“w.a.n.g Dafa: My other father has returned home!”

w.a.n.g Guangning and Zhang Lingyi walked out of Fumaokaisi"s office together. Zhang Lingyi inserted a hand into the pocket of his pants, then pretended to carelessly ask, “I heard from David that you rejected our company"s offer?”

w.a.n.g Guangning responded, “En.”

Zhang Lingyi glanced at him furtively out of the corner of his eye, “Why?”

w.a.n.g Guangning shrugged. “I just arrived in G city and Fumaokaisi has only recently started its expansion into the mainland market. It"s not appropriate for me to leave at this time”

Then why the h.e.l.l did you go to the interview?! Are you making fun of our company?

Gra.s.s mud horses whistled past Zhang Lingyi internally. He really wanted to hold down w.a.n.g Guangning and ask him about the matter of him liking one of their company"s staff. Did he really hold interest towards Xia Yingchu?

However, it didn"t seem as if w.a.n.g Guangning wanted to mention it. Thus, Zhang Lingyi could only resentfully drop that subject.

The two climbed in the car then drove towards Tang Hua, the hotel where w.a.n.g Guangning was staying at.

Even though he was ‘moving houses", w.a.n.g Guangning actually only had two suitcases. They contained his clothes and other daily necessities. He had already sent the rest of his luggage back to his home in S city ages ago.

The pair walked out, each pulling a suitcase. w.a.n.g Guangning went to the front desk to check out while Zhang Lingyi waited for him by the door.

When w.a.n.g Guangning finished checking out, he saw Zhang Lingyi standing at the entrance of the hotel. He was holding the suitcase in one hand, and a cigarette in the other.

w.a.n.g Guangning frowned slightly, “When did you learn to smoke?”

Although the time he had spent interacting with Zhang Lingyi was not long, they had both paid attention to the activities of the other. w.a.n.g Guangning knew that Zhang Lingyi"s living habits were quite good and he definitely didn"t smoke.

“You don"t like it?” Zhang Lingyi smiled then pressed the cigarette into a bin near the door, extinguishing it. “Then I"ll quit.”

A strange emotion rose in his heart, and w.a.n.g Guangning said, “You don"t need to go that far. I won"t interfere with other people"s preferences.” Although, he did indeed feel that smoking was bad.

Zhang Lingyi shrugged. “It"s alright. I originally didn"t smoke often anyway.”

The first time he smoked was when Luo Zihui broke up with him.

They had dated for a month, but the number of occasions they had met up was less than three because he had spent all of his time searching for w.a.n.g Guangning.

Luo Zihui had mentioned breaking up with him via a phone call, causing Zhang Lingyi to spend half a day in his dormitory lost in thought. When his roommate asked him about what happened, he said that Luo Zihui wanted to break up.

However, the reason why he felt so despondent was not because Luo Zihui wanted to break up with him. Rather, it was because Zhang Lingyi had unexpectedly felt relieved after Luo Zihui brought it up.

It was only then that he realised who he truly held feelings towards.

Naturally, his roommate had not known the truth and merely thought that he had fallen in love. He gave Zhang Lingyi a cigarette.

Zhang Lingyi was someone who had a very healthy lifestyle. During the four years, he had not smoked often. Most of the time, he had smoked when he was unable to control his own thoughts and longing.

Now, it was time to quit smoking.

Collecting his emotions, Zhang Lingyi placed the suitcases into the trunk of the car. He performed a Superman gesture then said, “Let"s go home.”

Why was it that after so many of years of having not seen each other, this person hadn"t changed and was still so idiotic?

Even though w.a.n.g Guangning was slightly stunned, he felt an indescribable warmth in his heart.

When they arrived at Zhang Lingyi"s house, w.a.n.g Guangning stared at the familiar yet strange setting and was momentarily struck by a sense of regret.

The overall layout was basically the same as four years ago. However, since Zhang Lingyi now lived in this apartment, it was filled with his daily necessities and did not feel as cold as before.

Zhang Lingyi led w.a.n.g Guangning to a room and pushed his suitcases in. “You can take some time to unpack your things. I"ll go and cook.” After saying this, he left without another word.

w.a.n.g Guangning sat on the edge of the bed and examined the room.

The size of it was not very big, but it contained a large bed, a desk, and a closet.

Stationery was scattered across the table, and the quilt on the bed was evidently new. On the whole, the room appeared simple and clean.

On a wall near the desk, there was a bay window. Zhang Lingyi had covered the ledge with a layer of cushioning, so it was very comfortable to sit on when admiring the scenery outside.

w.a.n.g Guangning immediately fell in love with the room.

Standing up, w.a.n.g Guangning let his muscles relax then opened his suitcase. He began taking out his belongings and setting them in place.

By the time the room was entirely pervaded by his traces, Zhang Lingyi had also finished making dinner.

“Come and eat.” Zhang Lingyi stood outside the door and knocked on it to gain w.a.n.g Guangning attention. As he swept a glance over the almost full room, Zhang Lingyi felt a place in his heart also fill up.

The person he liked was by his side; Zhang Lingyi would be able to see the other whenever he wanted, and they could eat together.

Even though he didn"t know what the future held, this was already quite good.

After several years of having not seen each other, Zhang Lingyi"s cooking skills seemed to have progressed immensely. Although it was only the two of them, Zhang Lingyi had specially made an extra two dishes and opened a bottle of plum wine to celebrate w.a.n.g Guangning"s move.

w.a.n.g Guangning had not eaten homemade food for a couple of years, so he unconsciously ate an additional bowl of rice.

Zhang Lingyi"s brows were raised in delight and his eyes shone with laughter as he watched, secretly feeling very pleased with himself.

The proverb was right: in order to grasp the heart of a xiao shou, one had to first win over his stomach.

Zhang Youzhi¹ took a sip of the plum wine and pretended to inadvertently say, “My cooking skills are pretty good, right?”

[1] 幼稚: childish xD

w.a.n.g Guangning glanced at him and said, “En, not bad. In the future, the sovereignty of the kitchen will be handed to you!” Then he resumed digging into his food.

Giving a short cough, Zhang Youzhi continued to ask nonchalantly, “You"ve been in Taiwan for several years; you probably haven"t met anyone who cooks better than me, right?"

This question was a bit odd, and w.a.n.g Guangning"s heart stirred. He replied, “Actually, I have……”

Zhang Youzhi: “!!!!”

“Female cla.s.smates? Or female colleagues?” Zhang Lingyi questioned.

w.a.n.g Guangning pursed his lips, “That"s none of your business!”

Zhang Lingyi was struck down by that heavy blow.

Ah, right…

How w.a.n.g Guangning fared in Taiwan, whether anyone suitable appeared…

What qualifications did he have to ask?

It suddenly became silent at the table.

w.a.n.g Guangning was slightly confused about Zhang Lingyi"s way of thinking.

When he had left, w.a.n.g Guangning believed that after all was said and done, Zhang Lingyi liked girls. Hence, there was no possibility of any development between the two of them.

But after returning, he found out that Zhang Lingyi and Luo Zihui had broken up. Zhang Lingyi"s att.i.tude had also been very odd ever since they met again.

It was odd to the point that at times, w.a.n.g Guangning suspected whether Zhang Lingyi actually did feel something towards him.

If it wasn"t because of the fact that the wound he had received four years ago was too deep and those painful memories were too profound, w.a.n.g Guangning would probably have run over impulsively and asked Zhang Lingyi.

After they finished eating dinner, Zhang Lingyi took the initiative to a.s.sume the responsibility of washing the dishes.

w.a.n.g Guangning strolled towards the balcony to watch the nightscape.

When looking down from above, one wouldn"t really think that this city was any different compared to four years ago.

The distinct heights between all of the buildings were similar to undulating mountain ranges in the dim light while flickers of neon twinkled resplendently like luxuriant flowers.

However, upon actually walking amongst them, one would then realise that many things had already changed.

w.a.n.g Guangning inhaled deeply, breathing in the night air before turning back to the living room to watch TV.

The result was that be became distracted as soon as he sat down. Next to the TV, there was a small potted plant. It contained a bulky and rather st.u.r.dy money tree.

Naturally, w.a.n.g Guangning still remembered w.a.n.g Dafa, the plant that they had raised together.

When w.a.n.g Guangning originally left, he had severed every link they had shared together. This included w.a.n.g Dafa, whom he had directly thrown away in his dormitory.

w.a.n.g Guangning wasn"t sure if this potted plant was w.a.n.g Dafa.

The plant was much plumper, and the pot was also different.

However, it was normal for w.a.n.g Dafa to have grown during the past four years.

The original pot would have definitely not been large enough if the plant had grown so big. It wasn"t surprising that the pot had been changed.

However, if it really was w.a.n.g Dafa, why would Zhang Lingyi still raise it?

w.a.n.g Guangning was unable to understand. At that moment, Zhang Lingyi walked out after having finished washing the dishes. w.a.n.g Guangning pointed at the plant and asked, “Zhang Lingyi, is this w.a.n.g Dafa?”

“No.” Zhang Lingyi glanced at the money tree, then replied in an extremely calm manner, “It"s Zhang Dafa!”

“Get lost!” w.a.n.g Guangning rushed over to pick up the potted plant and said, “Ah, it"s really my son!”

There was an indescribable feeling in his heart; he felt a bit happy, but also slightly emotional.

He had previously thought that this potted plant was either neglected or taken by Sun Siyang and used to block radiation until it absorbed too much and died.

He hadn"t imagined that it would unexpectedly grow so white and plump under Zhang Lingyi"s care.

[Ah Zhi (author): Ah, hey, it should be green and plump, right?]

Zhang Lingyi answered coldly, “He"s already no longer your son. You abandoned him².”

[2] 他/它: the author switches between ‘him" and ‘it" respectively when referring to w.a.n.g Dafa throughout this chapter ^^

w.a.n.g Guangning flung back his head in a loveably arrogant manner. “Blood is thicker than water³. No matter how long we are separated, he will always be my son!”

[3] 骨肉情深: 骨肉 (blood relation; kin; one"s flesh and blood), 情 (feeling; emotion), 深 (deep).

Zhang Lingyi responded contemptuously, “Then why don"t you ask him whether he recognises a mother like you!”

w.a.n.g Guangning was immediately incited. His eyes were like daggers, gouging out holes from all over Zhang Lingyi"s body. “You"re the mother, I"m the father!”

Tilting his head up towards the ceiling, Zhang Lingyi said, “Ah, that year……you threw the coin……and it landed on the chrysanthemum……”

w.a.n.g Guangning: “……”

w.a.n.g Guangning hmphed. “He"s called w.a.n.g Dafa!”

Zhang Lingyi retorted unhappily, “You abandoned him. I was the one who painstakingly raised him for all these years. It"s due to my efforts that he has now grown up and become an adult. He must follow my surname!”

w.a.n.g Guangning"s lips twitched, and his enthusiasm to refuse acknowledgement of his loss once again emerged, just like back then. “Doesn"t matter. Laozi has returned now so he must follow laozi"s surname!”

He looked at the money tree while he was speaking. As if talking to himself, w.a.n.g Guangning asked, “Ah, Dafa, do you want to be surnamed Zhang or surnamed w.a.n.g?”

Then he pinched his voice and said, “Zhang Dafa sounds too unpleasant, I want to be surnamed w.a.n.g!”

Zhang Lingyi: “……”

Zhang Lingyi wiped his face. “You can go and take a shower, I need to calm down for a bit!”

w.a.n.g Guangning placed w.a.n.g Dafa back down and cheerfully went to have his shower. Zhang Lingyi sat on the sofa wordlessly, feeling paralysed.

w.a.n.g Guangning must have watched too many Taiwanese idol dramas, right?

Why did he feel that his IQ……

Zhang Lingyi thought about this silently.

His phone which was on the table vibrated. Zhang Lingyi picked it up and saw that it was David.

“Hi, David. It"s so late and you"re calling me, is something the matter?”

When w.a.n.g Guangning walked out after having finished his shower, Zhang Lingyi had just hung up. “Guangning, I"m going on a business trip to S city tomorrow. I"ll return the day after that.”

w.a.n.g Guangning was currently wiping his dripping wet hair with a towel. Upon hearing what Zhang Lingyi said, he replied, “En, okay.”

As he spoke, w.a.n.g Guangning moved over to sit on the sofa. He was casually wearing a loose T-shirt. There was a hint of fragrance from the shower gel on his body; the scent was fresh, clean and very pleasant.

Zhang Lingyi felt slightly restless and agitated.

“Do you need me to blow-dry your hair?” When he asked this question, Zhang Lingyi felt a bit guilty (as if he was harbouring evil intentions or whatever). However, he still couldn"t control his eyes from staring at w.a.n.g Guangning"s pale neck. Droplets of water were dripping onto there as they fell from the tips of his hair before slowly trickling down further.

This was definitely a trial to test the willpower of a real man!

w.a.n.g Guangning recalled the time he had the fortune of receiving Zhang xiao cao"s blow-drying service and silently moved an inch away. “My hair dries easily, there"s no need to blow-dry it.”

This strong sense of disdain!

Zhang Lingyi felt wounded!


Zhang Lingyi, you need to work hard (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ

For those interested, I"ll be (finally (ノAヽ)) uploading the first chapter of RIAIM tomorrow.

Also, in case anyone doesn"t know, Chinese coins (1 yuan) feature a chrysanthemum flower on one side ~

ZLY: Shou shou is the best! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

WGN: (╬ Ò﹏Ó) I am the gong! 


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