The official App Store is different from some other game channels, 400 download in 24-hours looks very, very insignificant, but in fact this data wasn"t bad.

Some other game channels, such as the Emperor Game Platform or branded app stores of major mobile phone manufacturers, their recommendation placements can be bought directly with money, if you need your app to occupy the top list, you can just communicate with these branded app stores and you can then silently manipulate it.

Therefore, in other game channels, as long as you are willing to spend money, it wasn"t surprising that on the first day it will have tens of thousands of downloads.

However, the official App Store rejects any cheating on their list, the new game release can only be in an unremarkable corner waiting for people to find it, such as 《Storm Knight Adventure》 even if it is in the New Game Recommendations on the New Game List, only few people will go and download it.

However, the official App Store will automatically adjust the recommendation position according to the data of the new game, such as 《Storm Knight Adventure》 data, the next recommendation will probably be on New Featured Game or Cla.s.sified Game Recommendation, the amount of download will go up once.

If in the next recommendation, 《Storm Knight Adventure》 downloads and ratings can still be maintained at a good level, then its recommendation position will become better and if such a virtuous circle continues then within a week or two the downloads can range from a few hundred to tens of thousands.

Of course, this "virtuous cycle" could only be achieved by a very small number of featured games, most of the ordinary games recommendation gets cut off due to the decline in data.

The official App Store differs from the other platforms in where it only gets a divide of only 20% of the game revenue.

As for the tax deduction, it is relatively troublesome. The tax deduction method was different from Chen Mo"s previous world, but it wasn"t difficult to calculate, the transaction tax, income tax and all kinds of miscellaneous tax deductions are about 30%.

Of course, the main tax deduction would be deducted on the net profit, but the R&D costs of game designers are not as high as those traditional companies, so the profits are high and the tax deduction is also also more ruthless.

If there are 100,000 downloads, Lin Mao"s income would be 2 million yuan without discounts and after deducting the platform share and various taxes, he would only get 1.12 million yuan.

Although only half of it will get into his hand, it is still a big profit.

Of course, sales are also affected by the game"s price, for example, Lin Mao"s game was priced at 20 yuan and if he wants it to reach 100,000 downloads then it will be difficult.

However, even if the price got cheaper by reducing it to 10 yuan, there aren"t many games in the entire app store that were able to break through 100,000 downloads.

For this kind of games to break through 100,000, they have to show up on various ranking lists and get plenty of recommendations. 

Basically a lot of ordinary designers also have thousands of downloads on their games, they worked hard for half a year or a year and earned around a hundred thousand of cash and they still have to bear all kinds of expenses and could barely maintain their food and clothing.

Chen Mo said, "After an hour, the recommendation position will be refreshed? Let us see which ranking it will be at."

Lin Mao nodded, "Yeah, I also compared the game data for the same period, I"m still quite optimistic for my game. But it"s hard to say anything since we don"t know the algorithm of the App Store"s recommendation."

It can be seen that Lin Mao was still slightly nervous, this recommendation will basically affect the future fate of his game. For this game, Lin Mao"s effort, sincerity and creativity aren"t missing, now it all depends on the acceptance of the players.

Chen Mo patted his shoulder, "Don"t worry, the quality of your game can be seen, so what are you afraid of?"

Lin Mao said, "Well, I hope so. Oh right, is your game already playable? Let me see if I can give you some advice from a different perspective."

Chen Mo nodded, "Yeah, you can play it on a computer or with a mobile phone."

Lin Maoyi said, "Is it a cross platforms? Man, you are ambitious! Then I"ll use my phone, since I am used to using a phone."

After installing the game, Lin Mao clicked on the screen icon to open 《Plants vs Zombies》.

Lin Mao played for ten minutes and was quickly attracted to the game.

"This game…its degree of completion is very high!"

Lin Mao is after all a game designer, and his perspective on looking at a game was different from other players. He was surprised to find that the game"s graphics, music, interface, gameplay, etc. are very compatible, he couldn"t even pick out any problems!

The tutorial was simple and clear, the beginning was quick, the difficulty of the level was properly set, and the combat system is rich…

If someone told Lin Mao now that this casual game is on the bestseller list, he would not doubt it at all!

"This…is this what you made within three months?" Lin Mao looked at Chen Mo, with a shock look.

Chen Mo nodded, "Well, the ideas actually have been conceived for a long time, how is it?"

Lin Mao can"t help but nod, "Awesome, this game has the potential to become popular! As far as quality is concerned, it already defeated a lot of games on the list, when are you gonna release it?"

Chen Mo said, "Tomorrow. I"ve been collecting some feedbacks from the players these past 2 days, the response were generally good and I already modified some of the unreasonable places, there is no big problem. After the game gets released, the player data will be more and then do some subsequent updates."

Lin Mao said, "I see, I didn"t expect your game is doing a lot better than mine, you really got enlightened, how did you suddenly become so excellent!?"

Chen Mo smiled and said, "Not a big deal. Besides, the success of the game depends not only on the quality, but also on luck. I hope both our games can sell well."

Lin Mao said, "Yea, I hope it could sell well, at that time, I"ll have a companion on the New Game List"

In the past three days, nearly 100 people have played 《Plants vs Zombies》, the people in here are some wild players who encountered the experience shop in the road and most of them got pulled by the group of Wen Lingwei and Jia Peng.

These people spontaneously introduced the game to their roommates after they left, as a result, Chen Mo received a new batch of players for his experience shop.

Now Chen Mo had more than ten people every day in his experience shop, which made it more lively.

Chen Mo and Lin Mao chatted for a while.

"Hmm? Recommendation ranking refreshed!" Lin Mao said with surprise.

Chen Mo came over, "Look at it, which new recommendation you got placed?"

Lin Mao is excited to look through the app store, "Cla.s.sified Game Recommendation! New Featured Game! Both recommendations are on!"

"Awesome." Chen Mo smiled. "You are going to become popular."

These two recommendations for new games are good recommendations, Cla.s.sified Game Recommendations can bring a lot of players who like this type of game, while the New Featured Game will attract players who like to find new games.

Two recommendations were given at the same time, indicating that in the system score, 《Storm Knight Adventure》 has been listed as a key recommended game, in the short term it is bound to usher in a wave of sales surge.

If it continue with the previous high score, then this game will no doubt get better recommendations and will very likely even get on the home page recommendation.

Lin Mao patted his chest, "I can finally be relieved, the second recommendation was just too critical."

Chen Mo reminded, "Don"t get careless, you still have to pay more attention to the players" reviews. There might be some compet.i.tors that will discredit you, so you need to be careful."

Lin Mao nodded, "Ye, I know, this is just the second recommendation, it"s still early for the game to get popular."

The two people chatted for a few more hours, and they also studied the new games that got released at the same time and paid attention to the data of each game. In the evening after waiting for the experience shop to be closed, the two people went together to eat for a late dinner, after which Lin Mao left.

After all, he now needs to keep an eye on the game data and players" feedbacks, which is a critical time. Chen Mo also has to prepare for his game to be released and neither of them has much time.

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