It is only the first step in solving the concept art of the cards.

Chen Mo intends to later deal with the other art resources such as UI, background concept art, card special effects, and so on. and he will outsource those that can be outsource, while those that can"t, he will personally do it.

Now he has a more serious problem, that is to find a reliable anime production company.

For the anime production company in this world, they should have no problem in reproducing 《I am MT》, but Chen Mo also wanted it to be more detailed, at least as good as the later seasons of 《I am MT》, and it would be even better if it can surpa.s.s 《Warriors VS Dragon》.

After all, this anime is equivalent to this game"s publicity, if he save money and sacrifice the effect of publicity, then it is equivalent to abandoning the game.

Chen Mo himself doesn"t know anyone from the anime production company, he thought about it and decided to call Zhao Zihao.

Zhao Zihao is after all running a game studio. Usually, they often get in contact with people in the gaming circle and he should be able to easily find a reliable anime production company.

Chen Mo simply said his request over the phone, and Zhao Zihao soon sent Chen Mo the contact number of the person in charge of an anime studio.

This Dazzling Aurora Studio is still a slightly-known in the industry. Their strength should be no problem since they have several good anime works.

Chen Mo briefly said his requirements, and the person in charge over there made an appointment to meet in the experience shop.

After all the talks were done, Chen Mo could barely keek his eyes opened.

"This super-accelerator is really powerful…"

Chen Mo finished was.h.i.+ng and fell asleep on the bed.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

The next morning.

Chen Mo slept for 10 hrs and he still felt slightly sore.

No wonder this super-accelerator can"t be used continuously within a short period of time, it"s really possible to kill someone!

Get up, wash, and opened the door normally.

Wen Lingwei was the same as Su Jinyu, arriving punctually at 10 a.m, bringing her own graphic tablet and laptop, and coloring the cards in the conference room on the first floor of the experience shop.

In the afternoon, the person in charge of Dazzling Aurora Studio came and Chen Mo led him into his studio on the second floor.

The person in charge is called Guo Feng, he is close to 40 years old, he have a friendly face and is slightly bald.

Chen Mo didn"t beat around the bush and went straight to the point, and said some of his needs.

"It"s like this, I plan to make an anime with 10 episodes for the first season, each episode will last for 10 minutes and it will have an opening and ending theme song."

I can provide the character design, background, plots, dialogue, and storyboard, you only have to do exactly what I need.

So I would like to ask, how much is the budget for such anime?"

Guo Feng thought about it and asked, "Are you planning to fully invest it?"

Chen Mo nodded, "Yea."

Guo Feng said, "Uhm, I would like to advise you from my personal view that animation is a relatively large investment. If it isn"t successful, then you may not be able to fully recover the cost, and you are even going to do your own character design, plots and storyboard, which is even more risky.

Of course, as long as you have enough money, we will still do it and I"m just giving you a reminder."

Chen Mo nodded, "Well, thanks for your reminder, I"ll have it in mind. You can just directly give me a price."

Guo Feng nodded, "Okay. According to the current market price, in general, an anime episode that will last about 24 minutes will cost about 500,000, and 1 minute on average is equivalent to 20,000. Of course, this is the industry"s best standard and it includes character design, storyboard, scripts, and other costs."

Chen Mo forcefully tried to stay calm and wiped his cold sweat and said, "Uhm…let me think about it."

In fact, the so-called best standard is basically equivalent to the level in his previous world, and as long as he took it then it will definitely be a big production with first-cla.s.s HD graphic quality, dubbing and BGM.

But this cost is also expensive for Chen Mo, according to 20,000 per minute, a 10 minute episode is 200,000, and the first season will have 10 episodes, and that would be 2 million.

It"s hard to say how much the cost of 《I am MT》 in his previous life was, but it certainly not that expensive.

The creative team of 《I am MT》 took 3 million yuan to get the copyright of 《I am MT》, and it was enough to see that it took a huge sum of money.

Guo Feng added, "Of course, different production quality definitely have different prices. If you are willing to slightly lower the quality, the cost will be less.

Naturally, it"s still based on your needs."

Chen Mo asked, "Is there any difference between 3D and 2D?"

Guo Feng explained, "There is, but not much. In fact, now our 2D animation is basically done by turning 3D into 2D, that is to say, we are using 3D technology to show 2D effects. If it is a complete traditional 2D animation, then the price may go for 89,000 yuan per minute and now, no one usually does that.

Since the traditional 2D requires too many artist, so the previous 2D animation should be regarded as a labor-intensive industry, and most of the money will be spent on the artist. But now, 3D to 2D technology has matured and saved a lot of manpower, which has slightly reduced the cost."

Chen Mo nodded, the parallel world is not the same as the one in his previous world, and sure enough, the technology have changed the world.

Chen Mo thought for a while.

2 million for the first season, is it expensive?

In fact, with the profitability of 《I am MT》, it is not expensive. If 《I am MT》 can be as successful in this world as the one in his previous world, then it will only take a month to earn back all the money for all 10 season.

Moreover, 《I am MT》 doesn"t have such good audience base in this world, in case this IP  doesn"t become popular due to the quality not being enough, then Chen Mo will lose too much.

Losing money is a small matter, but he had a bet with someone!

Therefore, Chen Mo doesn"t dare save money on animation. It doesn"t matter if it"s expensive, as long as the quality can be done, then it is all right!

Chen Mo seriously said, "Okay, I have decided to do it according to the best standard. However, if I did the script, then I should be able to save some money."

Guo Feng nodded, "Of course, if we don"t consider investing on script, character design, storyboard and so on, then the cost can be slightly reduce, but it won"t be too much, only 10%."

Chen Mo couldn"t help but held his forehead, it really isn"t much, but if he can save 200,000 yuan, then save it, this is all real money.

Guo Feng added, "However, if you have a script and set it up in here, then you will have to work closely with our staff, mainly to finalize the settings and storyboard in time, and try not to frequently modify them in order to avoid affecting the subsequent progress of the production."

Chen Mo nodded, "I understand. And so, a week later, at the end of this month, I"ll give you the relevant character design, script and storyboard for the first season, and we will then sign a formal contract."

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