A Sweet Newly-Married Life

Aquasteed who is the crowned prince of the Kingdom of Marineforest and Tiararose—the daughter of a Marquis; a household that is bestowed to carry the name Lapis coming from the name of the neighbouring kingdom, Lapis Lazuli— are now married.

And now, as the crowned princess, Tiararose is living a busy life.

Her name Tiararose Lapis Clementine now changed into Tiararose Lapis Marineforest.

Lapis is stayed in her name because she was blessed by the forest fairy king, Keith.

Tiararose, who has now become Aquasteed"s princess, was given a new room.

Each rooms are connected and the bedroom are made for hers and Aquasteed"s use. In other words, each of them can freely enter each other"s rooms.

Right now, an exclusive designer is in her room, tailoring dresses for her.

"Are you still going to tailor more dresses?"

"Why, of course, Miss Tiararose. You have now become the crowned princess so your official affairs will also increasingly here on. This is still not enough!"

Her honey pink hair swayed as they do the final adjustments of her new dress. As she stands there like a doll, the seamstress continue doing the arrangement of the dress.

Philiane is the one who"s managing the place while looking at the dress designs.

She"s seriously thinking which hairstyle would suit Tiararose when she ties her hair later. She always prioritize Tiararose  more than she do for herself.

"Are you perhaps tired?"

"Once the adjustment of this ribbon over here is done, you can get a little rest"

――only just a little, huh

After hearing the seamstress" words, Tiararose let out a sigh, thinking that things won"t be over soon.

The seamstress comes almost everyday and there are also many aristocrats and merchants coming to meet her, the crowned princess.

Although she is aware that it is part of her official affairs—— there is no time for her to rest at all.

She straighten her back as the seamstress adjust the position of the back ribbon.

The princess line dress may be a little childish but strangely, it also brings out cuteness when a newly married woman wears it.

"The checking of any adjustments is done. Please have some rest"

"Thank you"

Tiararose had her dress carefully removed. She changed in a rough dress that she only wears during tailoring.

Once she sat on the sofa, a warm tea was prepared for her.

"Thank you for your hard work, Milady. All that is left to do is to adjust at least two more dresses and if ever you have a design in mind, then we shall have it tailored for you. But that being said, you still have an evening party to attend to for tomorrow so you must not overwork yourself……"

"Indeed, you"re right"

She was slumping down onto the sofa, feeling dizzy from Philiane"s lively words. After this,  checking of accessories and cosmetics still needs to done; it"s not even funny anymore.

Tiararose who is raised as a lady of a marquis" household, is of course, used to things like this. However—— this time, there are so many of it which makes it so hard.

"I have also prepared some cake"

"Oh, sweets huh!"

A cake made of peaches was placed on the table.

She is awfully fond of sweets even in her past life. She just loves it.

That"s right―—.

Tiararose has her memories of her past life.

It"s a memory where she lived as a j.a.panese. And her current world right now is in the sequel part of the otome game "The ring of Lapis Lazuli".

The game had already reached its ending and so she is really happy right now but—— sometimes, she can"t helped but be anxious.

――What if the power of the game works now and p.r.o.nce Aqua came to like someone else?

She doesn"t usually think of such things but those thoughts just suddenly comes to her mind.  Although, no one would even think of such thing just by looking on how much Aquasteed dotes on her.

She brings a piece of peach to her mouth and its freshness quickly spread to her tongue as she took a bite. As soon as Philiane saw her cheeks relax without her noticing, she also let out a satisfied smile.

She truly lives to see Tiararose happy.

"Oh, do you plan on using the kitchen for tonight also?"

"Yes. I plan to bake some cookies. Prince Aqua told me he wants to eat some"

"I will have it prepared then"

Philiane nodded at Tiararose"s words before she instruct the maid.

The well trained maids then moved for the sake of their mistress. Philiane nodded in satisfaction before returning her gaze to the designs.

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