Just then, Chen Mo"s phone rang.

When Chen Mo looked at it, the caller is his college buddy at his university, Zhao Zihao.


Over the phone came the toneless voice of Zhao Zihao: "Chen Mo, You kid won the champions.h.i.+p of the game design compet.i.tion? but you didn"t tell anything to your buddy!"

Chen Mo smiled and said: "I have just settled down, there are still too many things to do. How did you know about this?"

Zhao Zihao said: "You ask me how I know, you are now popular! The video about you arguing with the compet.i.tion judges has been spread online!"

Chen Mo is speechless: "Ah?"

Zhao Zihao said: "You go see it yourself, yes, do you have time tonight? We three haven"t had a good time together after graduation. Just this time, you also got the ident.i.ty of a game designer, and earned an experience shop. You are not going to treat us to a meal?"

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Well, I"ll treat. Then you go call Lin Mao."

Zhao Zihao said: "Okay, that"s it. So, I will pick up Lin Mao first, then directly go to your experience shop, and then let"s discuss what to eat. Let"s meet up 4 in the afternoon, we"ll see you around."

Chen Mo said: "Good, see you."

In his memory of the parallel world, Chen Mo has two very good buddies in his college days. The three of them have different majors, but they all entered the game industry.

Zhao Zihao is a rich second generation. His family seems to be engaged in traditional industries, for the specific situation, Chen Mo is not very clear, he just knew that this person is not short of money.

However, Zhao Zihao is not a game designer. He has set up a studio and make a game guild, the content includes but is not limited to: training, farming gold, game channels promotion and so on.

This company is not big, but the salary of its employees is not low, and all of the players are good, because players who badly plays won"t be employed.

These employees can basically be seen as playing games with Zhao Zihao and their other jobs is just secondary, no one cares whether the company is losing money. Anyway, Zhao Zihao himself sets up the company just for fun.

Some time ago, Chen Mo heard that Zhao Zihao had an intention to set up a club, but the investment was too large, so he has not decided yet.

Zhao Zihao is a simple and easy man to approach. He is completely unlike the rich second generation in the traditional concept. He spends all day thinking about playing games. When he was in college, he often went to internet cafes with Chen Mo. Chen Mo and another buddy Lin Mao often called him: "The body of a rich second generation and the heart of the poor."

Another buddy of Chen Mo, Lin Mao, is a game designer like Chen Mo and he almost got the qualification of a D-cla.s.s designer as soon as he graduated from college. Now he is concentrating on developing his own independent games.

Among the three, Chen Mo majors in literature, Zhao Zihao majors in finance, and only Lin Mao is a graduate of game design.

These three people have known each other from their freshman year in a game club in the school. They have always had a very good relations.h.i.+p and they are also the only few good friends of Chen Mo in this world. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

At noon, Chen Mo went around and got familiar with the surroundings of the experience shop. Then he found a small restaurant and went in and ordered rice served with meat and vegetables on top.

While waiting, he took out his mobile phone and read the news.

Sure enough, the events of the game contest have been reported in many game sections of the media, and many people have partic.i.p.ated in the comments.

《The Game Design Compet.i.tion ended, who won the 300,000 bonus and experience shop?》

《A magical bird won the Game Design Compet.i.tion champion! 》

《Live audience: feeling that is the most abusive game in history》

《700 viewers 350 hours of game time, this game is toxic! 》

《The judges are angry: Can this be considered a game? ! 》

《Game Designer: The judges have no spirit of impartiality"

《The founder of Hengyou.com overly praise this little game "

Chen Mo browsed these news which basically reproduced the scene of the compet.i.tion, but these media focused on his quarrel with s.h.i.+ Huazhe, apparently wanting to make this a gimmick and make it a hot topic.

There are also live video, the review part of s.h.i.+ Huazhe and the last speech of Chen Mo are repeatedly broadcast, which is very popular.

Chen Mo does not care about this. For him, it is good to have the media help him become popular. The more players who get to know him, the lower the user acquisition cost in the future when he releases a new game, which also saves a lot of publlicity costs.

There is a term in this era called Attention Economy, which is equally applicable in game industry.

The richer the information is, the more precious the user"s attention will be. The same two games, one without any attention, and the other game has been hotly debated before the release, so even if the latter is not as good as the former, but its income will be much higher than the former.

If you have a fan base of 5,000 people, fans in the group will listen to you, then at this point you can count on this fan base to support yourself, whether through Taobao shop(Taobao is China"s largest B2C platform just like Amazon), game channels or any other monetization method.

At this time, Chen Mo noticed that a game media had published an exclusive interview with s.h.i.+ Huazhe.

On the screen, s.h.i.+ Huazhe"s look was ugly and said to the camera: "What I said to game designer Chen Mo was some advices as an experienced person. As a result, he thought that I was demeaning him, which is ridiculous."

"I still hold the same point of view. The game industry is an industry that really needs sincerity and acc.u.mulation. This game designer Chen Mo is unlikely to go far, I think his next game, in the first month sales volume can"t exceed 100,000. "

Chen Mo smiled, this s.h.i.+ Huazhe is really a dead duck with a hard mouth(stubborn and reluctant to admit mistakes or defeats), anyway, no matter what he looks like when being refuted, he will rather die than admit defeat.

Chen Mo silently opened his Weibo.

His Weibo has been certified with his real-name, and after becoming a D-cla.s.s designer and game design champion, this information has also been updated.

Chen Mo directly forwarded the interview on Weibo, and then added a comment: "Don"t you eat anything?" Then tagged the official weibo of several game media.

Do you want to make trouble? Okay, dude, I"ll stay and accompany you till the end!

In a short while, Chen Mo"s Weibo becomes a hot topic!

The official weibo of several game medias found that Chen Mo responded and smelled the taste of "making a big news" and forwarded it one after another!

Game Information Network, Skynet, Weixun game channel… Even an executive from the Emperor Interactive Entertainment has been forwarded!

With such noise, a large number of players have noticed Chen Mo"s weibo!

"Chen Mo? Is he the champion of the game design compet.i.tion?"

"Is it him?"

"Yes, yeah, you can see his real-name certification."

"What the f.u.c.k, what is this about? Are they gonna fight against each other to the end?"

"The young man has a great personality, I appreciate him!"

"What does he meant on his sentence, what does he want s.h.i.+ Huaze to eat?"

"…upstairs, is your village just connected to the internet?"

These players directly became excited on Chen Mo"s weibo comment.

Chen Mo saying "Don"t you eat anything?" is actually a joke, because people often predict on the internet and in order to make a gimmick, they often add a sentence like "not allowed to eat s.h.i.+t" or "not allowed to eat a mouse", etc. there are various and strange eating things, so when they encounter predictive posts, many netizens will reply: "Don"t you eat anything?"

The meaning of Chen Mo"s Weibo is very clear: "s.h.i.+ Huazhe, you said that the sales of my next game will not exceed 100,000 in the first month? If it exceeds to 100,000, don"t you eat anything?"

Soon, the number of forwards and replies under this weibo began to rise suddenly and sharply, one hundred, three hundred, five hundred!

Moreover, enthusiastic netizens are still helping tagging s.h.i.+ Huaze, they are excited to be onlookers and make it a big deal.

Chen Mo is much more calm than s.h.i.+ Huazhe and this matter is not enough for him to take it seriously. In fact, Chen Mo doesn"t resent hype, if hype can bring attention to his next game, why not?

Soon, s.h.i.+ Huazhe replied: "Boring!"

Sure enough, Chen Mo had guessed correctly that s.h.i.+ Huazhe doesn"t dare bet with him.

The following comments on weibo, the crowd sighed, while the others continued to stir it up, encouraging s.h.i.+ Huazhe and Chen Mo to bet, eating keyboard or mouse.

s.h.i.+ Huazhe simply ignored this and never responded again.

Chen Mo smiled and put his phone away. For him, this is nothing more than an episode, no need to take it seriously.

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