Aidoru Wa Tsukkoma Reru No Ga Suki!:Volume 1 Prologue

"Alright then, let"s start!"

Start what, exactly?

I could not stop myself from ranting at the voice that suddenly entered my ears.

Being forced to wear these earphones just narrowed down my movement range.

Completely a fish out of water, I was brought here unsuspectingly, locked in a room with a huge conspicuous gla.s.s window, and then made to sit in front of a microphone that hung from the ceiling. This microphone was different from normal Karaoke microphones, being the more exquisite kind that hung from the ceiling, I guess. Sitting on the chair, no matter what I do, I cannot ignore the microphone that hung just a little lower than my sight.

In this situation, what should I do?

"It"s already started!"

A human voice was transmitted over the earphone again. I think this was the person at the other side of the mirror talking.

These guys are really so lively. Even if it was spring now, They did not have to fill my head with flowers, did they?

`"What the heck started anyway?"

Unfortunately, during my second year of grade school, I have already confirmed that I did not have any telepathic or other supernatural powers. Even though I did try channeling my powers for a moment there, alas it was just useless. So, I chose to vent my feelings through my voice instead.

My reaction made the adults at the other side of the gla.s.s window laughed until they rolled on the floor. I see that I may have done something that made them happy. The main point though, was that were they laughing at me, or did I make them laugh.

So, the man who had entered the room earlier before me, now sitting beside me, gave me a piece of paper. On the top of the A4 sized paper, the word "Script" was written in large font.

Eh? What? Am I supposed to read that word by word?

Caught completely unawares, I tried to read the part that was pointed out by the man.

`"Er...So it has finally started! This broadcast program!"

This broadcast was which broadcast anyway!

I read it loudly because there was the instructions "Raise volume" written beside it, but I was still utterly confused.

Never mind, I guess I will just follow what they say anyway! I don"t want to think anymore! I will just do as you all please! Just quickly let me go after this! Hey wait a minute, it should be, I would follow what you say, but tell me what"s going on!

Moreover, I was just thinking of going out for a brisk walk on the streets to buy something. Today was the last day of the spring vacation, and from tomorrow onwards I"m going to be a second year high school student. During this time, every adult around me is going to be nagging endlessly about which university to choose or maybe going to work directly. Since this short vacation was going to end, having enough of wasting time sitting around in home, I decided to go out for a walk.



Continue reading? Can"t you all even give me some time to sort out my thoughts!

`"Er...A broadcast program in conjunction of the immensely popular...light novel "The Law of Boyle - Sharuru" being made into an anime? The name is also called "The Law of Broadcasts". We will also be running ...Er...En? To? Eh? Oh, to and fro with the original work while bri~bri~bringing this program to everyone!"

Even though some words that I didn"t know how to read appeared, but someone immediately gave me the correct p.r.o.nunciation through the earphone. After that, I finally saw some familiar words. Hey, I know this light novel. It was the current most popular work.

Er~The story of "The Law of Boyle - Sharuru" started with a high school student called Boyle who was kidnapped by a mysterious organization and became a human experiment.

After opening his eyes, Boyle found out that his body has turned into one of a third year elementary school student.

Just then, a girl arrived to help Boyle out. Her name was Sharuru. Having the same plight as Boyle, they set out to find clues on the mystery organization.

According to Sharuru, after the experiment, Boyle had acquired the special ability to change his form and gain special powers.

The main attraction of the novel would be the part where they change forms. A third year elementary school boy and girl pressing their lower parts with their hands, yelling "It"s, it"s so hot!!" and then becoming bigger, I mean their bodies.

After the transformation, they will regain their original high school bodies and have various supernatural powers.

Boyle and Sharuru, under those circ.u.mstances, started a company called the "Impossible Problems Firm" and used the ident.i.ty of "The Burning Boyle" and "The Fever Sharuru" to track the mysterious organisation. This is the basic premise of the story.

Ah, I guess my thoughts got led astray after hearing the t.i.tle of my favorite light novel.

I really liked this novel. However, I did not even know that it was going to be animated.

The man beside me cued me to introduce myself.

`"Er, okay. Introduce myself? Um...even if you ask me to do that... I"m just an outsider."


The adults at the other side of the gla.s.s burst in laughter that did not suit their age. I only said what I thought of, you know! Even so, aren"t you guys laughing a little too much! It"s causing me to get excited too. Hey wait, it"s just that I signed myself over!

I finally got the hang of the current situation after a while. Cut off from external sounds by the huge gla.s.s windows and door, this room is the recording studio for the broadcast program.

And then, for whatever reason, I am now sitting here talking to the microphone.

`"What the heck? What"s happening anyway!"

Okay, okay, okay, the man sitting beside me put out his arms as though to calm me down. Why did he remain silent anyway?

`"What? You want me to "talk about something interesting?" Oh please, what interesting things do you guys expect of an outsider anyway!"

I read the text they give me aloud, a small retribution. What was "something interesting" anyway? Compared to a normal conversation, this was really hard, you know? Don"t ask an outsider to do this kind of stuff. Even more so, I don"t even know the meaning of me sitting in this room.

"Even though you say that this is the first time you have ever went on air, but your performance was quite interesting!"

Just then, I suddenly heard the voice of a girl.

Wrong, wrong. It is not just "hearing the voice of a girl". Aside from vibrating my eardrums, the voice made my body turn towards the source of the sound. My earphones were ripped off, perhaps from the force of turning my body quickly. My hands searched for the earphones, but my eyes continued to be focused on the girl.

Hey, wait a minute. I know who she is.

The girl who stepped into the compartment from the outside.

A sweet smell entered my nostrils. My nose told me that this was like stepping into a bed of flowers. However, what me eyes told me was a beauty incomparable to any flower.

Her slightly curled hair was tied in a side ponytail that shook with her every step, attracting one"s attention to it.

Her big eyes were as clear as onyx pearls. She wore a simple T-shirt with a miniskirt, a simple style that you could find anywhere in the streets, but perhaps it was her extraordinary looks, so it was evident that she was completely different from everyone else.

But what really knocked people off their feet was...her voice.

The person who just talked sat across me. Looking at her intently, I naturally adjusted myself to sit facing the microphone properly. I finally found the earphones that fell off and placed them over my ears again.

Our eyes met.

I don"t know why, but she slightly tilted her head. It didn"t feel out of place, instead it was very cute.

"Hi everyone! I"m the one who"s in charge of the main female character, Sharuru, of "The Law of Boyle - Sharuru", a seiyuu without her voice, Otonashi Madoka!"

Oh, that familiar sound...that familiar sound is now introducing herself in front of me.

Starting as a child star in troupes from a young age, her popularity increased exponentially after her debut as a seiyuu (voice actor). She was incredible beyond belief.

With her extraordinary beauty and wonderful acting skills, it was impossible for her to not be popular! I have also paid special attention to all of her anime and broadcast performances.

"Are you shocked to see me? Hehe, sorry about that. We have planned a little gag scene for you. Alright now, let"s put in all our effort together!"

`" that..."

"Sensei, you"re quite young in person. I have thought that you would be much older, actually."

Sensei? Who are you calling sensei?

Oh, is it that? The kind of job that would call the guest as "Sir"?

"Okay, okay. Please have a cup of tea and calm yourself down."

She poured tea into my paper cup. She"s so gentle...wait, this is not the time to be moved.

Seeing my shocked reaction, the people on the other side of the gla.s.s laughed loudly again.

I don"t even have any energy to rant at you guys!

Aaaaaaah, Miss Otonashi"s attractive voice is vibrating my eardrums in front of me! This must be a weapon! A new modern weapon! At point blank range! She is the voice actor idol who have been the model of the cover page of the voice actor magazine for countless times. In other words, she had a cute appearance that qualifies to be on the magazine cover!

At that particular moment...

That particular moment being the moment I fell head over heels over Miss Otonashi"s voice!

There seem to be some commotion outside the compartment. Two men rushed into the room. The man at the front opened his mouth and shouted something.

His voice entered my ears through the earphones.

"Sorry for being late! I have brought the author of the original work here!"

...A moment of silence.

The people who have been laughing at my panicked reaction, now stood dumbfounded on their feet.

I wanted to laughed at them for revenge, but I didn"t care about them since my eyes were fixated on Miss Otonashi.

By the time I recovered, the red light that showed that the broadcast was being recorded was out, and a large group of people was having an emergency meeting outside the compartment. Miss Otonashi have also left the compartment to attend the emergency meeting. Okay then, I can use this opportunity to sort out my thoughts again and understand why all of this would happen.

That"s right. Today is the last day of my spring vacation. I decided to leave my house to buy a lot of things.

I shifted my vision to the only gla.s.s window in the room and started to reminisce everything that has happened today.

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