Rage Interference: Use it on someone other than yourself, the target will be in a state of rage and will have a higher probability of making irrational behavior for 15 minutes.

Super-accelerator: For your own use, so that your work efficiency will increase by 3x and will last for 8 hours. After using it, you will need to sleep for more than 10 hours in order to relieve fatigue symptoms. Use it at most once every 3 days, otherwise you will be at your own risk.

"Super-accelerator? This is good, I can use it when I am in a hurry. As for the Rage Interference…use it to make people angry and beat me, and then you can extort money…"

"Forget it, I"ll keep it first."

Chen Mo can"t use these special items for now, however, the large amount of memory playback potion was so crucial that Chen Mo didn"t need to recall as hard as he did last time. 

He gave up reading the designer skill book one by one.

After reading them all, Chen Mo estimated that his relatively weak skills the numerical value and level setting should now be around 70 points and the system skill should have reached about 90 points.

The plot skill should be higher, probably near perfect score.

Of course, this score was Chen Mo"s own general judgment of his ability, and there is no specific value.

After finis.h.i.+ng the last plot skill book, a dialog box pops up on the virtual screen, "Detected that your actual plot skill has reached the full value. Will you start the second stage?"

Chen Mo was stunned, what the h.e.l.l is this?

He clicked on the confirmation.

The screen prompted, "The second stage of the plot skill has been turned on, and you can continue to draw the story skill books to increase your skill."

There was also a small note below, "Full value of the plot skill in the first stage only means that your skill meets the needs of the game plot design. Please continue working hard!"

Chen Mo read this sentence three times and finally managed to understand its meaning.

"It seems that the Chinese teacher of the system will be restless…"

Chen Mo silently complained.

In fact, the meaning of this sentence was that Chen Mo currently only had full value on the first stage of the plot skill, just to ensure that he could meet the needs on designing the plots of most common games.

For example, if Chen Mo is now developing a text-based adventure game. In the case of an outline and a script, he could better fill in the dialogue and plot description of the game.

However, it was impossible for Chen Mo to write a more cla.s.sical game script from scratch.

The second stage of plot skill was to enhance Chen Mo"s ability in this field.

Chen Mo touched his forehead, "I have a long way to go. I thought that it would only take me 10 million yuan to fill up all my skills, but it seems that I was too naive…"

After fixing his mood, Chen Mo finished eating all the special skill books.

Now Chen Mo"s concept art, 3D art, music and sound effect levels has also improved to a certain extent.

Then, a dialog box popped up again on the virtual screen.

"Detected, you have reached the second stage ability and you can now preview your real abilities."

"Eh? Is this a newly unlocked feature?"

On the virtual screen, Chen Mo"s skills were accurately scored. In the past, this score wasn"t shown and Chen Mo relied on his own guess, but now it was finally accurate to the specific digit.

【System: 93】

【Numerical Value: 72】

【Level: 71】

【Plot: 100】 (Second stage has been unlocked)

【Concept Art: 53】

【3D Art: 35】

【Art Movement: 10】

【Music and Sound Effect: 20】

【Storyboard Skill: 13】

These values are Chen Mo"s real level, including the skills that he acc.u.mulated in his previous life, as well as the skills that he got by charging money after coming to the parallel world.

In the Fantasy Editor, Chen Mo"s evaluation was like this.

【Chen Mo, Game Designer (C cla.s.s)】

【Creativity: 49】

【System: 30】

【Numerical Value: 48】

【Level: 53】

【Plot: 15】

【Concept Art: 36】

【3D Art: 1】

【Used resources this month: 0GB/1.6GB】

This was the system score of the Fantasy Editor, which represents the skill that Chen Mo has demonstrated.

Chen Mo"s score was further improved after developing 《Plants vs Zombies》. Among them, creativity, numerical value, level ability had significantly improved.

Moreover, along with the popularity of 《Plants vs Zombies》, Chen Mo has also been upgraded from a D-cla.s.s game designer to a C-cla.s.s game designer.

As for this month"s resource quota, in fact, this is no longer important to Chen Mo, he now doesn"t see much use of the free resources in the editor, but he can still use them as an alternative resource.

After he finished charging money, Chen Mo felt refreshed.

Now Chen Mo can choose too many games, and some of the domestic money charging game can finally become an option.

However, too many games to choose from have become his vexation. Chen Mo had been thinking all night, and he was not sure which game to make, and he could only go sleep first.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

At 8:30 the next morning, Chen Mo was woken up by the ringing of his phone.

When he opened his sleepy eyes, Chen Mo found that the call was from Su Jinyu.

"h.e.l.lo? What"s wrong, are you asking for a leave?" Chen Mo asked.

Su Jinyu"s anxious voice came from the phone "It"s not for a leave, Manager, check on the internet, Emperor Interactive Entertainment is developing a game called 《Guardian of the Holy Spring》, which seems to be copying 《Plants vs Zombies》!"

Chen Mo rolled on the bed and changed into a more comfortable position, "Well, I know, there was a demo video that came out 2 days ago, and I just watched it last night."

Su Jinyu said, "Not only that, the game designer of 《Guardian of the Holy Spring》, had his Weibo sweared by our players, and as a result, many players of Emperor Interactive Entertainment  fought back and swore you together! Go and check your Weibo."

"Ah?" Chen Mo turned and sat up.

Didn"t I just have a sleep? Why did such a mess happen?

Chen Mo got up and washed, then turned on the computer.

Indeed, his Weibo has been exploded by the players of the Emperor Interactive Entertainment. There are thousands of comments under his latest weibo post, and 2 groups of people are happily fighting.

It took Chen Mo 20 minutes to get the whole story straight.

The cause of the incident was the video that Chen Mo saw last night.

When a player was playing 《Guardian of the Holy Spring》 in the experience shop of Emperor Interactive Entertainment, he secretly used his phone to record a video and then uploaded it to the internet.

The video has been on the internet for 2~3 days, and as a result, it was discovered by several loyal players of 《Plants vs Zombies》 last night. Then these people had a sense of justice and directly sought out the game designer of 《Guardian of the Holy Spring》, Qiu Bin, and swore at him with fierce words.

"Haha, I was just thinking that how come The Emperor Interactive Entertainment not be involved in things like copying? It is impossible for a dog to change its habit of eating s.h.i.+t "

"Sure enough, fake products of 《Plants vs Zombies》 came out so quickly, I really appreciate that their working efficiency is really high."

"Plagiarism. He is even a B-cla.s.s designer. Just to make money, he even doesn"t care about losing his face. "

These comments were liked by lots of people and were ranked at the top of these comments, therefore people soon noticed them.

Qiu Bin himself did not say anything, but as a B-cla.s.s game designer, and also one of the main game designers of the Emperor Interactive Entertainment, must have a large number of players supporting him, and there were many brainless fanboy.

When these people saw that Qiu Bin was being swore, they immediately fought back.

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