead, it had become low and deep, full of magnetic charm.

“Long time no see, my a.s.s!” Sun Siyang"s face was red as he panted with rage. He delivered a swift punch to w.a.n.g Guangning"s gut. “You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! You actually ran all the way to Taiwan, and no one saw a hint of your shadow for four years. You didn"t even call, and if it wasn"t because I occasionally saw you appearing online in QQ¹, I would have thought that you were kidnapped by aliens!”

[1] QQ: an instant messaging software service provider in China.

“Haha~  I really was kidnapped by aliens~” w.a.n.g Guangning laughed and raised his eyebrow as he draped himself over Sun Siyang"s shoulder. “I"m only telling you this because it"s you. You must keep this a secret; in truth, I am planet Hakuna Matata"s prince. Originally, a war had broken out so my mother sent me to Earth. The war was settled a few years ago and I was taken back to inherit the throne!”

“……” Sun Siyang stared at w.a.n.g Guangning, dumbfounded. “Then should I send you to an extrterrestrial research centre now?”

w.a.n.g Guangning shrugged. “No, you mustn"t. Since I"m from a foreign planet, I like keeping a low-profile. You only need to take me out for a meal.”

Sun Siyang rolled his eyes and intercepted w.a.n.g Guangning"s suitcase. He placed it into the trunk of the Volkswagen. “Get on.”

“Oh~ You bought this yourself? You must be doing quite well!” w.a.n.g Guangning lifted a brow and slid into the front pa.s.senger seat. Although this vehicle wasn"t that expensive, it was pretty good for someone who had only graduated three years ago to already own a means of transport in G city.

“Well, it"s not much compared to you.” Sun Siyang snorted. “You"re now the marketing director of Fumaokaisi²……Oh, you"re also the king of an alien planet! Hmph. If it wasn"t because I was the first person you contacted when you came back, I would be suspecting whether you looked down on your past dormmate and wanted to break our friendship!”

[2] 福茂凯思: 福 (good fortune; happiness; luck) 茂 (luxuriant) 凯 (triumphant; victorious) 思 (to think; consider)

“Don"t say that~ Even though I"m already a glaringly³ successful person, I would never forget you, my dormmate, who ate in the cafeteria together with me!” w.a.n.g Guangning winked.

[3] 金光闪闪: literally translates to ‘golden light" and ‘glittering". WGN is teasing SSY xD

He completely understood Sun Siyang"s anger. After all, anyone would be hostile if their friend ran off to another place for four years without a word, and basically didn"t initiate any contact during that period.

In this regard, Sun Siyang"s temper could already be considered quite good.

However, something like this was simply unable to be explained clearly. w.a.n.g Guangning could only deliberately laugh and divert Sun Siyang"s fury.

“f.u.c.k off!” Sun Siyang roared. “Tell me the truth, at that time, why did you run away without saying anything? Afterwards, you didn"t get in touch with us either. If it wasn"t for the fact that your company a.s.signed you to come to the mainland, were you planning not to return for the rest of your life?”

That"s right, ‘we". Four years ago, when w.a.n.g Guangning suddenly left to Taiwan during the winter vacation, he didn"t bid goodbye to anyone at all. Later, it was as if he had completely disappeared from the sights of everyone in F University. His phone number changed, and he didn"t reply to any emails. He was also hardly on QQ. w.a.n.g Guangning didn"t leave any new contact information at the university either; even his parents were tight-lipped about it all.

If it wasn"t for the fact that vestiges of them living in a dorm together remained, Sun Siyang would have really doubted whether he"d ever truly met such a person before.

The reason why he didn"t fall out with w.a.n.g Guangning was that the other man had disconnected himself from everyone, not just him.

Hence, Sun Siyang had always felt that the reason for w.a.n.g Guangning"s actions must have been because he had no other alternative.

Sun Siyang persisted in sending w.a.n.g Guangning messages on QQ until he finally received several replies back. They proved that the other man was well, and that he didn"t encounter any danger.

However, w.a.n.g Guangning was still unforthcoming with the reason for his departure.

Originally, Sun Siyang had thought the exchange would only last for one year and a half. It was entirely unexpected that w.a.n.g Guangning would directly stay and work in Taiwan after his graduation. Even though w.a.n.g Guangning worked at Taiwan"s famous corporation Fumaokaisi, it would still be extremely easy for him to acquire a position in a large company on mainland China considering his abilities.

Sun Siyang never understood w.a.n.g Guangning"s decision.

Fortunately, he was back now.

They hadn"t seen each other for four years; yet, w.a.n.g Guangning"s elegance and attractiveness had not dimmed at all. Instead, the man"s charisma had matured by a fair bit and his visage had become more and more enthralling.

Sun Siyang had also found a stable job, and his life was pretty good.

Upon seeing w.a.n.g Guangning again, he couldn"t help but think of those years back at F University. Those days with w.a.n.g Guangning and Zhang Lingyi was said to be F University"s most lively and glorious period.

After w.a.n.g Guangning had left, Zhang Lingyi also became silent; up until graduation, F University didn"t encounter any more scenes of the two arguing at the same time again.

Sun Siyang sighed.

“Don"t worry about it, nothing really happened,” said w.a.n.g Guangning. “It"s just that my cla.s.ses were very hectic after I went to Taiwan. Every day, I basically didn"t have any time to rest from the moment my eyes opened in the morning until halfway into the night. It was like this even after I started working……”

w.a.n.g Guangning wasn"t lying when he said this. Four years ago, he had literally fled to Taiwan. He had changed all of his contact information and broke off every link to those in F University. It was simply because he didn"t want to hear any more news about Zhang Lingyi.

In order to make himself apathetic, w.a.n.g Guangning dived into his studies and ended up graduating with having excelled in all of his courses.

However, both he and Sun Siyang knew that this didn"t justify why he had cut off all contact.

Although Sun Siyang really wanted to know the true reason, he didn"t expose w.a.n.g Guangning"s poor excuse. He understood w.a.n.g Guangning extremely well; since the other man had already said it like this, it meant that he didn"t want to explain further.

Hence, they discontinued from talking about this topic.

Sun Siyang opened his mouth again, “That"s right! Guangning, do you still remember Zhang Lingyi?” Zhang Lingyi was w.a.n.g Guangning"s biggest opponent at F University, so Sun Siyang believed that w.a.n.g Guangning would definitely be interested.

w.a.n.g Guangning stiffened. Pretending as if he couldn"t care less, he replied, “Of course, I remember. Why?”

“A while after you left to Taiwan, he publicly announced his relationship with Luo Zihui and it immediately caused a sensation.” The xiao cao and the G.o.ddess of the administration faculty were both influential figures; therefore, this information incited a spell of gossip.

Despite the fact that he already knew this, w.a.n.g Guangning"s heart still unconsciously twitched in pain when he heard it again.

Sun Siyang didn"t notice his abnormality and continued to gossip. “But they quickly broke up, not even a month later.” Sun Siyang had lived in the same dormitory with w.a.n.g Guangning for three years, and he had acc.u.mulated quite a lot of negative comments about Zhang Lingyi. Hence, he didn"t feel any pressure at all about trampling on Zhang Lingyi now.

“They broke up? Why?” w.a.n.g Guangning"s tone was somewhat strange. He knew that Zhang Lingyi didn"t just date people randomly; the other man would only get into a relationship with another person after careful deliberation. This was also the reason why w.a.n.g Guangning had left without hesitation—he believed that Zhang Lingyi was serious about Luo Zihui. Since that was so, then why did they break up so quickly?

“Who knows?” Sun Siyang continued to break through his lower limit, “Wahaha. That"s why they say public displays of affection only leads to faster break-ups!”

w.a.n.g Guangning fell silent.

“Oh, however, he"s really awesome nowadays.” Sun Siyang remarked in disapproval, “He"s currently the HR manager of Huidi⁴ International"s southern China branch, and he"s very successful in the industry.” As he said this, Sun Siyang swept a glance over w.a.n.g Guangning. “Fortunately, you"re not doing any worse than him.”

[4] 辉蒂: 辉(splendour; to shine upon), 蒂(stem(of a fruit))

Immediately after thinking this, Sun Siyang"s eyes brightened. To tell the truth, his days at work have been extremely boring; thus, he really looked forward to seeing w.a.n.g Guangning and Zhang Lingyi"s grievances from the past transfer to their careers!

Wahaha. Cla.s.smates, we will have more gossip at out next alumni gathering!

w.a.n.g Guangning chuckled lightly, but didn"t say anything.

In the past four years, he hadn"t paid any attention to news regarding Zhang Lingyi. However, based on his understanding of the other man, w.a.n.g Guangning knew that his achievements wouldn"t be low.

Huidi International……they could be considered as being part of the same industry.

Sun Siyang drove w.a.n.g Guangning to his hotel and they dropped off his luggage. They shared a meal together, then Sun Siyang left.

w.a.n.g Guangning returned to his suite. Standing on the balcony, he gazed out at the landscape. Skysc.r.a.pers still dominated G city; it was as if nothing had changed, and yet, at the same time, it felt as if everything had changed.

Zhang Lingyi should be somewhere in this large city.

At that moment, the memories which he had repressed for so long could no longer be controlled and they surged up in waves.

w.a.n.g Guangning inhaled deeply, then revealed a bitter smile.

Even though I"ve left for so long, it turns out that my longing for you has not lessened in the least.

The sound of w.a.n.g Guangning"s phone rang out from inside the room. Walking back in, he picked it up and glanced at the number. It was unfamiliar.

“En,” he answered. “w.a.n.g Guangning speaking, may I ask who you are?”

A woman replied in a sweet voice, “h.e.l.lo, Mr w.a.n.g. I am Kelly, an executive recruiter from the HR sector of Kaite, a consulting business. Is it convenient for you to speak right now?”

w.a.n.g Guangning casually seated himself in a chair. “Please, go ahead.”

Silvery laughter echoed through the phone. “I know that Fumaokaisi has just recently stationed Mr w.a.n.g on the mainland. I was wondering if you would be interested in considering a few of the job opportunities available here?”

w.a.n.g Guangning responded, “I grew up in S city, so I do intend to develop on the mainland in the long-term. Please, do detail any good job opportunities there are currently.”

“That"s great.” Kelly"s voice transmitted her excitement clearly. “We are currently seeking a marketing director on behalf of Huidi International"s southern China branch. They will directly report to the director of the national market. Would you like to consider it?”

Huidi International?

w.a.n.g Guangning"s heart jumped, and he smiled. “Sure, I am quite interested in Huidi. How about this, you send the job description to me and I will email you my resume.”

“Okay, I"ll forward the JD to you now. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at any time,” said Kelly.

w.a.n.g Guangning turned on his mobile phone. As expected, he had quickly received Kelly"s email. He scanned through it, then sent his resume to her.

The past four years have felt endless. It has been long enough that I have finally sorted out my emotions and can now face you with a smile.


All SATS/SACS are finally done (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

I"ve left the name of the companies in pingyin, but feel free to post English suggestions for it ~

Also, I was wondering, what would you all rather for mature scenes in future chapters—mellow or explicit descriptions/expressions?

translator: k i a i


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