I look at the doctor and mutter a quick, "Thank you," before watching her and Nurse Alex leave the room.

The moment they are out of sight, Chloe looks at me.

"What?" I ask, putting her feet up on the bed.

"You were so rude," she huffs, flopping back onto the pillow.

"Careful," I bark, and her eyes go wide, causing me to flinch. "You were drugged. Your face is bruised and you have been unconscious for the last twenty-four hours, so don"t look at me like you"re surprised I"m reacting this way."

"I know," she sighs, and my eyes meet hers, "but I"m okay."

Her hand comes up to run along my jaw. My hand covers hers and I turn my head to kiss her palm. I know she"s right, but that doesn"t make it any easier. I nod and finish tucking her into bed before kissing her forehead and going out into the hall to talk to Ricket.

"Sir," Ricket says as soon as he sees me walk out of Chloe"s room.

"Where"s Bernard?"


"I"m here," Bernard announces, walking around the corner.

"Any news?"

"Not yet." He shakes his head, looking towards Chloe"s room. "How"s she doing?"

"Better," I tell him, running a hand down the back of my neck.

"So, no news on who the guy was either?"

"When I spoke to him outside, he said he was Chloe"s boyfriend from high school."

"Why the f.u.c.k is he showing up here now?"

"Said he got a call from someone saying she was in the hospital. He told me he and Chloe have kept in contact over the years and he has always thought of her as his girl, so he wanted to make sure she was okay."

The words "his girl" ring in my ears and I try to steady my breathing as my hands clench into fists.

"I want you to find out everything on him down to what he ate for breakfast this morning, and I don"t want him anywhere near Chloe. I don"t even want him to catch a glimpse of her."

"My men will be keeping a close eye on him."

"Make sure," I growl before turning on my heel and heading back to Chloe. I know it"s not my men"s fault that this happened, but fear of the unknown has me lashing out. I just need some answers sooner rather than later.

Chapter 3.

"What are you doing?" I bark, walking into the bathroom, where Chloe is submerged in the tub with her eyes closed and mounds of white bubbles surrounding her.

"Taking a bath," she answers, not even opening her eyes.

"You could drown," I tell her, walking to her and picking her up out of the water, not caring when my clothes become soaked by doing so.

"Put me down, Nolan."

"No. You"re going to bed," I say, ignoring her struggles as I grab a towel with one hand before leaving the bathroom and carrying her to the bed, where she was supposed to be while I went to make a few phone calls.

"You are being ridiculous. First, you carry me around like a doll, and now, I can"t take a bath?" she cries, glaring at me.

"It was safer for me to carry you." I shrug and start to dry her off, but she pulls the towel from my hand and starts whipping it at me, causing me to dodge her while trying to take it from her without hurting her in the process. "Chloe, stop. You"ll hurt yourself," I say, finally getting the towel from her hands.

She reaches down to the end of the bed and grabs the blanket, pulling it over herself before crossing her arms over her chest and letting out a long huff.

"You"re supposed to be resting."

"I was resting." She rolls her eyes, suddenly getting out of bed.

"Now, what are you doing?"

"I need something to sleep in," she mutters, walking past me to the dresser, opening my top drawer, and grabbing a shirt out.

"Are you hungry?" I ask, watching her slip my T-shirt over her head. I stand there hard as a rock as the shirt slides over her perfect t.i.ts, past the soft roundness of her stomach, and then down to cover her bare p.u.s.s.y.

"I"m still not hungry," she says when her head turns and our eyes meet.

I watch as longing flashes in her eyes, and she starts towards me slowly.

"Angel," I warn, and her step falters slightly before she continues her path. This time, the sway of her hips has my c.o.c.k begging to reach her.

"I missed you." Her voice drops and her hand goes to my chest, causing my already hard c.o.c.k to become almost unbearable.

"You need your rest."

"I need you," she hisses, her hand at my chest traveling down my stomach, cupping me, her small fingers trying to wrap around my c.o.c.k through the material of my pants.

"No." I take her hand and wrap my arm around her waist, gently pulling her closer to me. "You"re not well."

"I"m fine," she moans, and by the noise she"s making and the slight movement of her thighs, I know she"s running hot.

"I decide when you"re well enough to f.u.c.k," I whisper near her ear, and she whimpers as my hand slides around then down her stomach. "Do you want to come?" I know I can"t f.u.c.k her like I crave to, but I never want her to want for anything, even if it"s just an o.r.g.a.s.m.

Her cheek moves against my chest, and she mewls as my fingers slide between the lips of her p.u.s.s.y.

"Poor Angel," I say, feeling how swollen she is as my fingers begin to slowly circle her c.l.i.t then move down over her entrance.

Her hips begin to move with my hand, and she"s so wet that my fingers are sliding with no resistance.

"Did you miss me?" I groan, sliding two fingers deep inside her, pressing against her G-spot. I can feel pre-c.u.m coating the tip of my c.o.c.k and know I"m making a f.u.c.king mess of myself. "Answer me," I snarl when she doesn"t answer.

"Yes," she cries as I begin to f.u.c.k her fast with my fingers.

I can feel her p.u.s.s.y getting tighter and hotter, and I know she is going to come, but I need her taste. I walk her backwards to the bed, making sure to keep my grip around her waist, my fingers never losing their rhythm. Once I have her to the bed, I gently lean her back onto the mattress, covering her body with mine.

I lift my head and look down at her as her eyes open and she looks up at me. There is so much hunger, so much desire in her eyes that I lower my mouth over hers just so I can break eye contact. I know what I want to do right now, but I force myself to take control of the urge to be deep inside her. Once I get my fill of her mouth, I gently move down her neck, using my free hand to lift my shirt she"s wearing and expose her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

The cool air hits her nipples, causing them to tighten even more. The fingers I"m using to stroke inside her lift up, causing her back to arch off the bed, raising her b.r.e.a.s.t.s closer to my mouth. I blow a warm puff of air over her nipple before laving it with my tongue and blowing another breath across it. Then I pull it deep into my mouth.

Her whimper and her nails digging into my hair egg me on. Once I have given both b.r.e.a.s.t.s the same treatment, I kiss down her stomach, licking around her belly b.u.t.ton before lowering myself and lifting one of her legs up and over my shoulder, spreading her out in front of me. I sit back, watching my fingers enter her in smooth strokes, then start f.u.c.king her harder with them before lowering my face to lick right up her center. I pull her sweet, pure taste into my mouth and circle her c.l.i.t with my tongue before sucking it into my mouth and flicking it.

The heel of her foot digs into my shoulder, her p.u.s.s.y clamps down on my fingers, and her screams fill the room right before her body goes completely limp and silence fills the air. After I feel her body fully relax and know that her o.r.g.a.s.m has pa.s.sed, I slowly pull my fingers out then place them into my mouth, savoring her taste as I kiss my way back up her body. Once I reach her face, I kiss her once, seeing that her eyes are closed. They slowly flutter open, and a small smile forms on her mouth.

"Sleep, Angel," I tell her as I fix her shirt and adjust her in the bed.

I cover her up before pulling off my own shirt while heading to the bathroom, where I"m extra careful about removing my pants. I"m still so hard that it"s almost painful. I make quick work in the shower and dry off hastily. I don"t even bother with clothes before crawling into bed with Chloe and pulling her against my chest. Then I fall asleep.

"I should go to work," Chloe says.

I lift my head from the papers I"ve been going over for a case so I can glare at her. She has been repeating the same thing for the last three days. I do not know how many times I need to tell her that it"s not happening before she"ll get it. h.e.l.l, she will be lucky to go back to work at all.

"We"ve spoken about this."

"You"ve spoken about this." She rolls her eyes before standing from the table and heading for the kitchen. "I need to work. I need to make money so I can pay my bills," she says, and anger instantly ignites in my stomach.

"I have plenty of money."

"I know, but that"s your money."

"I will take care of you."

"Nolan, I love you, but I was never looking for a sugar daddy," she cries, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Chloe, watch it," I snarl. "You"re really testing my patience," I say, tossing the papers in my hands down onto the table before standing from the chair, hearing it hit the wall behind me.

"Nolan." She swallows.

"I"m the one who got a phone call from halfway across the world telling me the woman I love had been drugged. I"m the one that happened to, so you do not get to make this seem like I"m trying to keep you here for my own satisfaction. I"m keeping you here because it"s safe," I rumble, leaning my head back in frustration.

She has become more and more defiant, and the way I would normally get her to submit cannot occur at this time-not until I know she is completely okay.

"I"m sorry," she whispers. My head lowers and our eyes meet. "I just need to get out of the house. I mean, you didn"t even tell me you were moving me in with you. Yesterday, all my stuff just showed up here."

Okay, so I may have gone a little bit overboard, but given the circ.u.mstances, I was tired of waiting, and now, I fully believe that the only place she is safe is with me. So that is where she will be from now on. And no, I do not want to be her sugar daddy, but the job has to go. If I need to travel for business, she is going to come with me. I will no longer be able to leave her while I"m out of town.

"I need to know you"re safe."

"Before meeting you, nothing like this has ever happened to me," she whispers as her head lowers and her hands wring together.

Her words feel like a steel pipe going right through my gut. I hate the idea of being the one who has caused her to be harmed. I"ve only ever wanted to take care of her.

"Come here, Beautiful," I sigh while opening my arms, and she walks to me, shoving her face into my chest as her arms wrap around me tightly. "I should have spoken to you about moving your stuff in, but I knew you would try to tell me, again, that it"s too soon. I removed the choice from your hands and did what needed to be done."

Her head tilts back, and I gather some of her hair at the back of her head into my hand, making a fist. I then lower my mouth to hers, slipping my tongue between her lips, calling hers to come out and play. When she moans and her body rises higher, I pull away, placing one more gentle kiss on her lips before pulling her head back into my chest.

"What would you like to do today?" I ask after a moment of standing in silence.

Her head tilts back again and her face lights up. "I"ve never been to the Museum of Natural History."

Internally, I groan, knowing that the place is likely overrun with children right now. But if my angel wants to go to the museum, then I suppose that is what we"re going to do.

"All right. Go get ready while I finish up some work. We"ll leave in an hour."

"Really?" She smiles bigger, and my mouth lowers again, kissing that one off her lips.

"Really," I reply against her mouth before pulling away and turning her towards the stairs, where I watch until she disappears out of sight.

"There are a lot of kids here," Chloe says as we make our way through the dinosaur exhibits.

"Most of the schools in the five boroughs bring the kids to this museum during the week, and then you have all the nannies who bring the kids here during the day. Or moms who just want something to do with their rug rats show up here as well," I tell her, wrapping my arm around her shoulders so I can lead us though the crowd.

"I had no idea," she mutters.

"When I was growing up, I only liked coming here for one reason." I lead her past some of the exhibits, heading towards my favorite spot in the building.

"Holy cow," she breathes, looking up at the giant blue whale that takes up a huge expanse of the museum.

"I used to lie on the ground under it for hours," I tell her, looking around.

The area the whale is kept is dark and the floor is empty, making it the perfect spot to get away from all the noise inside the museum. I lead her towards the middle of the floor and watch as she looks around the room. There are kids everywhere along with adults who are looking at the displays tucked into the walls.

"Come on." She pulls my hand, beginning to sit on the floor.

I frown down at her. "What are you doing?"

"Come on, old man. I need the full experience." She laughs, sitting down completely before lying on the floor.

I shake my head but follow her down, resting my head near hers. She moves my arm and lays her head on my chest.

"This is so cool," she whispers.

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