Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 79 – Diligently Creating Happiness

Chapter 79 – Diligently Creating Happiness

Han Lu was astounded, and she felt like she is surrounded by the logic of Chen Mo and forgot what she wanted to ask.

After 2 minutes of trying to understand it, Han Lu then turned over the small book and decided to ask the next topic.

“In fact, I did some simple research before I came here. What surprised me is the amount of money the players topup in 《I am MT》. According to the calculations of professionals, the number of players recharging may account for 10% of the overall number of players of 《I am MT》, and the average amount these players recharged is about 200 RMB.”

“You should know that the average mobile game only charges about 10-50 RMB to buy the game, and these players have spent more than 200 RMB on 《I am MT》, why is that? What aspect of the game that got them attracted into spending so much money?”

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