Everyone was shocked when this weibo was posted!

What was he doing? Were they mortal enemies? Was it really necessary?

This Chen Mo, didn"t leave a way back for himself!

The gaming circle seldom see this kind of stubborn person like him!

And the other party was even Emperor Interactive Entertainment!

The players who supported Qiu Bin stopped. Yeah, we fought with the players of 《Plants vs Zombies》, but in the end, Qiu Bin dared not say a word?

Look at Chen Mo, he had been provocative twice in a row!

This was like the marching in ancient times, the 2 sides were confronting each other and the general on the other side was flaunting his strength in full swing before the battle, all the unpleasant words were said, but the general on the other side dared not even say a word?

This would definitely cause the morale to fall!

These players also stopped, and sent a private message to Qiu Bin one after another.

"I say, teacher Qiu Bin, you must say something!"

"Teacher Qiu Bin, he said that you copied him!"

"Teacher Qiu Bin, you can"t stay silent at this time, would you make us loyal players sad?"

"Did《Guardian of the Holy Spring》 really copied??"

Finally, Qiu Bin lost his cool.

He had turned off his weibo, and did not bother to look at it, but suddenly, an unknown evil force came up and made him unable to stop himself from opening his weibo again.

It was not a big deal to turn on Weibo but when all kinds of information impacted him, especially the post that Chen Mo made immediately made him mad!

What does he mean? You really thought you were a big shot. You were really reasonable, but who do you think you are! You really wanted to fight with Emperor Interactive Entertainment alone? Stubborn and arrogant!

Fine, I am ready to fight! 

Qiu Bin was so angry that he trembled while he responded on weibo, "I"m busy. How can I have the time to talk to an incompetent game designer like you? You are happy being busy with such things. Who do you think you are? I heard that 《Plants vs Zombies》 sold well for 500,000 copy in the first month? You are very proud, aren"t you? I"ll tell you this, if I had made a game that only sold for 500,000 copy in the first month, I would feel so ashamed that I even dare not greet Emperor Interactive Entertainment."

Qiu Bin"s words made the players who supported him happy, looked at this speech, forthright and high-profile!

It was also true that Emperor Interactive Entertainment was the largest gaming platform, and the number of users was too large. The first month sale of 500,000 set in Emperor Interactive Entertainment was really not particularly amazing.

"Fabulous, teacher Qiu Bin!"

"Fighting back on point!"

The players that supported Qiu Bin left messages to support him.

Chen Mo smiled, Qiu Bin spoke like a big shot.

Qiu Bin avoided talking about plagiarism and directly took qualifications and ident.i.ty to push him down. He slightly exaggerated about the sales, but Chen Mo couldn"t refute it.

However, Chen Mo did not care, he did not come to fight with Qiu Bin and all he wanted was Qiu Bin to say something.

Chen Mo, "I don"t think it"s very interesting to fight each other by swearing. Looking at how you are very confident, shall we make a bet?"

The crowd made a ruckus. What the f.u.c.k, what did you say?

Many people here could still remember the betting between Chen Mo and s.h.i.+ Huazhe. What did s.h.i.+ Huazhe vowed? He said that Chen Mo"s first game would only be sold for less than 100,000 in the first month, but what was the result now? s.h.i.+ Huazhe hasn"t spoken on Weibo for more than a month.

Qiu Bin was also stunned, but he could not retract what he said, and he could only respond, "What do we bet?"

Chen Mo, "Aren"t you confident in your game? Therefore, I will also make a new game, and 4 months later we can release it at the same time, do you dare?"

Qiu Bin frowned, what does he mean?

"Do we bet about how many downloads we get in the first month?" Qiu Bin asked.

Chen Mo, "No, what we bet is the first month turnover."

Qiu Bin looked at Chen Mo"s reply with astonishment and thought that he had read it wrongly.

Betting about monthly turnover? Wasn"t this a dead end?

In fact, whether it was betting the first month sales, or monthly turnover, Qiu Bin was absolutely not afraid at all.

Because behind him was the platform of Emperor Interactive Entertainment! 

As long as Emperor Interactive Entertainment was willing to promote his 《Battle of the Holy Spring》, then his sales and profits wouldn"t not be low.

And Chen Mo? It was understandable if he use《Plants vs Zombies》for the bet, but he would use a new game for betting? 

He really thought that he was a genius game designer that the new game he makes would be popular one after another?

Qiu Bin sneered, it seemed that Chen Mo got confused by the success of 《Plants vs Zombies》

It was too easy for Qiu Bin"s 《Battle of the Holy Spring》 to get turnover in the game industry, since he not only incorporate the cla.s.sic idea of 《Plants vs Zombies》 and coupled with excellent production, and strong publicity, even if it could not be a super popular game, its result would not be bad.

But what about the new game of Chen Mo? It included his own creativity, but how could he ensure that his ideas would succeed every time?

Qiu Bin felt that he had no reason to lose.

Qiu Bin, "Betting the first month turnover? If you dare play dead, I dare bury you. What is the stake?"

Chen Mo, "If you lose, give my game a free publicity on the home page"s 【Recommendation of the month】 on Emperor Interactive Entertainment game platform  for 1 month."

Qiu Bin frowned.

【Recommendation of the month】 was the best recommendation on the game platform of Emperor Interactive Entertainment. This position wouldn"t advertise for any other games except the games of their own. These were the position that only the cla.s.s and S-cla.s.s game designers could enjoy in the Emperor Interactive Entertainment.

What"s more, a whole month publicity? Why not just go to heaven?

Qiu Bin, "I don"t have this permission."

Chen Mo, "I know that you don"t have this permission, but you"re a B-cla.s.s game designer, so you should know some people in Emperor Interactive Entertainment? Work hard, I believe in you. Otherwise, if you can"t do it, then we change it into you quitting the gaming circle, how about it?"

Indeed, if Qiu Bin really went out to ask Lin Zhaoxu, president of Emperor Interactive Entertainment, then it was possible to get this recommendation, but, he would lose his face!

Losing a bet with a C-cla.s.s game designer and also losing the recommendation of Emperor Interactive Entertainment? How could he bear the shame and ask for the recommendation from his boss?

Qiu Bin felt like he was so angry. Chen Mo was so confident that he could not really take him for granted?

Qiu Bin didn"t think he would lose.

He didn"t believe it. How could Chen Mo be so aggressive? Why was Chen Mo so confident?

Qiu Bin, "Okay, if I lose, I"ll ask for this recommendation for you! Otherwise, I"ll quit the gaming circle forever! What if you lose? Do you have a recommendation for me?"

Chen Mo quickly replied, "If I lose, I"ll kowtow to you in person and call you daddy, in live broadcast."

As soon as his words came out, all the audience were shocked.

Wtf, what a huge bet this was!

Originally, It was already surprising when they hear quitting the gaming circle. This Chen Mo directly bet to kowtow and call him daddy? This is betting his own dignity!

This was 10,000x harder than just quitting the game circle!

Qiu Bin"s mouth slightly twitched, and his hands trembled as he typed, "Okay, I"ll bet with you! I"ll wait for you 4 months later!"

Chen Mo quickly replied, "No problem, prepare the recommendation for me!"

After posting on Weibo, Chen Mo looked at his watch and it was exactly 15 minutes.

I would lose? Stop it, no way!

Why did Chen Mo stimulated him and made a bet? Was he angry? Of course not.

Chen Mo didn"t care about others copying him at all, let alone ruining himself due to this, and in his opinion, it didn"t make any sense.

What he really care about was the recommendation position, and the attention that this excitement would bring to his new game.

Could Qiu Bin get this recommendation? In Chen Mo"s opinion, there was a great probability that he would be able to get it. After all Qiu Bin represented Emperor Interactive Entertainment. Otherwise, If Emperor Interactive Entertainment gave him up, it would make people disappointed. 

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