Chen Mo was scrolling over the comments and forum hot topics of 《Plants vs Zombies》.

To update the version, the main thing is to see what the players like and want. If a new version doesn"t solve the core demands of the players, then it"s useless.

At this time, Chen Mo noticed that there was a neatly dressed sister, wearing jeans and long pony tail at the entrance of the experience shop.

"Zhuo Yao?" Chen Mo remembered her name.

This girl was the owner of the nearby internet cafe, she has been here before when Chen Mo"s experience shop just opened.

Zhuo Yao looked at the first floor of the experience shop with amazement, "Wow, I haven"t come for just a month and now your experience shop is now so lively! I remember last time I came it was still empty?"

Chen Mo said, "Of course, it"s impossible for no one to come if your internet cafe has been open for a month, right?"

Zhuo Yao was speechless, "You can"t say it like that, can your experience shop be the same as an internet cafe? Hey, it looks like the game you made is good, there are so many people playing it."

Zhuo Yao leaned on the sofa and Chen Mo pa.s.sed her a gla.s.s of water.

"Last time, you said that you would come over the next day, but you change the day into a month." Chen Mo joked.

"Hey, don"t bring that up, there are too many things to deal with in internet cafe and I couldn"t just leave." Zhuo Yao said, "And recently I"ve been addicted to a small game."

Chen Mo asked, "Got addicted to a small game?"

Zhuo Yao nodded, "Yeah, it"s 《Plants vs Zombies》 which is very popular recently, you haven"t played it? You are a game designer, can"t you not pay attention to the New Game Ranking?"

Chen Mo said, "Uhm… I played it."

Zhuo Yao said, "I knew it! Come on, how many levels you manage to reach in Endless mode ? I reach 97, and it"s going to be 100 soon!"

Chen Mo, "…"

Zhuo Yao noticed that Chen Mo"s expression was a little weird, and thought that he was too embarra.s.sed to say it, "It"s alright, I can teach you my own strategy, which is very good and it will make you clear till the 50th level!"

Chen Mo pointed to a computer in the distance where a girl was playing, "She has already reach 174."

"Ah?!" Zhuo Yao was stunned, what did he mean?

She stood up and looked at the girl, she clearly looked like a good girl and she should be a student at the nearby university, how could this girl possibly play better than her since she stayed up all night? 


When Zhuo Yao just entered the shop, she didn"t pay attention to what games these people were playing, but now she saw several machines and suddenly noticed one thing.

It seems that the people on the entire floor are playing 《Plants vs Zombies》?

This is an experience shop, which only allowed people to play the game designer"s own game.

Could it be that…

Zhuo Yao looked at Chen Mo, "Are you the game designer of 《Plants vs Zombies》…"

Chen Mo nodded, "Yes, it is me。"

Zhuo Yao stunned for three seconds and suddenly realized, "Oh my G.o.d! This game is what you made! I was thinking, how is logo of the beginning of this game so familiar, turns out that I saw it at the entrance of your shop!"

Chen Mo was speechless, "Hey, how can you be forgetful to this extent. Your internet cafe is just across the street, and it turns out you can"t even remember my logo?"

Zhuo Yao was slightly embarra.s.sed, and said with a dry cough, "Cough, well, you know that I live in the internet cafe through out the year, that… yeah."

Chen Mo nodded and echoed, "Uhm, yea."

Zhuo Yao smiled slyly, "Alright, forget it.  I even forgot what we were discussing, please quickly teach me the secret of 《Plants vs Zombies》!"

Chen Mo was speechless, "Why are all of you like this, wanting to know the secrets when you see me, there are many excellent posts in the player community, go there and find them."

Zhuo Yao gave a contempt stare, "Stingy."

Chen Mo, "…"

How can anything be related to stinginess? It doesn"t matter if I"m stingy, clearly you are just lazy!

Zhuo Yao said, "Oh, but then again, I really didn"t expect that a new game designer could make such an awesome popular game, It"s amazing. Unfortunately, mobile games are not suitable to be advertised in my internet cafe. "

Chen Mo said, "It"s fine, I will also make PC games in the future. Oh right, I have never asked, is your internet cafe mainly for PC games or VR games?"

Zhuo Yao said, "PC. I also want to change it into a VR Internet cafe, but the initial investment is a lot and I don"t have so much money. Now the status of PC internet cafe is really a bit tricky, and I have been entangled with this matter for a long time."

Chen Mo said, "Well, I know that the main thing is that the PC games are getting squeezed by VR games that they seem somewhat declining."

"That"s it." Zhuo Yao was slightly helpless, "In the future, VR internet cafes will definitely be the mainstream, while PC internet cafes are estimated to be gradually eliminated."

Chen Mo shook his head, "That won"t be necessarily true."

Zhuo Yao was stunned: "Why?"

Chen Mo said, "It"s very simple, PC internet cafes are now in decline just because there isn"t any super popular game on it. What if a super popular game that can crush VR games comes out on the PC in the future?"

Zhuo Yao"s eyes slightly widened: "Not too…possible."

Chen Mo said, "It doesn"t appear now, but it doesn"t mean that it won"t appear in the future. Before 《Plants vs Zombies》 came out, who would have thought that there would be such a big market for puzzle games?"

Zhuo Yao thought for 3 seconds, "So, are you bragging about yourself?"

Chen Mo nodded, "Yes."

Zhuo Yao, "…"

Chen Mo said, "It"s the truth. I think you can continue to insist on PC internet cafe, the prospects are not so pessimistic as you have thought. You see, the PC crushes mobile phones in all aspects of performance, but mobile games are still living well. VR game cabins completely crush the PC in performance, but it doesn"t mean that PC games is at the point of dying."

Zhuo Yao nodded, "That sounds reasonable, then I"ll hope so. I hope that you can develop an extremely popular game for PC in order to save my internet cafe. When will you start researching and developing?"

Chen Mo thought for a moment, "Probably… within 2 years?"

Zhuo Yao turned a white eye: "Goodbye."

Chen Mo smiled: "I am serious."

Zhuo Yao: "Goodbye."

It seemed that she still thought that Chen Mo was fooling her, and she didn"t believe him at all.

Chen Mo"s words are not to comfort Zhuo Yao, that is what he really thinks. Although VR games are the mainstream in this world, but he doesn"t feel that PC games will be replaced.

VR games are not necessarily the ultimate form of games.

A very simple example, why are MOBA games are all 45-degree with G.o.d"s perspective and not first person?

Indeed, there was a game company that tried to make MOBA a full 3D first person and they indeed managed to make it and it was also well made. They even did a 5 lane stunt (there are 2 lanes above and below the map), but the final result was unsatisfactory and its playability was far less than MOBA.

The game didn"t even cause too many waves, and only few players had heard of it.

The reason was very simple, in the 3D perspective, the screen range and the way of using skills have changed a lot, the way how you played it had also changed, the player"s ability to control the whole situation had been seriously reduced, and various problems had combined which made the game directly lost some of the core fun of MOBA games, and making it a "Chicken Rib" game. (note: It is a metaphor for doing things that have little meaning and can"t bear to give up)

This is one of the most critical factors leading to the failure of "All 3D MOBA".

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