"Plants vs Zombies." Wen Lingwei did not look back and her attention was still concentrated on the computer screen.

"Plants vs… Zombies?" Jia Peng felt that the name was quite straightforward, the left side of the screen is a plant, and the right side is a zombie, was that why it"s plants vs zombie?

The cute sister, Chang Xiuya, looked at the plants on the screen, "Woa? This mushroom is so cute, and also this nut, it seems so interesting!"

"Be careful, sister, this zombie is biting at your nuts!" a girl reminded.

Wen Lingwei wasn"t in a hurry, she is already a veteran, this little trouble can be easily solve by her, she saw that she had enough sun, so she then placed a Cherry Bomb in a pile of zombies, with the sound of "boom" these zombies have all turned into a black charcoal.

Chang Xiuya said, "Wow, Sister, you are so amazing!"

Wen Lingwei"s showed no proud expression on her face, "It"s just basic operation, lie low, lie low."

Although her face didn"t show any pride, but in her heart she was quite proud.

Although this game looks very simple, but it still has some difficulties in the middle and late stages, and often made her somewhat in a flurry.

However, Wen Lingwei was becoming more and more skilled and now the usual emergency situation is hard to beat her.

Chang Xiuya said, "Sister, it looks really fun, I want to play too."

Wen Lingwei said, "You can play as well, you just go turn on a computer since it"s already in there."

Chang Xiuya looked at the people behind her, "I"ll play, do you guys also wanna play?"

Jia Peng said, "I also wanna try it. It looks quite interesting."

The others have also said, "Come on, let"s play together."

These ten people swiped their ID cards at the front desk and they each found a computer to play. On Chen Mo"s experience shop there are a total of 18 computers on the first floor, these people have occupied 11 computers at once, and the whole floor became lively.

Jia Peng and Chang Xiuya had also opened the game and started to register an account.

"Oh, it looks like you can add friend, isn"t this a standalone game?"

"Yeah, what"s the use of adding friends?"

"I guess there"s going to be networking features later, now it"s just a simple ranking feature. Come on, let"s first add each other as friends and see who can play faster."

"Wow, sister has already reached the third stage! She is indeed the boss!"

《Plants vs Zombies》 was originally a game for all ages, men and women, although the artstyle was cartoon-ish, it covered all ages.

One of the reason why these people were playing it was because Plants vs Zombies is really interesting and it have a certain sense of novelty, the other is because Wen Lingwei had played a leading role.

When most people in a small group are playing something, some individuals will also partic.i.p.ate, otherwise they will feel isolated.

This is also a kind of conformity psychology, so even if some of these people have a bad first impression of 《Plants vs Zombies》, they will also choose to try it.

Soon, these people also got engrossed.

Jia Peng has the highest gaming talent and the fastest progress, basically, there is nothing that can stop him and pushed all the way. Chang Xiuya was relatively clumsy, but she played seriously and when she encountered a zombie that she can"t defeat, she then asked Jia Peng on how she should deal with it and had a great time.

The same is true of the other people, all of them were interested by the novelty of 《Plants vs Zombies》, and they couldn"t stop!

Seeing this, Chen Mo basically had something in his mind.

Although statical samples of ten people wasn"t enough, but there are men and women among them, their personalities were different and all of them got captivated, which means that 《Plants vs Zombies》 was at least very popular among young people.

This was the biggest good news for Chen Mo.

For games, the most popular group of players were young people, because young people will always be the main players of a game, they have the most time and are the most active group, and their consumption concept are more advanced. If a game can be popular among young people, it is bound to spread to all ages.

On the other hand, if you can"t capture the attention of young people, but it is only popular in a particular age group, then this game will be very difficult to succeed.

Moreover, these people are still very focused after playing for an hour or two, without raising any question or comments, which showed that Chen Mo"s level and numerical difficulty were set reasonably, basically reproducing the original appearance of his previous life"s 《Plants vs Zombies》.

The level and numerical value are the two things that have always been the point of concern for Chen Mo. Now it looks like he can be relieved that the difficulty is moderate and the balance between plants and zombies was also doing well.

Unknowingly, it"s already 5:30pm.

Jia Peng also cleared another level and looked at his watch, only to find that it was already 5:30 pm. He then looked at everyone, including Wen Lingwei who were still fighting, and he couldn"t see any intention to stop.

"Sister, er, it"s already 5:30pm, what do we eat for dinner?" Jia Peng asked.

The others also looked up and glanced at Wen Lingwei.

Wen Lingwei blinked her eyes a few times and said, "Would you like…uhm… takeaway?"

Jia Peng was dumbfounded, "Sister, I remember that we agreed on a dinner for our gathering?"

Wen Lingwei looked at the screen with hesitation. This was a difficult level, she already played it three times and still couldn"t pa.s.s it, and she was tired of playing for the whole day and wants to take a rest.

Moreover, how could they order takeaway when a large group of people from the Advertising Department came out together? Anyway, they need to find a restaurant to eat.

"Alright, if you haven"t finished playing, I"ll give you 10 minutes to finish it. Don"t start again after the game is done, after a while we will go out for dinner." Wen Lingwei said.

"Okay!" The crowd responded.

Most of them were still a bit worried, in case Wen Lingwei really said "Let"s order takeaway" it would really be a headache. The entire Advertising Department going to eat takeaways in a game experience shop? It is estimated that they will be ridiculed by the other students of the Student Union till they graduate.

The students who have finished their current level had quit the game and started chatting about their experience of the game.

"I think the Torchwood is very useful, the damage increase effect is very obvious, just plant a Torchwood and then put a few more Peashooter at the back then the damage would really hurt."

"However, the Torchwood can only increase the damage of Peashooters, and Peashooter is not particularly a good choice to place at the back, since its mean of output is one-sided."

"I think the Night Mode is hard… Especially those tombstones, they are so annoying and also occupies a spot."

"That is why it is so fun, if the difficulty isn"t increasing then it won"t be challenging."

"Not to mention that this game is quite magical and I simply can"t stop."

These people exchanged their thoughts while flipping through the leaderboard, several of the students who were on the top of the leaderboard had also became the focus, sharing their experience.

Chen Mo closely reminded them, "For the students who haven"t enjoyed themselves enough, there is apk for the phone on the computer, you can directly install it on your phone to continue playing."

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