The first attempt scored 0 point. It was Qiu Hengyang"s first time to encounter this case.

After the bird died, a ‘game over" interface popped up, recording the latest score and the best score, all 0. However, there was a ranking list below the score, which showed that Qiu Hengyang"s current ranking was “–“, apparently the score was too low to be shown in the ranking list.

In addition, Qiu Hengyang noticed that there was a blank s.p.a.ce at the top of the interface, which occupied a quarter of the screen, with two words: "Advertising position".

Qiu Hengyang nodded, these two words changed his impression of the No. 7 designer a little.

Qiu Hengyang was the founder of, and has been active in the frontline of game development, so he particularly valued the profit model and profitability of the game.

Many new game designers who just got started had a problem, that was, when designing the game, they didn"t consider its profitability.

In fact, designers should consider it at the beginning on what was the best way to monetize a game.

For this casual little game, pay to download? Or in-app advertis.e.m.e.nt? Different charging strategies had a big impact on the game itself.

The designer knew that leaving an "advertising position" here meant that he had the awareness, which was much better than the other designers who like splitting hairs.

Clicked on the screen again and the game started again.

This time Qiu Hengyang was prepared before clicking on the screen continuously. As a result, the flight path of this stupid bird was too difficult to control. Qiu Hengyang flew over two water pipes by chance but hit on the third water pipe.


Qiu Hengyang refused to accept it, he wanted to try again.

Five minutes later, Qiu Hengyang had died a dozens of times.

No way, this game is so easy to die, even if you are concentrating on playing, it is very likely that you will die in three or four seconds.

And after he died, he clicked and started again. He didn"t even need to consider the time. He had already played a lot without noticing it.

Qiu Hengyang spared no efforts and got the best score 12.

After trying a dozen times, Qiu Hengyang finally refreshed his score to 14, he felt that he was a little confused.

However, Qiu Hengyang noticed that his ranking on the game over interface turned into sixth.

Qiu Hengyang tried to click and then a ranking list popped up, ranked from high to low.

Of course, the names on the ranking list are all in the form of visitors x.x.xX. After all, Chen Mo did not made each player to fill in the usernames at the beginning, otherwise this would affect their game experience.

However, in the ranking list interface, you can freely modify your own name.

Qiu Hengyang swiped down and could not help but be shocked. The entire list actually had 543 people!

A total of 700 players,

More than 500 people have played this little game? This is simply against the heaven! How can this be possible?

Qiu Hengyang originally thought that most people would not be interested in this game. He didn"t expect anyone who liked this weird game to have much more fans than what he thought.

Qiu Hengyang could not help but be a little bit proud, more than 500 people and he ranked sixth, this score was quite worth showing off!

Qiu Hengyang clicked on his username and changed it to his real name.

He flipped down first and found that the leaderboard were constantly changing, as if they were refreshed every five to ten seconds, and they were refres.h.i.+ng quite often.

As a result, looking at the names of the people on the leaderboard continuously keep going up and down, Qiu Hengyang really had a feeling that "this game is very lively."

Going up again, Qiu Hengyang was shocked, because the first place on the leaderboard scored 47!


Qiu Hengyang simply wanted to die. How was this possible? Can such a perverted game be possible to score 47 points? Someone was cheating?

The first few have not changed their names, probably they have not found this feature.

Qiu Hengyang was obviously not convinced, not to mention that he only got 14 points now, only temporarily ranked sixth, and may be overtaken at any time.

"Play for another five minutes, then try the other games."

Qiu Hengyang closed the leaderboard and played again.

Soon, ten minutes was over, the effect of the Super Focus ended.

"It"s a mysterious game… I"ve been playing for so long, f.u.c.k."

A middle-aged uncle wearing quits 《flappy bird》 and a prompt box popped up on the interface: "Would you like to recommend this game to other people?"

The middle-aged uncle hesitated and clicked "Recommend."

The reason why he would recommend was hard to know, but it was probably because of thementality of "I can"t be the only one who was abused."

Up to now, the list of 《Flappy Bird》 has reached 589 people and it is still rising.

This is because people have a herd mentality, some audience know each other privately, and they are competing each other to get higher scores. Moreover, the audience could see other people"s screens, so after they saw so many people playing this. Some audiences who were originally not subjected to the Super Focus were also attracted.

After the Super Focus ended, more than half of the players quit the game, but only a small number of players chose "Not Recommended", and the remaining players chose "Recommended".

As for the rest of the players…of course, they are still madly trying to get more points.

Lin Hai noticed that s.h.i.+ Huazhe, who was sitting next to him, was looking not very good and asked with concern: "What"s wrong with your body, you aren"t feeling well?"

s.h.i.+ Huazhe shook his head: "Oh, it"s nothing."

Lin Hai feels that s.h.i.+ Huazhe"s eyes are a little flickering, but also obscured and he couldn"t help but be curious.

As a result, he inadvertently saw the screen of s.h.i.+ Huazhe and found that the above is the score panel of 《Flappy Bird》: "The latest score: 4, the best score: 4."

Lin Hai hurriedly turned his head around and almost laughed. s.h.i.+ Huazhe was angry about this matter. No doubt he was angry about it since he played for a whole 10 minutes but only got the best score of 4, which was not even possible to rank within the top 200 in the ranking list. Anyone would get mad at this.

Lin Hai knew how to behave in a delicate situation so he didn"t ask more about it.

The game experience part continues. The whole session will last for an hour, but now it is just more than ten minutes.

Among the 700 audience, nearly 600 people have played 《Flappy Bird》, but only a small part of these people are still insisting on playing, the others are playing the other games.

Chen Mo was not worried. When the host introduced the game, he already had a general understanding of the level of the other partic.i.p.ant"s games, and basically it was not eye-catching.

Compared with 《Flappy Bird》, when it comes to the game quality, apart from one or two games, Chen Mo didn"t view the other games at all.

Well, speaking of graphics, resources and the content of these games, they are far better than 《Flappy Bird》. But when it comes to the duration of game and its speed of spreading?

‘I"m not aiming at anyone. I mean, the other compet.i.tors present today are really not so compet.i.tive."

Sure enough, after experiencing the other games, the vast majority of the audience, quickly quits them and opened 《Flappy Bird》 again.

Not that it is fun to play this game, but mainly to get more points!

Why we say this is a toxic game? After playing for a while, you would feel it was quite m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic, boring and abused, but you would open it again 5 minutes later after you quit.

Seeing the reaction of the audience, Chen Mo was confident about his game. The only thing he was worried about right now was the view of the three judges.

If the three judges agreed to vote down his game, he still had no hope to win the compet.i.tion.

However, as long as one judge vote for his game, he will be the first.

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