The encounter with the Fairy King

One day in the afternoon, Tiararose was spending her time lying in her room, looking worn out.

If she were to be asked if she was not feeling okay, she would probably answer "no" in an unconvincing manner and if she were to describe her current state, it would be that she is having a slight fever due to overthinking.

Thinking how pathetic she was, Tiararose nestled herself in the sofa.

What comes into her mind was the deep, soothing voice of her beloved person. It makes her body shiver just thinking of how Aquasteed calls her name.

Her fiancé always dotes on her, not only when they"re alone but every time they"re together. Although, He is often involved with Aishira so as a result, Tiararose cannot fully eliminate her anxieties.

Of course, she is well aware that they are meeting because of work since Aishira also sells her own raised fish, corals etc., in the castle.

"……I wonder if I can take all of this"

She might eventually melt one day due to her jealousy and also her embarra.s.sment whenever Aquasteed dotes on her. Tiararose closes her eyes with those thoughts in mind.

The cozy sofa gently embraces her frame. It seems that she is to fall asleep if she stays like this but that might also be a good thing to do. She let the drowsiness engulf her and decided to fall into slumber.

"Sorry for calling you out on your spare time"

"No, I do not mind…… What do you think about this design?"

"Yes, that one is nice. It"ll definitely look good on Tiara"

On a sunny afternoon, Aquasteed was having a meeting with Aishira on the garden"s terrace.

It might be questionable why they are on the terrace but the main reason for that is simply because their meeting was not work-related. Right now, Aquasteed is choosing a design for the hair ornament that he is planning to give Tiararose.

"It seems like the hair ornament that I was wearing the other day has suit your taste so…… How about we add some arrangements to it?"

"Sounds good"

It was during Tiararose"s visit to Aishira"s estate――

Aquasteed went to pick her up but, since she was in the ocean at that time, he just waited for her by the sh.o.r.e.

Meanwhile, he consulted Aishira about the ornament that he was planning to give to Tiararose.

When Tiararose saw him touching Aishira"s hair, he was just pointing out to Aishira that he likes the design of her hair ornament and that this design must also be a good one for the gift.

Although, things ended up with Tiararose linking her arms with his causing him to pull her into a hug……

"! Y-your highness?"

"――No, it"s nothing"

Upon remembering the happenings on that day, Aquasteed unconsciously breaks into a smile. And that unconscious smile of his made Aishira"s heart skip a bit.

But she quickly concluded that he must be thinking of his fiancée, Tiararose. Why she thought so was because the reason for their meeting right now is for his gift for Tiararose after all.

"In regards to the colour, put a single dark blue in it"

"A blue? I understand. I will prepare a beautiful colour of it"

Aishira was able to tell that the blue stands for Aquasteed"s hair colour.

Teleportation magic.

As expected of a king, being able to perform a very complex magic. Tiararose scans her room in awe.

Being able to go back in just a snap of a finger was too peculiar for her. When she was about to thank Keith, she got cut off by a different voice.

"Tiara――? Who"s that man. Get away from her!"

It seems like they had teleported exactly when Aquasteed has entered her room.

Those eyes that leered at Keith we"re unsparing. He drew out his sword and pointed the tip of it to Keith.

Even during the welcoming party, Tiararose has a dark blue rose on her hair so it was easy for Aishira to guess.

―― He is really in love with Miss Tiararose huh

If that is the case, I"m sure the future of this kingdom is in good hands. Thinking that way also made Aishira a little happy. And at the same time…… She felt a little bit of jealousy boiling deep inside her.

As the two were interacting, Tiararose was able to witness the scene.

Along with Tarmo, she was walking around the castle in order to keep track of the places inside.

But as soon as she saw the two, she quickly turns the opposite way just to hide in one of the pillars to be able to watch what they were doing. But since there was quite a distance, she couldn"t hear their conversation.

"They are probably just talking about work, like always"

"…… You"re right "

The concerned voice of Tarmo entered her ears. Of course, she herself thinks of the same thing but, she just can"t help but feel jealous.

―― But he told me that he has official duties for the rest of the day. Plus, he was supposed to be at his office like usual

He is definitely not a person who will do his work outside his office, Tiararose thought as she watches Aquasteed smile happily while looking at some papers.

Certainly, in the table, there was a lot of papers―― which were all design plans but unfortunately, that couldn"t be seen in Tiararose"s view.

――Did he lie to me about his official duties? Was it because I told him some selfish things?

The reason why Aquasteed told her that he"s has work for the whole day was that he wanted to surprise her, but Tiararose never thought of such possibility.

"I am sure there is nothing to worry about, Miss Tiararose. Look, it seems like they are about to go back to his office"

"……You are right. Please excuse me, it seems like I was overthinking"

"No, not at all. If there are things that are bothering you, please do not hesitate to consult me"

"Thank you"

Tiararose sent a final glance to the retreating figure of Aquasteed before she starts walking once again.

Since she was able to memorize most of the places in the castle, she made her way to the forest back of the castle where it is said to have very beautiful flowers. A flower that she had never seen before might be blooming in there.

After walking at her own pace for about 15 minutes, she reached the entrance of the forest. The waist length garden plants are all well-taken care off and many beautiful flowers were blooming from it.

The moment Tiararose sat down on the nearby bench, the forest fairies appeared and greeted her.

『"Ah〜! It"s Tiararose!!"』

『"Good afternoon, Tiara!"』

"My, good afternoon to you too. You guys are very lively for today as well"

Giggling sounds were heard from the place as the fairies we"re pleased to see Tiararose.

Tiararose"s escort, Tarmo, was watching the scene with an evident smile. He decided to stand at a distance in order not to disturb them.

Fortunately, Tiararose is together with a lot of forest fairies so he a.s.sumed that she wouldn"t get bored. ……plus, if he stands too close to her, he earns a glare from Aquasteed.

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