Alchemy Emperor Of The Divine Dao

Chapter 999: Tyrant Axe Harbor

Chapter 999: Tyrant Axe Harbor

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The Cloud Piercing Shuttle raced toward the west.

Ling Han and Shui Yanyu were alone in the shuttle, and they also had especially strong feelings for each other. Thus, it was unavoidable that they were lovey-dovey and hands-on with each other. However, they both had strong self-restraint, and didn’t cross that last barrier.

Even with a Flight G.o.d Tool, it still took them nine days to arrive at the Star Sea.

The Star Sea was a vast inland sea, and it was rumored that it was formed by a star that had crashed down from the sky a long, long time ago.

Some people speculated that it was a shard from a star that had been shattered. As a result, people would occasionally see structures that were full of foreign flavors resting on the seabed. However, none of these structures were in good condition. How could they be in good condition under the tremendous force of a cras.h.i.+ng star?

At any rate, it was a shard from a continent, so it scattered a large amount of G.o.dly metal throughout the Star Sea. Moreover, the level of the G.o.dly metal was relatively high, causing many people to come here and search for it. They would strike it rich if they could find a piece of high-level G.o.dly metal.

If they could find a high-level G.o.d Tool, then they would obtain an even more astonis.h.i.+ng wealth.

In fact, there were also lost cultivation techniques and spirit medicine among other things scattered throughout the Star Sea. It was rumored that someone had even found a powerful high-level puppet here before.

To put it simply, this vast expanse of sea was a treasure trove!

It was precisely because of this that pirates started to gather here. Their aim was to plunder those who came here to test their luck!

Ling Han stopped the shuttle when they arrived at the seash.o.r.e.

This stretch of sea was especially uncanny, and it produced an extremely powerful gravitational force that would greatly limit the ability of Flight G.o.d Tools and cause them to sink toward the bottom. It was as though the continent remnant still possessed a tremendously powerful gravitational field.

In fact, even normal s.h.i.+ps were unable to sail here, as they would face the risk of drowning at any moment.

If one wanted to sail across this sea, they had to construct their s.h.i.+p from the bones and skin of the Demonic Beasts that lived here. Only by doing so would their s.h.i.+p possess a buoyancy that could counter the gravitational pull. The reason for this was because the physiques of the Demonic Beasts had transformed to adapt to this sea after having lived here for countless years.

The pirates that Ling Han and Shui Yanyu had to exterminate where naturally located in this sea. However, they had no idea which island the pirates were based at.

This group of pirates was especially careful, and they had never revealed the location of their base to anyone. As a result, trying to annihilate them became extremely difficult.

Fortunately, Ling Han and Shui Yanyu didn’t need to track down the pirate base and annihilate it by themselves. Instead, their plan was very simple. They would join a fleet and wait for the pirates to attack. Then, they would seize the opportunity to kill some pirates.

Anyhow, their mission was simply to exterminate a few pirates, so they would have completed their mission after they reached a specified target.

“We can also try our fortune while we’re at it,” Shui Yanyu said. “People have found Level Ten G.o.dly metal here before!”

Shui Yanyu had already introduced the Star Sea to Ling Han while they were traveling here. Ling Han immediately nodded, and said, “My luck has always been good.”

He wasn’t kidding. He had come here by splitting open the skies, so he had received the luck of heaven and earth as a blessing. Thus, his luck was indeed better than others’.

Luck was not something to belittle. Back in the Lower Realm, Xuanyuan Zi Guang was someone who had possessed freakish luck. He could trip over Spirit Tools as he walked, and he could also obtain supreme inheritances when he jumped off cliffs.

Ling Han’s luck wasn’t as freakish as Xuanyuan Zi Guang’s, but he was definitely still someone who was enveloped in the glow of luck.

Shui Yanyu nodded in agreement. She was relatively knowledgeable regarding small worlds, and she knew that those who split open the skies would receive rich blessings from heaven and earth. These blessings included raising one’s power, tempering one’s physique, and perfusing one with luck.

“Then you can be the leader for this trip,” she said.

Ling Han smiled as he stowed the Cloud Piercing Shuttle away, and teased, “Don’t you know that the husband’s duty is to guide the wife? It’s only natural that you listen to me.”

“d.a.m.n pervert!” Shui Yanyu humphed softly.

“Do you think it’s a fresh term just because you added a ‘d.a.m.n’ in front of it?” Ling Han said with a smile.

“Let’s go!” Shui Yanyu started to head off.

Their target was Tyrant Axe Harbor, where s.h.i.+ps would set sail at fixed intervals. Of course, one would have to pay a reasonable sum of money to board these s.h.i.+ps. After all, the s.h.i.+ps that could sail out to Star Sea were exclusively owned by the force behind this harbor.

The harbor wasn’t far, and the two of them arrived there in no time.

It was a very important supply station as many people headed out to sea from this harbor. As a result, a small town was also developed next to this harbor. This town had inns, brothels, and casinos, and one could enjoy themselves as much as they did in the Imperial Capital and other large cities.

However, a town was a town, after all, and this place measured no more than five kilometers in both length and width. Three sides of the town were surrounded by a tall wall that was engraved with extremely powerful defensive divine patterns. Meanwhile, the fourth side faced the sea, and from here, one could see the 10 or so s.h.i.+ps of varying size that were currently docking in the harbor.

A flag that had an image of a b.l.o.o.d.y axe was hoisted high above the center of the town. This was the symbol of this place.

Ling Han and Shui Yanyu were instantly stopped at the entrance of the town.

“Each person has to pay one True Origin Stone.” Five people stood before them with their arms crossed in front of their chests. They glanced over Ling Han and Shui Yanyu, and in the end, all of their eyes stopped on Shui Yanyu. They looked her up and down, and truly wished that their gazes were hands that could strip her naked.

Ling Han stepped sideways and blocked Shui Yanyu behind him. “I’ve never heard about having to pay a fee to enter Tyrant Axe Harbor.”

“Well, now you’ve heard of it,” a robust white-clothed man said.

“However, if the beauty behind you kisses each of us once, we can let you two through with only one True Origin Stone,” another st.u.r.dy man said with a chuckle. His face was filled with l.u.s.t and debauchery.

“Hehe, if you blow me, I’m even willing to pay you one True Origin Stone instead!”

“Hahahaha!” The five people started to roar with laughter.

Although there were powerful and domineering descendants like Zhao Lun, Sha Yuan, and Luo Ba in the Imperial Capital, they lived under the feet of the empress, after all, so they were only rich playboys at most.

Here, however, the powerful oppressed the weak, and the ugliness of human nature was magnified to its extreme.

Power was the language of the cultivation world, and power was what earned respect.

“This girl is so deliciously beautiful. Who would’ve thought that such a beauty would appear in this kind of rural place? Girl, give me a smile!” One of the men couldn’t contain himself, and he raised his arm to push Ling Han aside as he teased Shui Yanyu.

A dark shadow fell across Ling Han’s face. “Give me a smile” was his line, okay? Wasn’t his cla.s.s being dragged down now that a rural ruffian was using his lines?

He raised his hand and grabbed the study man’s wrist. “What b.a.l.l.s! You even dare to target my wife?!”

“F*ck! You dare to resist?” The st.u.r.dy man faltered momentarily before violently trying to pull his hand away. However, he found that his wrist was trapped in a vice-like grip that he couldn’t break free from no matter what. Anger instantly bubbled up inside him, and he viciously swung his other arm toward Ling Han.

“Humph!” Ling Han shook his hand.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

There was a sound of bones shattering, and the st.u.r.dy man’s arm instantly became as limp as a noodle. All of the bones in his arm had been pulverized.

The study man was dazed for a second before finally coming to his sense and letting out a wretched scream. “Ahhh…!”

“What b.a.l.l.s! You actually dared to hurt someone from the Black Five Gang?!” The other four st.u.r.dy men flared up in rage as they drew their weapons and surrounded Ling Han and Shui Yanyu.

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Chapter 1000: Entering the Town

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

These five people were all in the Mountain River Tier, but they were all only in the low extreme. Some were in the early stage, some middle, and only one had reached the peak stage.

Shui Yanyu stepped out, burning with fighting spirit.

Because she had made a sum of money, she had also bought three Mountain River Stones at the auction, and along with some alchemical pills she had bought, her present cultivation level was close to reaching the peak stage of the low extreme. Hence, she was impatient to find out exactly how far had her abilities improved.

These four could be said to have delivered themselves up to her door.

She gave a soft shout, and charged out with her sword in hand. She moved as lightly as a fairy, yet was as graceful as a demon.

At first, the four men looked perverted, but when Shui Yanyu’s sword sliced over, an expression of terror suddenly appeared on their faces. How could they bother to indulge in their fantasies any longer? They quickly brandished their respective weapons in preparation to parry the oncoming attack.

Even in the Scarlet Heaven Academy, there was a limited number of even one-star geniuses. You should know just by looking at the enrollment a.s.sessment for the Northern Inst.i.tution—only 20-odd people had managed to get through to the fifth floor.

However, the Scarlet Heaven Academy had already gathered all the young geniuses of the whole Chaotic Stars Majestic Empire. With that comparison, it was clear how rare even one-star geniuses were.

Shui Yanyu was above a genius of one star, but did not reach up to two stars. However, this was not sealed. In the future, she could possibly cross over into two stars, and could also possibly degrade to one star. But, with the G.o.d Tool in her hands, her current battle prowess was capable of surpa.s.sing two stars!

The other four, on the other hand, had only ordinary talent, and did not possess tier-surpa.s.sing battle prowess.

Hence, even if it was one against four, Shui Yanyu was still the one holding all initiative, her advantage extremely apparent.

After all, she had a dominating battle prowess of two minor levels, so even if it was one against four, fighting was very relaxed for her.

Ding, ding, ding, ding!

She was very forceful, and her beautiful face had already frozen into ice. Compared to Ling Han, she was naturally even more enraged to have others take liberties with her.

“Aaaah…” That st.u.r.dy man Ling Han had subdued was dumbstruck; only now did he realize that this couple was not to be trifled with. In his shock, he seemed to have even overlooked the pain in his arm. Only when Ling Han slapped him did he begin to scream.

“Shut up!” Ling Han rebuked, and said, “I will ask, and you will answer. If I am even the slightest bit dissatisfied, I will first cripple your other arm, then break your legs. Understood?”

“Yes! Yes!” The st.u.r.dy man’s forehead was completely covered in cold sweat. However, Ling Han’s voice was so cold, and he did not doubt in the slightest that Ling Han would definitely be firm enough to do as he had threatened, and he hurriedly forced down the ma.s.sive pain he was experiencing.

He was bemoaning their terrible luck in his head. If he had known that this couple would be so forceful and powerful, he should not have trifled with them even if he was beaten to death.

“Tell me, how many different forces are there in this town, and which are the strongest?” Ling Han asked. Now that they had come to an unfamiliar place, the first thing to do was naturally to get to the bottom of the power balance in this place.

The large man hurriedly collected his thoughts, and finally related what he knew.

Even though Tyrant Axe Harbor was not big, there was also astonis.h.i.+ng profit hidden here because there was a great many people who went out to sea, which attracted a considerable number of different forces.

The largest was naturally the owner of the Tyrant Axe Harbor, the Yang Clan.

The patriarch of the Yang Clan was named Tongtian, his cultivation level at the high extreme of the Sun Moon Tier. Even in the Imperial Capital, it would qualify the clan to be ranked among the fourth-tier forces, which was quite extraordinary.

Bafu was the name of the first generation patriarch of the Yang Clan 1 . Billions of years ago, the Yang Clan had already established themselves here. Their history was even much longer than the Chaotic Stars Majestic Empire, and until this generation of Yang Tongtian, they had already pa.s.sed through close to 100 generations.

Every generation’s patriarch of the Yang Clan would inherit the name of Bafu and a G.o.d Tool, the Tyrant Axe. Its level was as high as Level Eight, and it could match an opponent in the consummate level of the Sun Moon Tier. This was also the reason why the Yang Clan could oversee this place, and not decline through these billions of years.

All the s.h.i.+ps here were under the control of the Yang Clan, and if cultivators came back with their harvest back from the sea, the Yang Clan would also buy it from them in the first instant. In most cases, they could buy these treasures at the lowest possible price.

In these innumerable years, the power of the Yang Clan had become incredibly strong, and it could not be moved.

Tha Yang Clan would get the bulk of the profits, but naturally would also leave some for others. Hence, there were also five gangs here, and had respectively taken control of the various businesses such as the brothels, casinos, and inns in the town. Due to competing over customers, there was no lack of fights among these forces, and people dying was an extremely ordinary occurrence here.

There were no duels to the death here. Even the slightest argument could result in an exchange of blows, and life and death would be decided in an instant.

Precisely because of this, the inns here had very good business—once you had checked in, you would receive the protection of the inn, and would not need to worry that someone would sneak up to your bed in the middle of the night to chop off your head.

Of course, the inns here also came with exorbitant prices, and there was still a considerable number of people that simply found a corner on the streets to rest for the sake of saving money. However, it was also possible that they would not get back up again, and all their valuables would naturally be looted completely.

The Black Five Gang was precisely one of the five gangs under the Yang Clan; they had control over five inns, three casinos, and two brothels.

The boss of this force was called Jiang Ji, an elite in the medium extreme of the Sun Moon Tier. It was unknown whether he was in the early stage, middle stage, or late stage. You just had to know he was very awesome.

However, recently the Black Five Gang and the Great Chariot Gang had been fighting heavily, with both sides incurring heavy losses. That was why the Black Five Gang had been so shameless to run to the town’s gate to collect entrance fees—it was to supplement their “household expenses”.

“So he is in the Sun Moon Tier; I can’t match him now!” Ling Han mumbled softly.

Putting aside the fact that Ling Han was only in the medium extreme now, even if he had reached the consummate level, it was impossible that he would be able to match the Sun Moon Tier. This barrier was like the gulf that separated the sky and the ground. No genius had ever been heard to have been able to surpa.s.s a major cultivation tier to defeat his superior opponent.

“From the look of things now, we can’t possibly stay in an inn belonging to the Black Five Gang.” He turned to look at Shui Yanyu, and said, “Wife, don’t play anymore. Let’s hurry and go in.”

In truth, Shui Yanyu could have defeated the four people long ago. However, she wanted to try out her various techniques, and thus treated the four of them like her newfound sparring partners. With Ling Han’s urging, she lost all interest. Then, drawing her divine sword in a fancy pattern, she burst with full power.

Peng, peng, peng, peng. The four of them were suddenly sent flying by the attack, and there was fresh blood seeping from their chests. They had all been severely wounded, but not one of them had died.

She was not a rash person. In this place, the glorious reputation of the Shui Clan was of no use. Even the ident.i.ty of the disciples of the Scarlet Heaven Academy would not bring them any additional protection. Hence, if they could avoid offending anyone too heavily, it was best to do so.

With them making such a huge commotion with their fight at the gate, it was naturally impossible that no one would have seen it. However, those who pa.s.sed merely acted like they had seen nothing. They seemed to be very used to this kind of battles.


This was the common feature of the majority of places. You should not think that the whole world was peaceful and prosperous just because the rules in the Imperial Capital were well-enforced.

Ling Han and Shui Yanyu entered the town. They first went to the harbor, and found out that the s.h.i.+ps here would only leave once every three days. It just so happened that the last s.h.i.+p had left yesterday. Hence, if they wanted to go out to sea, they would have to wait two days.

Thus, the duo first went to seek out accommodation.

Naturally, they could not possibly stay at an inn belonging to the Black Five Gang. Ling Han deliberately sought out an inn belonging to the Great Chariot Gang. Since the two forces were engaged in such heated compet.i.tion, he would not need to worry that the Great Chariot Gang would collaborate with the Black Five Gang to rob and kill them in the middle of the night even if he had offended them.

When they entered the inn, Shui Yanyu’s s.e.xy and enchanting figure immediately drew a considerable number of looks, and there were some that did not even bother to conceal the desire hidden in their depths.

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