---------------+------------+---------------+-----------------------------State, orTrade Values Grand DivisionCountryShipping PortsDistrict,and CupMarket NamesCharacteristicsGradings---------------+------------+---------------+--------------+--------------- North AmericaMexicoVera CruzPuebla, dLow-grade (Cont"d)(Cont"d)Sierra, m nmountain coffee.
TampicoTamaulipas, dAn inferiorTampico, m ngrade.
& tTepicSo called"Mexican Mocha."
Raised for localconsumption. Nota commercialfactor.
-------------------------------Cla.s.ses for all Mexicans1. Commons (customary ornatural).
2. Washed (W.I.P.)3. Caracolillo (peaberry.) ---------------+------------+---------------+------------------------------- Central AmericaGuatemalaPuerto BarriosGuatemala_In general_:and LivingstonGuatemalas areon Caribbeanmild or mellowand mostlywashed.
The green beansare greenish toyellow (whenaged), and oflarge size. Themountain-growncoffees make ahandsome roast,are of fullheavy body andexcellent cupquality. Thelower-alt.i.tudecoffees are lightin cup, butflavory.
Ocos,Coban, t & m nWaxy, bluishChamperico, andbean; handsomeSan Joseuniform roaston Pacificwith whitecenter. Heavybody, fineacidity.
BelizeAlta Verapaz,Gray-blue bean;(Br. Honduras)dfine mellowSehenaju, tflavor. SeeBelize.
Antigua, dMedium flintyCosta Cuca, dbean; lighter inCosta Grande, dbody; flavory,Barberena, dacid.
Tumbador, d_Cla.s.ses for_Costa de Cucho_All Guatemalas_ChicacaoMost GuatemalasXolhuitz, dare washed andPochutamay beMalacatan, dcla.s.sified asSan Marcos, dfollows:Chuva, d1. Small flintyEscuintla, dbean, extremelySan Vincente, dacid and flavory,Pacaya, dproduced in theMoran, dhighest alt.i.tudesAmat.i.tlan, dof the Antigua,Palmar, dMoran, andMotagua, dAmat.i.tlandistricts.
2. Waxy, bluishbean, flinty,but large roast;heavy body withfine acidity.
Produced in themountainousregions of theCoban, CostaCuca, Tumbador,and Chuvadistricts.
3. Waxy, bluish bean, handsomeuniform roast, heavy-bodied butnon-acid coffees produced inalmost every district of therepublic at an alt.i.ture of from2,000 to 3,000 feet.
4. Stylish, green bean,handsome large uniform roast,very white center, mild cuppingcoffees produced practicallyeverywhere in the republic atan alt.i.tude of from 1,500 to2,500 feet.
---------------+------------+---------------+-----------------------------State, orTrade Values Grand DivisionCountryShipping PortsDistrict,and CupMarket NamesCharacteristicsGradings---------------+------------+---------------+--------------+--------------- Central AmericaGuatemala5. The lower alt.i.tudes of the (Cont"d)(Cont"d)various districts produce eithermedium bean, neutral cupping,colory coffees, or the Bourbontype of small bean, greenishcoffee.
------------------------------BritishBelizeBelize, m nA Coban coffeeHondurasfrom theHonduras AltaVerapaz districtin Guatemala.
Trujillo andHonduras_In general_:Puerto CortesSanta BarbaraHonduras coffeeson Caribbeandare small,Copan, drounded, andCortez dbluish-green.
AmapalaLa Paz, dThey are of aon PacificCholuteca, dhard flintyEl Paraiso, dcharacter; make afair roast andare neutral inflavor. While theupland grades areof good quality,the run of thecountry"sproductionseldom brings ashigh a price asSantos of equalgrade.
SalvadorAcajutlaSalvador_In general_:La UnionUsulutan, dSalvador"sLa LibertadLa Libertad,coffees aredmostly inferiorSanta Ana, din quality toSanta Tecla,those ofdGuatemala. TheLa Paz, dbulk of the cropAhuachapan, dis naturalJuayua, dunwashed. GreenSantiago debeans are smoothMaria, dand handsome andSonsonate, dmake a cinnamonSan Miguel, droast. Flavor isSan Salvador,neutral. Usefuldas a filler. TheSan Vincente,washed coffee isda fancy roaster,Cuscatlan, dwith a very thinMorazan, dcup.
Cabanas, dChalatenango,Cla.s.ses anddGradings for AllLa Union, dSalvadors: Washed1. Flinty, colory,greenish to bluishbean, fine whitecentered roasters,extremely stylishcoffees withfull-bodied cup--------------merit.
2. Grayish green to bluish greenneutral-cupping coffees.
_Unwashed_1. Screened, large bean, fineroaster.
2. Average run, unscreened,so-called Current Unwashed. Allunwashed coffees vary greatlyin cup merit, much the same aswith Santos coffees.
--------------+----------------NicaraguaCorintoNicaragua_In general_: Theon Pacificwashed coffees ofNicaragua havemerit, and arefine roasters; butthe naturals,comprising thebulk of the crop,are of ordinaryquality.
San Juan delMatagalpa, dLarge, handsome,Norteblue, washed bean(Greytown)making fancyon Caribbeanroast with plentyof acid in thecup.
---------------+------------+---------------+-----------------------------State, orTrade Values Grand DivisionCountryShipping PortsDistrict,and CupMarket NamesCharacteristicsGradings---------------+------------+---------------+--------------+--------------- Central AmericaNicaraguaJinotega, d(Cont"d)(Cont"d)Los Pueblos, dLos Altos, d+--------------+_Cla.s.ses for All Nicaraguas_:1. Large, handsome, palegreenish to blue, washed coffeeof the Matagalpa district,often showing fancy roast andacidly full-bodied cup.
2. Washed coffees of the lowerregions; small in size, butgreenish, colory, fine roastersand neutral cupping.
3. Unwashed coffee (bulk of theoutput) the merit of whichdepends entirely on therespective crop. Often a largeproportion of the crop is mildcupping and as desirable as anyother unwashed coffee; whileanother crop may produce a largequant.i.ty of Rio-flavored coffees.
+-------------------------------Costa RicaPuerto LimonCosta Rica_In general_: Theon CaribbeanCartago, dhigh-alt.i.tudePunta ArenasSan Jose dcoffees of Costaon PacificAlajuela, dRica areGrecia, dblue-greenish,Tres Rios, dlarge, rich inHeredia, dbody, of fine,mild flavor,sharply acid,and superior forblendingpurposes. Thesecoffees are famousfor their finepreparation andcarefulscreening. Thelower regionsproduce coffeesof moreneutral-cuppingqualities.
PanamaPanama CityPanama_In general_: TheChiriqui, dgreen bean is ofBoquete, m naverage size,greenish incolor. In thecup it has aheavy body and astrong flavor.
Grown chiefly fordomesticconsumption. Nota commercialfactor.
---------------+------------+---------------+--------------+---------------- West IndiesCubaHavanaCuba_In general_: (GreaterSantiagoOriente, dCuban coffee is Antilles)Guatanamo, tof good quality.
Santa Clara,The bean is ofdmedium size,Pinar del Riolight green, anddmakes a uniformVuelta Abajaroast. The flavorm nresembles the finewashed coffees ofSanto Domingo. Notcommerciallyimportant.
HaitiPort au PrinceHaiti_In general_: TheCap HaitienSt. Marc, dHaitian washedGonaive, dcoffee is a blueCap Haitien,bean and makes andattractive roast.
Jacmel, dIt has a rich,Les Cayes, dfairly acid,Jeremie, dmildly-sweetflavor; of averagequality. Thenaturals are usedextensively forFrench roasts.
=============+============+==============+=================+================= GrandCountryShippingState, orTrade Values DivisionPortsDistrict,and CupMarket NamesCharacteristicsand Gradings-------------+------------+--------------+-----------------+----------------- West IndiesSantoSanto DomingoSanto Domingo_In general_: Santo (GreaterDomingoPorto PlataCape, m nDomingo coffee is Antilles)Mocha, da large, flat, (Cont"d)Santiago, dpointed,Porto Plata, dgreenish-yellowBani, dbean. TheBarahona, dhigh-grown washedis of good body andfair flavor. Thelow grade isstrong, approachingRio in flavor. Thenatural coffees areused extensivelyfor French roasts.
JamaicaKingstonJamaica_In general_:(British)Cla.s.ses:Jamaica coffee isBlue Mountainbluish-green when(high-grown)washed, and greenSettlers"to yellow when(ordinary, orpatio-dried. Theplain-grown)washed high-grownmakes a fancyroast, and is rich,full and mellow inthe cup. Theordinaryplain-grown makesa bright roast,and has a fairlygood cup quality.
The naturals areused extensivelyfor French roasts.
Porto RicoSan JuanPorto Rico_In general_: Porto(U.S.)PonceSierraRico coffeeMayaguezLuquillo,is a large,Arecibom nhandsome, washedAguadillaYauco, d, tbean, light& m ngray-blue to darkCiales, d & tgreenish blue inCayey, d & tcolor, and makesUtuado, d & ta fancy roastwithout quakers.
Lares, d & tStrong or heavyMoca, d & tbody; peculiarAdjuntas, d &flavor similartto a washedLas Larias, dCaracas, but& tsmoother.
Maricao, d &tSan Sebastian_Cla.s.ses for AlldPorto Ricos_Mayaguez, d &tCaracolillo, a roundPonce, d & tbean peaberry;Primero, a superiorgrade of good sizeand color, usuallyhand-picked;Segundo, secondgrade, inferior toPrimero in size andcolor; Trillo,lowest grade, soldlocally.
(LesserBritish WestAntilles)IndiesAntiguaSaint JohnAntigua_In general_: WhileDominicaPortsmouthDominicathe quant.i.ty grown(Soufriere)is small, theBarbadosBridgetownBarbadoscoffee is of goodTrinidadPort of SpainTrinidadquality, andTobagoScarboroughTobagoincludes tendifferentvarieties. Thatgrown in Barbadosis similar to thatof Martinique, buta larger bean. Thisgroup is not animportantcommercial factor.
=============+============+==============+=================+================= GrandCountryShippingState, orTrade Values DivisionPortsDistrict,and CupMarket NamesCharacteristicsand Gradings-------------+------------+--------------+-----------------+----------------- West IndiesGuadeloupePointe-a-PitreGuadeloupe_In general_: The (Lesser(French)Cla.s.ses:Guadeloupe coffee Antilles)1. Bonifieur,bean is glossy, (Cont"d)or Cafe l.u.s.trehard, long, and(glossy)has an even green2. Habitant,color, somewhator Cafe plusgrayish. It is ofPelliculeexcellent quality.
(withThe Saints Bean ispellicles)superior. TheOrdinary is asmaller, rounder,curved bean.
Guadeloupe coffeesare mostly sold asMartinique.
MartiniqueFort-de-FranceMartinique_In general_: The(French)Grades:Martinique bean isFine Greengreen, long,Common Greensomewhat thick, andGood Commercialis usually shippedCommon "in the silver skin.
Picked "It is of fineCommonquality, butcommerciallyunimportant.
Guadeloupe coffeesare notinfrequently soldas Martinique.
CuracaoWillemstadCuracao_In general_: The(Dutch)Curacao coffee beanis small, of lightcolor and flavor.
It makes a brightcinnamon roast;useful as a filler.
-------------+------------+--------------+-----------------+----------------- South AmericaColombiaPuertoColombians, m_In general_: TheColombianColombian coffee(Savanilla)bean is greenish,Barranquillayellow, and brown,Cartagenadepending on age,Santa Martaand is rich andon Atlanticmild in the cup.
The fancy gradesBuenaventuracompare favorablyTumacowith the world"son thebest growths. TheyPacificproduce one-quartermore liquor ofgiven strength thanSantos coffees, andpossess much finerflavor and aroma.
Antioquia, dLight to dark green;Medellin, thandsome roasters;& m nnot as smooth assome CentralAmerican types, butbest of Colombians;fine flavor andbody.
Caldas, dSimilar to MedellinsManizales,in cup quality, butt & m nnot as heavy-bodiedor as acid.
JericoA favorably regardedColombian.
Magdalena, dFull, solid, blue,Santa Marta,washed bean, makingt & m na fancy roast, buttoo acid to beused straight.
Cundinamarca,The green bean isdblue-green to fancyBogota, t &yellow and Javam nbrown, depending onage; long, with asharp turn in oneend of the centerstripe. It makes -------------+------------+--------------+-----------------+-----------------
=============+============+==============+=================+================= GrandCountryShippingState, orTrade Values DivisionPortsDistrict,and CupMarket NamesCharacteristicsand Gradings-------------+------------+--------------+-----------------+----------------- South AmericaColombiaa smooth roast. The (Cont"d)(Cont"d).fancy has a rich,mellow flavor.
Cauca, t &Sometimes sold asm nimitation Bogota orBucaramanga; butinferior inappearance, roast,and drink.
Santander, dLarge bean, spongyBucaramangaand open, making at & m ndull Java-styleroast. The naturalslack acidity andflavor; but have aheavy body. Thefancies are almostthe equals of fineJavas and Sumatras.
Cucuta, t &Attractive in stylem nand cup.
(See Venezuela.)Ocana, tSometimes sold as anSavanilla,imitation Bogota orm nBucaramanga; butinferior inappearance and cup.
Tolima, dFair size bean,Ibague, tattractive inHonda, tstyle and cup.
_Cla.s.ses for All Colombians_:Cafe Trillado (natural or sun dried),Cafe Lavado (washed).
_Gradings for All Colombians_:Excelso (excellent), fantasia(excelso and extra), extra (extra),primera (first), segunda (second),caracol (peaberry), monstruo (largeand deformed), consumo (defective),pasilla (siftings).
-----------------+-----------------VenezuelaLa GuairaVenezuela_In general_: ThePuerto Cabellocoffee of VenezuelaMaracaibois greenish-yellowto yellow; largebean, ranging nextto Santos inquality and price.
It is mild ormellow in the cup.
The unwashed, or_trillado_,comprises the bulkof the crop.
Caracas, dShort, bluish bean,uniform in color,and making a lightcinnamon roast, butcontaining quakers.
The natural has afair cup quality.
The washed givesthe best results inroast and cup.
PuertoThe washed is aCabello, dhandsome bean, butinferior in flavorto Caracas. Theunwashed is flinty;fair roast, nospecial meritin cup.
=============+============+==============+=================+================= GrandCountryShippingState, orTrade Values DivisionPortsDistrict,and CupMarket NamesCharacteristicsand Gradings-------------+------------+--------------+-----------------+----------------- South AmericaVenezuelac.u.mana, dValued just below (Cont"d)(Cont"d)Caracas.
Coro, dValued a triflebelow Rio of thesame grade.
Trujillo, d &A low grade, makingm na dull rough roast.
Santa AnaLight in color andbody.
Monte CarmeloLight in color andbody.
BoconoLight in color andbody; neutralflavor. Twocla.s.ses.
Merida, d &The best of them nMaracaibos. Thewashed makes a goodroast, and has apeculiar delicateflavor much prizedby experts. Itranks among theworld"s best.
Tovar, m nRanks betweenTrujillos andTachiras. Fair togood body; withoutacidity. Used asfiller in blends.
Tachira, mFormerly sold asnCucuta, (SanCristobal) to whichit is nearestin quality,appearance, andflavor.
Cucuta, t &Grown in Colombia.
m nResembles Java beanSalazar, min form and roast.
nThe natural makesa full roast. Thewashed is astylish, largebean, a beautifulroaster, splittingopen with irregularwhite center;sharply acid in thecup.
AngosturaA small bean, lightin color and body,without much weightor character.
CarupanoA low grade valuedat about the sameas a Brazil coffeeof similar grade.
BritishGeorgetownDemerara, m_In general_: Not aGuianancommercial factor.
Dutch GuianaParamariboSurinam, m_In general_: The(Surinam)nproduction islimited andcommerciallyunimportant.