Chen Mo joyfully said, yes, he had some worries about how to solve the problem of music and sound effects in the game. This skill book is simply like a charcoal in a snow storm.

Originally, Chen Mo knew nothing about music, he can only ask someone to do the game BGM and sound effects.

But Chen Mo can only dictate some of the cla.s.sic games" BGM, the results will definitely be different from those of the original work, so it is more reliable to do it by himself.

Chen Mo directly click use and the blue skill book turned into a light particles and entered his fingertips.

Chen Mo took out the electronic keyboard that the design compet.i.tion organizer prepared, before he thought that he wouldn"t need it, he was ready to pack it up and put it away.

Trying to play a few simple prosody, then connect it to the computer and made a simple BGM with the electronic keyboard synthesizer for about 10 seconds. Chen Mo listened a bit and felt pa.s.sable, at least some of the simple game BGM, he can make it himself.

"Alright, it"s a good start, let"s see if the next two ten consecutive draw will be something good."

Chen Mo took a deep breath and clicked the 【Ten Consecutive Draw】 b.u.t.ton.

"Kacha, Kacha, Kacha…"

The turntable quickly speed up and stopped, and in less than thirty seconds it did a 10 consecutive draw. The ten items that were drawn out were all arranged in turn and displayed on the virtual screen.

【Designer Skill Book】: 3x Numerical Ability Skill Book, 4x Level Ability Skill Book.

【Special Skill Book】: 1 Book, Concept Art Skill +10.

【Special Skill Book】: 1 Book, Motion Art Skill +10.

【Special Item】: Memory playback potion.

Chen Mo"s spirit rejuvenated, awesome it really is different. The probability of getting a blue and purple is much higher than that of single draw.

Chen Mo quickly checked the function of the special item.

Memory Playback Potion: "After use, for 4 hours you can freely recall memories that have been blurred or forgotten."

Good stuff!

Chen Mo now needs this item too much.

He had almost forgotten many of the games he had played before, although there is still a vague impression, but this vague impression is obviously not enough to support him to restore all the details of those games.

With the memory playback potion, Chen Mo can search his own memory, as long as it is a game that he had played and studied in depth, he can recall most of the details.

Without saying, Chen Mo ate those few skill books first.

Numerical ability +3, Level ability +4, Chen Mo himself estimated that now his true numerical ability is about 27 points, his level ability is about 35 points, and with the memory playback potion, it should be no problem to deal with some more complex mini-games.

There are also two special skill books, one concept art and one motion art.

Apparently in the lottery system of the bracelet, art and music, which have little to do with planning ability, are included in the special skill book.

The Concept Art skill +10, Chen Mo"s concept art ability has directly increased to 19 points, it"s completely alright to deal with some games with a relatively simple style.

The character action from his previous knowledgeless to the current +10, can be regarded as a process from scratch. Chen Mo can now do some simple 2D movement, which is crucial.

Draw again!

There was another ten consecutive draws, and Chen Mo clicked on the virtual screen again.

“Kacha, Kacha, Kacha…”

The turntable turned quickly again, and ten items were arranged in sequence on the virtual screen.

【Designer Skills Book】: 7x Plot Skill Book, 2x Systems Skill Book.

【Special props】: Lucky Capsules.

Chen Mo almost spit out blood, there is too much difference!

Sure enough, it"s a fraud!

Not only did the blue skill book not come out, but also the green skill book also produced a Plot and system skill book that he didn"t need the most, which was equivalent to a useless items.

Chen Mo felt pain.

Every ten draws is 100,000 yuan!

However, when Chen Mo saw the special props, he felt a little better.

Lucky capsule: "After using, greatly increase the lucky value for 10 minutes."

What is the use of this thing? Going outside and he will be able to pick up 5 million yuan?

The duration is only 10 minutes. Obviously, this thing is to be used with ten consecutive draws! Save 10 million points, then draw 10x ten consecutive draw…

"Forget it, I"ll keep it for next time."

Chen Mo felt a slight headache now that he had used up all his points. He still has 100,000 yuan but it"s too risky if he kept on recharging it. Better wait for the first game to come out and make some money then draw again.

Chen Mo also ate the few plot and system skills books that were drawn out. Although these two pieces are Chen Mo"s strengths, there is still a certain distance from perfection, so it is impossible to say that these books were completely useless.

Chen Mo turned off the virtual screen and calmed his mood.

After recharging 200,000 the skill book was exhausted and the special items were also withdrawn and Chen Mo then began to plan his first game in its truest sense.

Chen Mo actually hesitated about what to choose for this game.

If it is purely from the perspective of making money then it is the best to choose some domestic produced medium-level money charging mobile games in his previous lives.

These games don"t need too high of a game quality, they rely solely on numerical stimulation to attract players, and the ability to make money is too strong.

But Chen Mo is mainly worried about two issues.

One is his own numerical ability.

Domestic money charging mobile games allows player to keep recharging money. The main reason is the numerical stimulus, this is a technical activity. It is not like selling combat effectiveness with evil mind and the game can make money.

Therefore, the position of numerical planning in the domestic game industry is very high, often only second to the master planner and is responsible for controlling the game"s rhythm.

If the numerical value is good then it is equivalent to the game having a soul, no matter how bad the graphic is or how old the game is, there is a room for salvation. But if the numerical value breaks down then the game will directly die, leaving no room for buffer.

In terms of Chen Mo"s current numerical ability of less than 30 points, it is risky to do this kind of game, even if there is a memory playback potion it still is not good.

The value of this game is basically semi-hidden, including combat formula, growth attributes, restraint relations.h.i.+p, economic system, etc. each of which is an independent table, dedicated maintenance, even confidential to the company, which is not accessible to ordinary people.

Because the numerical system is too important for this kind of game, once the entire numerical system is leak, other companies can then use this as a framework to make a new game.

If Chen Mo wants to do this kind of game, he must rebuild the entire numerical system by himself, but as far as his current ability is concerned, he is not confident enough about whether he can control the numerical system of this game.

Another problem is the player acceptance.

The mainstream profit model of the world is still based on sales, and the game is sold by sales volume.

Selling value-added services, especially combat effectiveness, is not the mainstream, and no one has tried to sell combat effectiveness nakedly.

If you launch a generic money charging games and if the players found that the game directly sell combat effectiveness, can they accept it?

Will everyone cry and have a negative impact on himself and the company?

Is it even possible for players to spontaneously boycott his next game?

It"s hard to say that a small probability event doesn"t mean it won"t happen. This is Chen Mo"s first game, he doesn"t want to take this risk.

What are the players" taste in the world, whether money charging game have soils to take roots on, he needs to try it out step by step in case it breaks down.

Therefore, Chen Mo decided that the first game is still more conservative, limiting the target to a single-player game, and honestly sell through sales.

Using this game to first stabilize, at least let more players know about Thunder Games, then slowly test the player"s tolerance.

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