Almighty Coach

Chapter 430

The Ironman Training Center.

A bright professional smile was on Jones"s face as he looked at the two young clients in front of him. A fat kid and a well-built blonde youngster.

"Mr. Cruise, you were a key player in your high school football team, and you"ve partic.i.p.ated in the long jump event before. You currently exercise two to three times a week. I think that with your body foundation, there"s a high chance for you to pa.s.s the 24-hour Frogman Challenge with professional training," Jones told the blonde youngster.

"As for Mr. Ha.s.sel…" Jones turned his head towards the fat kid and continued, "Mr. Ha.s.sel, if it were last year, I might have been able to help you pa.s.s the fitness test for beach lifeguards, but the difficulty of the test has increased this year. Forgive me for being direct, but with your current condition, there is no way for you to pa.s.s the 24-hour Frogman Challenge."

Disappointment filled the face of the fat person. He asked with a glimmer of hope, "Is there really no chance at all?"

Jones shook his head, "If there"s money to be earned, we don"t turn down clients. But I would never lie to my clients, which is why I can only tell you the truth."

More than ten minutes later, the two youngsters walked side by side out of the main door of the Ironman Training Center. As soon as they reached the car, the fat person couldn"t help but touch his large belly before letting out a disappointed sigh.

The fat person was called Ha.s.sel, and he was an ordinary young man. His appearance was average, his height was average, and his family background was also very average; however, he had a not-so-average weight. There were a lot of people in the US whose weight was on the higher side, and Ha.s.sel was considered an exceptional case even among that group of people.

However, Ha.s.sel wanted to become a beach lifeguard. Unfortunately, with his body and without professional training, it would be practically impossible for him to pa.s.s the beach lifeguard fitness test.

By his side, the well-built blonde youngster consoled him, "Buddy, don"t be so sad! If this one can"t, you can try the other fitness centers; they might be able to help you pa.s.s the 24-hour Frogman Challenge."

The blonde youngster was called Cruise, and he was a good friend of the fat kid. Unlike the fat kid, Cruise had been an athlete ever since he was young, and he was good at all kinds of sports. Like most Americans, Cruise also aspired to work as a beach lifeguard.

That was why both of them accompanied each other to the Ironman Training Center; they wanted to sign up for a fitness training program to become beach lifeguards. However, only the athlete, Cruise, swiped his credit card to sign up while the fat Ha.s.sel only received a piece of bad news, which was that with his body condition, even if he were to partic.i.p.ate in a training course, it was still impossible for him to pa.s.s the 24-hour Frogman Challenge.

Ha.s.sel"s sad look made Cruise feel bad, so he made a suggestion. "I heard that there is a "Coach Lee"s Physical Fitness Training Center" not far from here, and Kevin Taylor is rumored to train there, though the fees are higher over there. You should go try again."

"Higher fees?" The fat Ha.s.sel touched his pockets where his credit card was, and he began to hesitate.

"You should at least consult them. Even if the chances are slim, there"s still a chance. If you don"t do it, you will lose even that slim chance," Cruise began distributing his rich chicken soup for the soul.


A fat Ha.s.sel whose mind was filled with chicken soup for the soul arrived at Dai Li"s training center.

"Mr. Ha.s.sel, please wait a moment, Coach Li will be here soon." The receptionist pointed towards the training ground with a smile.

Dai Li, an ethnic Chinese man was standing in the training ground, and in front of Dai Li were members of a training course.

A lot of Westerners could not differentiate Asians accurately, and Ha.s.sel was the same. He glanced at Dai Li"s photo on the brochure before looking back at Dai Li on the training ground. He noticed that the actual person looked similar to the one in the brochure and asked, "Is that person Coach Li?"

"Yes, he is our boss, Coach Li. The fitness training course for beach lifeguards will be led personally by our boss!" the receptionist said with admiration.

Ha.s.sel nodded and walked a few steps closer. He wanted to hear what Dai Li was saying, and Dai Li"s voice also emerged at that moment.

"Although you are all my clients, if you want to train here, you have to follow my rules. So, I hope that you can do these two things perfectly. First, trust me, trust me unconditionally." Dai Li held out a finger. After finis.h.i.+ng the first rule, he stuck out a second finger, and said, "Second. If I tell you to do something, you do something. You have to follow my training plan strictly. For example, if I ask you to do ten push-ups, you do ten, not one more, and not one less!"

In front of Dai Li, all the students of the course looked at Dai Li with severe expressions, like they were listening to the scoldings of an army drill sergeant. At that moment, everyone there felt that the Dai Li was more like a very experienced big-shot coach than a physical trainer. He was extremely in control. So his words were like Polaris in the night sky, providing guidance to the people.

Ha.s.sel observed from not far away. His heart was oddly convinced, as if what Dai Li said was the truth.

The scepter of authority was in constant effect, and everything Dai Li did received a bonus. Dai Li"s words at that moment were naturally infused with the essence of power, generating an overwhelming sense of dignity felt by the people around him.

"Alright, I"ll give everyone a five minute preparation time. You can drink water, go to the toilet, or lace your shoes again. We"ll officially begin the warmups after five minutes." Dai Li waved his hand after speaking and moved towards Ha.s.sel.

"Coach Li, this Mr. Ha.s.sel also wants to sign up for our fitness training course for beach lifeguards," the receptionist introduced Ha.s.sel to Dai Li.

Dai Li a.s.sessed Ha.s.sel from top to bottom. Ha.s.sel was at most, 1.7 meters tall, which was considered short among American males, but when it came to his width, Ha.s.sel was definitely above the American male average. He had a head full of brown curly hair, a chubby face full of freckles, and a big belly. He had the typical appearance of a fat kid depicted in American movies.

"Mr. Ha.s.sel, you want to sign up for our fitness training course for beach lifeguards?" Dai Li asked in a tone that sought confirmation. Looking at Ha.s.sel"s appearance, he certainly did not look like the kind of person who could pa.s.s the 24-hour Frogman Challenge.

"Yes, I want to become a beach lifeguard," Ha.s.sel said with an expectant face.

"Mr. Ha.s.sel, the beach lifeguard test this year is much harder than previous years. The beach lifeguard candidates this year have to complete the 24-hour Frogman Challenge, the specifics of which include running a 58-kilometer marathon, an eight-kilometer swim, and…"

"I know the test details," Ha.s.sel interrupted Dai Li, his expression gradually becoming sad. "I know that there is no way for me to pa.s.s the 24-hour Frogman Challenge. I"ve been to a couple of training centers, the coaches there have already told me."

Ha.s.sel"s sad look made Dai Li feel sympathy, he asked, "Mr. Ha.s.sel, since you already know that you can"t pa.s.s the 24-hour Frogman Challenge, why did you still come to my place?"

"I just wanted to try my luck. Who knows if you might have a way," Ha.s.sel answered honestly.

"Then why do you want to become a beach lifeguard?" Dai Li continued asking.

Ha.s.sel hesitated for a moment before continuing, "I"ve got my sight on a girl. I want to get closer to her, and she"s a beach lifeguard. So I want to apply to become a lifeguard at the beach that she goes to. That way I could see her every day."

"So it"s to get a girl, that"s courageous." Dai Li looked at Ha.s.sel with a smile that didn"t look like a smile, and asked, "Why didn"t you tell the girl directly that you like her? Why must you become a beach lifeguard, taking such a big roundabout route?"

"I… I feel that we should get to know each other more… And then…" Ha.s.sel said in a stutter.

A scene suddenly appeared in Dai Li"s mind. A fat loser fell in love with his dream girl but didn"t have the guts to confess, so he would think up all kinds of ways to get closer to his dream girl, dreaming that one day she would come to him.

Poor guy, but at least he"s a fatty with a dream. Dai Li looked at Ha.s.sel"s s.h.i.+lly-shally expression. Sympathy began to rise from the bottom of his heart. Dai Li suddenly wanted to help this fat kid.

In this world, if I can"t help him pa.s.s the 24-hour Frogman Challenge, no one else can.

As he reached this conclusion, Dai Li said, "It"s not impossible to help you complete the Frogman Challenge with training, but this depends on how much you"re willing to pay."

"I can use my credit card, but I don"t know if I have sufficient credit," Ha.s.sel said immediately.

"That"s not what I mean." Dai Li shook his head as his expression grew austere. "I"m not talking about money. It"s effort, your personal effort."

"I will do my best," Ha.s.sel said impatiently.

Dai Li instead said, "You will need to go through very high-intensity training if you want to pa.s.s the 24-hour Frogman Challenge in your current body condition. The training will be tough, you might even think it"s torture. Can you persevere?"

"I can. I can definitely persevere," Ha.s.sel nodded like a woodp.e.c.k.e.r pecking wood.

"I have to first remind you that the training program that I make for you isn"t only exercise for the body, it"s more of a test of will. The 24-hour Frogman Challenge was originally a test for the Navy SEALs, so what you will be facing will also be cruel training, a devilish fitness training. If you can"t persevere, you will only be wasting money," Dai Li reminded him with a solemn expression.

Due to the bonus from the scepter of authority, Dai Li"s dignified look made Ha.s.sel nervous.

"It"s just a fitness course, why does it feel like I"m about to make an important life decision?" Sweat had already begun to form on Ha.s.sel"s forehead, and his face twisted in nervousness as he became hesitant.

"How about this, Mr. Ha.s.sel. I suggest you go home and consider whether you really want to accept this sort of high-intensity training. Come and sign up once you"ve made up your mind." Dai Li glanced at his watch as he spoke; the five minutes were almost up. He apologized and returned to the training ground.


It is always tough for men to keep a cool head in front of beautiful women, and a lot of losers would sacrifice everything for their dream girl. Some would eat only pickles for an entire month and send the money they saved up to female broadcasters, getting a heart hand gesture or a simple "XOXO" in return.

Ha.s.sel was also willing to go through cruel fitness training for his dream girl.

So on the following day, Ha.s.sel went to Dai Li"s training center and maxed out his credit card.

At the same time, the training course at the Ironman Training Center also began.

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