
40-year-old virgin, j.a.panese old man found himself waking up in a different world. When he wakes up, he found out his body become young again. With no help from anyone he spends several years become a slave and spend his days full of hardship. His life in the living h.e.l.l is continued, until he meets him…

This is a love story about a young man with small body in the different world that full of beastman.

#I"m not really good in translate katakana to English, especially a people" name. But after consulting with my friends about this, I decided to change Gale name"s to Gail. If you think it"s not right please tell me. Also, I still confused how to translate Mintz" name. In j.a.panese they say "Mintsu", but I don"t really know many people"s name so… Anyone have better idea? TT

Well…have fun~^^


#This time is Doug"s pov at first but after that it"s Gail pov again.

I was really surprised when I hear that Gail bought a slave.

Of course I hate someone who sold or buy the slave, but I really know how much Gail hates the slavery system too. Besides, I"m also concerned about the fact that Gale, who had no interest in other people, had taken interest to one person that much. However, after I see the slave"s state, I understand why Gail bought him.

The boy"s condition is really bad, full of wounds.

Though that wound may come from a battlefield, hunting in the forest, or fight against demons, but that kind of work……, it"s almost impossible for such a young child to do that kind of work. I swear to my heart that someday, if I meet people who responsible for his wound, I will bring all of them to the jail. However, after seeing the calm expression on the boy face when he sleeps, compared with his wounded expression he had before.

Why does it make me feel happy just for looking at it?

From the start I like children (of course, there is no s.e.xual meaning in it), I really think that any children are cute, pretty, and should be protected. However, when I look at the boy, I don"t know why, but my heart feel so calm and warm.

Certainly the boy"s appearance is pretty cute, if I have to say honestly, it"s to my liking. However, even though his appearance is cute doesn"t mean that the throbbing I feel right now is come from that. I want to push him down and make him cry, I want to make him cry until there is no tears left in his eyes and he can"t cry anymore for the rest of his life, after that I want to treasure him, protect him, and spoil him as much as I can with everything that I have. When I found a prey I never miss it, I will never let him go, my instinct as a lion show up a little.

Even though the he is still so young I don"t know why I have this feeling when I see him. Is this boy is my fated partner? But, even though there is that possibility, doesn"t mean it"s really an answer for this. Well.. if this boy is really my fated partner that will be really nice, while thinking about that I gently stroke his hair and forehead. Unconsciously, my ears pop out a little. Also, when I looking at his lovely face I can"t stop smiling.

When I heard that Gail give him a drink by mouth to mouth I was jealous for a moment rather than being surprised.

Well I will give him some medicine next time too. I really looking forward for that time.

Not long after that, Gail came up from the bath.

The boy"s condition is looking good, so I decided to leave the room and eat dinner with Gail

I and Doug had a simple dinner with the soup that Mintz made, of course after leaving an enough amount for let the boy to eat. I thinking about the boy"s meal for tomorrow, but .. oh well, I will think about that when the time is coming.

“Well I guess I"ll be going to bed.. by the way, the boy use your bed, so what about you?”

“I don"t" mind."

“Don"t mind? What are you going to do? Isn"t it impossible for your body to sleep on sofa?”

“No problem, my bed is big, even if the boy is sleeping there I can still sleep well without problems.”

“What? You are you going to sleep together?”

Of course. I can"t leave him alone in this condition right?

“Well, if something happened when we sleep, I will notice it soon.”

“Surely so, but … well … well…. Then, today you are sleep with him but tomorrow is my turn, okay?”

“Why? I"m good doing it every day though?”

“Even if you are good, I am not good.”

I still don"t understand why I must. Rather, I want to taking care the boy by myself, but there is no choice if Doug said that.

“Okay, then can I ask for daily change?”

“Yeah, let"s take care of the boy carefully, then … Good night Gail.”

As he said that, Doug disappeared into his bedroom.

I prepare the water for the boy"s need, and head towards to the bedroom where he sleep. When I look he"s still sleeping I feel relaxed, but so many sweat drip from his forehead it"s make me a little worried. I sit beside him, wipe the sweat, giving him a water by mouth to mouth.

His throat seems to be thirsty and his body trying so hard to swallow the water given by me – this feeling is similar to feeding a small animals and looks like this will be a habit.

As usual, I sleep with my upper body became naked, then I go to his side. Actually, I wanted to hug him while sleeping, but because he has fracture, thus the wound is still not cured yet, so I restrain myself to do that. In exchange, I make him use my arm as an arm pillow and face his body towards me, his forehead touching my chest. I just wiped his body with warm water and probably he never takes a bath for a long time, so I though he will smell bad, but what come from him was a scent like a refreshing forest.

I rotate to the other arm to be his arm pillow. When I close my eyes my somewhat I can feel his hot body temperature unintentionally and unexpectedly.

The next morning, I woke up and confirmed his condition, but his consciousness hasn"t come back yet. However, the breathing is stable and the complexion is not bad, so I think there will be no problem. I prepared myself quickly, make him drink the rest soup, water and potion like yesterday (if you mixed it with honey, somewhat it easier to drink), apply the medicine for the scar on the whole body and change the bandage.

Talking about the medicine, it reminds me of the medicine for his b.u.t.t, the pitiful state of his b.u.t.t that ripped and bleeding comes to my mind and it makes me feel bitter. That terrible wound was probably because there was a guy with a beast"s body that raped him. If I meet that man, I feel like I will beat him, torture him until he beg for the death, and do many think that I can"t say to others.

I feel somewhat sorry to touch his b.u.t.t while he still unconscious, but I have to do that, I lay his face on the bed, open his leg slowly, and check the appearance of the affected part. It seems that it has become considerably better although it"s still have some swelling in several part and scratches. I take a lot of medicine on my fingertips and gently apply it. I was worried whether I should apply it all the way back or not, but in the end I just put a little fingertips so that I can apply it inside.

Doug seemed have woke up. So we had a simple breakfast together and we decided which one will show the face to the guild today.

In the end, it"s decided that I will be the one who have to show a face to the guild today. To win from Doug in a word war is more difficult for me than fighting with a monster. I don"t want to go to work and separated from the boy, I really want to take care of him by myself. So I decided to finish my work as soon as possible and return as fast as I can.

After that I headed to the guild.

#See u in chapter 5 ^^

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