Chang Xiuya urged him, “It"s okay even if it"s just a bit more stronger card set for the average player.”

Chen Mo said, “Alright, you can try this one, MT, Shaman, Blood Elf Mage, Xiaoxin, and Druid. This set is called Raven Squad.”

Chang Xiuya said, “Erm, you need a lot of money for Xiaoxin…”

Chen Mo said, “Well, you can also play another formation that includes Barrel Bull, Priest, Female Thief, Warlock, Leader of the Five Fire G.o.ds. They are less difficult to get.”

Chang Xiuya also made a special note of them, as she decided to collect these cards next.

In fact, for the whole numerical system it is not exactly the same as the one in his previous world as Chen Mo had remade it himself and the strength of each battle formations is also different.

However, Chen Mo still followed several of the cla.s.sic formations, and had made some adjustment to their combat power in view of the difficulty in obtaining them.

Wen Lingwei asked, “Is there a formation that can break the combination of The One? I played this combination during the testing and I felt that this is invincible?”

Chen Mo said, “Such as…of course I won"t say it, otherwise the local tyrants will not topup if they got beaten.”

Wen Lingwei said, “Just give me some tips! Give me a hint and I will go buy Elder Sister!”

Su Jinyu said, “I don"t think 2,000 RMB is enough to buy the Manager…”

Chen Mo smiled and said, “Of coruse, you can"t buy me for only 2,000 RMB. I won"t tell you to use Louyan and the President"s second skill!”

Everyone, “…”

"Manager, you are cheap!"

Wen Lingwei stood up, “Alright, I"ll give it a try!”

Chen Mo couldn"t help but grin. In fact, the strategy he said can indeed beat 【The One】 set, but it still depends on the level of the cards training!

In fact, the strategy involving Louyan plus President is actually the formation 【Learn to help】, which includes Louyan, President, Bi Yue, and Winter.

However, there is one thing Chen Mo did not mention, that is in order to beat the team of the local tyrants, there must be two first-rate crane.

The two first-rate crane are placed in a column. These two Rogue skills are single-target with bleed, which can greatly increase the damage on the target, with the whirlwind skill and winter"s reduce healing, they can directly cause a lot of damage to the opponent"s Elder Sister. In the first round, they can directly kill them within a few seconds.

Moreover, if you want to play this formation, then you will have to spend a lot of runes in training them. Otherwise, if you don"t have a good formation, you will still be killed by the local tyrants.

Chen Mo believes that Wen Lingwei will be able to successfully develop this strategy.

In the days near the end of the month, Qiu Bin has been paying attention to the evaluation of 《I am MT》.

Up till now, the rating of 《I am MT》 has dropped to 7.1, and the 1-star bad rating has increased significantly.

“This garbage game cost me a lot of money!”

“I had never gotten any good cards! Never!”

“You can"t beat other players without charging money! Liar, what free game!”

“I used to like it but now I don"t!”

“Doesn"t your conscience hurt when you develop this kind of game!”

Qiu Bin looked at these 1-star bad reviews, which made him a bit confused.

What do they mean? It seems that these people have paid a lot of money in this game? and they aren"t satisfied?

Isn"t this a free to play game? And yet they still gave so much money every day. Couldn"t they just not pay?

Qiu Bin was a bit confused.

Suddenly, the a.s.sistant came in, “This is bad! This is bad! Look at the Best Seller List!”

Qiu Bin was shocked, “What happened to the Best Seller List?”

He took out his phone and looked at the mobile games" best-seller list in the official App Store, and was frozen.

The fifth best-seller mobile game in the official App Store is 《I am MT》!

Qiu Bin rubbed his eyes and did not read it wrong, it is indeed 《I am MT》!

It was baffling!

“Impossible, there must be something wrong! How could it be possible for it to rush to the top ten of the Best Seller list within a month! It doesn"t make any sense!” Qiu Bin said it to himself in disbelief.

Qiu Bin didn"t pay any attention to the mobile games" best- seller list in the official App Store before, because he had thought that 《Guardian of the Holy Spring》 and 《I am MT》 could not even make it into the top ten of the list.

The best seller list in the official App Store is hard to cheat, and the top ten are all phenomenal works, all of which had remain a cla.s.sic, and are even monsters that could easily break millions in monthly sales!

《Guardian of the Holy Spring》 did indeed made a lot of money, but most of it are not on the official App Store"s platform, and they are all from the Emperor Interactive Entertainment"s platform. Therefore, on the mobile games" Best Seller List in the official App Store, 《Guardian of the Holy Spring》 isn"t on the list at all.

Qiu Bin didn"t even think about the possibility of 《I am MT》 being on the Best Seller List, so he had never paid it any attention before.

But now, 《I am MT》 had not only gotten on the Best Seller List, but had also rushed to the fifth place!

Qiu Bin then took a look at the games on the fourth and sixth place, which happened to be two of the cla.s.sic mobile games of Chan Yi Interactive Entertainment. Their price is 10 RMB, and their monthly sales are basically stable at 15 million to 20 million RMB.

In other words, the first month of 《I am MT》 is already approaching 20 million!

Qiu Bin still couldn"t believe it. However, this is obviously real, because you can"t cheat on the list of the official App Store"s platform, let alone sales. He doesn"t believe that Chen Mo can have so much energy to falsify it with them.

Therefore, it can only be explained that the monthly turnover of 《I am MT》 has indeed reached 20 million!

“How? How come?”

Qiu Bin looked at the 7.1 rating of 《I am MT》 on the rankings, and couldn"t speak for a while.

Qiu Bin is not the only one who was shocked, but also the others in the same industry, game media, and those melon-eaters who are concerned about 《I am MT》.

Since 《I am MT》 had appeared on the best seller list, it began to soar at the speed of a rocket. At the end of the month, when the betting was about to end, it got into the fifth place, and soon secured its position!

There is no need for Chen Mo to release the specific figures, as most of the people have already roughly estimated the monthly turnover of 《I am MT》 based on the income of the other games on the list.

20 million!

What is more,, it is puzzling that 《I am MT》"s rating have always been hovering between 7.1 and 7.3 points, and it even fell below 7 points.

What about the other mobile games on the top 10 best seller list? Each of them has a rating of more than 8.5 and there are even several monsters with a rating of more than 9.2!

With a rating of 7 points, this is already a very bad game, but 《I am MT》 can still stabilize itself in the top 5 of the best seller list, and its download is still rising!

Many game designers and game media personnel felt that this is irregular as they had never seen such a game that profits while being sweared at!

After seeing the result of 《Guardian of the Holy Spring》, a lot of people think that the victor is already decided. These people doesn"t believe that Chen Mo can make another game that can double the monthly turnover of 《Plants vs Zombies》.

Later, when Chen Mo started doing an anime, no one was optimistic about it.

But turns out, 《I am MT》 broke into the top 5 of the best seller list, which made everyone dumbfounded.

What is going on?

What happened?

Have I lost my memory? Or am I missing something?

How could a game that was supposed to die suddenly turn around and rekted 《Guardian of the Holy Spring》?

This is not scientific at all!!

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