
Shikuro Dungeon a.s.sociation, the chief"s office.

With the cooperation of Aurum, the Dungeon Dusts that was placed around Aurum Dungeon——-the Grand Eater"s stone were retrieved and was brought to the office.

[So in total 6, huh.]

Sitting at the opposite, there were a total of 6 Dungeon Dusts laying on the table, and Cell furrowed his eyebrows.

[If I"m not mistaken, Aurum…..] (Cell)

[All of it was found from the first till the third floor.] (Ryouta)

[So every floor had two placed in them?] (Cell)

[Yeah.] (Ryouta)

I firmly nodded.

It was because of the owner of the Dungeon, Aurum, that helped searched the stones, I was able to find 6 of them.

So I"m 100% sure that there would be none left inside the dungeon.

Looking at the 6 Dungeon Dusts, Cell showed a serious expression on his face.

Finally, he lift his face up.

[Who"s that] (Cell)

[Did you call for me?]

From outside the room, a woman walked inside.

A beautifully and cleanly cut short hair, with a suit that fits perfectly with her well shaped body.

It was Cell"s secretary that Cell was looking at.

[Please have the people search all of Shikuro"s dungeons again. Searched every nook and cranny of every floor and throw anything that seems even remotely suspicious.] (Cell)

[It"s my pleasure.]

The secretary bowed and left the office.

After sending her off, Cell once again looked at the 6 pieces of Dungeon Dusts.

[I was careless, I"m such a failure. I thought that there was only one on each floor.] (Cell)

[Well, it is understandable that you would think as such, so don"t mind it too much. Even I thought so as well] (Ryouta)

[But then, how?] (Cell)

Cell answered back.

[There were only two in Nihonium. So I was like huh? Perhaps it isn"t possible for it to have it on every floor. So I thought that it might be possible for them to place two on each floor.] (Ryouta)

[That"s right.] (Cell)

[Thus I asked Aurum a favour to check on Aurum Dungeon.] (Ryouta)

[Yes, Satou-sama could even employ the Spirit Dungeon to help in your duties.] (Cell)

Cell had admiration and respect crossed together from his eyes.

It"s not like I employed her, and it"s not like I explicitly told her to do it, she was just alright with it.

[Understanding the system of the Adventurer Hunters, Aurum……The Spirit Dungeon would know when and where they are in the dungeon. She can even tell if there is any foreign object and where to find it. So I just went and look at those places. So now there"s none in Aurum.] (Ryouta)

[Since it"s Satou-sama"s words, I won"t doubt it.] (Cell)

Having said that, Cell once again stared at the Dungeon Dusts.

The 6 Dungeon Dusts that were placed on three of the floors of Aurum, so in total 6 Grand Eaters.

You can clearly feel the murderous intent of whoever placed these.

For Nihonium which has no drops to be a 2/9, the gold dusts drops——or the Gold Mine of Aurum had 3/6 of the floors with stones.

I got a feeling someone had an intention to kill of Aurum so that it would be moved to a different location.

[……..Maybe.] (Ryouta)

[Hm?] (Cell)

[You knew who our culprit is?] (Ryouta)

[Yes, we"re 99% sure who it is. It"s just that we haven"t caught hold of the culprit on site yet.] (Cell)

[Who is it? The one who"s doing all these.] (Ryouta)

[It"s the Samechiren"s Dungeon a.s.sociation.] (Cell)

[…..Ah, I see now.] (Ryouta)

I was convinced.

Extremely convinced even.

I was 10000000% certain now.

The Samechiren"s Dungeon a.s.sociation, the person we had a bout during the case of Aurum and Indole.

Aurum has a village nearby called Indole which was once being financially supported by Samechiren.

For a city, they would make the village raise funds in order to form the newly born dungeon.

Similar to Samechiren, the village of Indole was also made to fund the dungeon.

However, Samechiren later left Indole aside, and the troubled Indole had no choice but to call Shikuro Dungeon"s a.s.sociation for help, so I was dispatched to help.

Hence Aurum"s problem was solved, and Indole pulled away from Samechiren to become independent, or to put it, became under the control of Shikuro.

For Samechiren, it wasn"t fun and games anymore when Aurum sp.a.w.ned so close to Indole.

In addition.

[It wasn"t just Aurum, but to annihilate all of Shikuro"s dungeons is not amusing anymore.] (Ryouta)

[A sick and vulgar person probably came up with these ideas. However there"s no point in thinking about it anymore. The Grand Eater is definitely an atrocity, but making a mess to the dungeons, it makes no sense.] (Cell)

[That"s right.] (Ryouta)

I fully agreed with that.

Just as I have defeated the Grand Eater for the first time, no matter how strong a monster is, it cannot defy the rules of this world.

If someone is always in the dungeon, it will never hatch into a rogue monster.

[……Fu, fufu, Fuhahahahah.] (Cell)

After staring at it for awhile, he suddenly looked up to the heavens and laughed loudly.

[What"s wrong with you all of a sudden?] (Ryouta)

[No I find it funny. This boorish person made a huge miscalculation on their part.] (Cell)

[A miscalculation?] (Ryouta)

[Yes, putting Dungeon Dusts in every dungeons in Shikuro, basically installing Grand Eaters everywhere. Even though they wanted Aurum the most, but to also have the guts to kill the other dungeons.] (Cell)

[I guess so.] (Ryouta)

[However it was discovered by Satou-sama. Also, the one who first discovered the Dungeon Dust was also Satou-sama. The one who discovered that there was a possibility of two or more in each floor was also the one and only Satou-sama, so right now Shikuro is in full alert. Thus, there will never be any rogue monsters rampaging in any dungeon.] (Cell)

Cell was extremely happy.

[All of the scheme by that boorish person was completely stopped by Satou-sama.] (Cell)

[I, I guess I did.] (Ryouta)

[Also.] (Cell)

[And?] (Ryouta)

There"s something else too?

[Inside the dungeon, dropping items other than that floors item is a serious violation.] (Cell)

[Oh right. if you leave things in that floor, the monsters and drops would certainly increase, but there are many adventurers specializing in these floors, so it would be dangerous if a different monster is on that floor.] (Ryouta)

[Yes. Once there was a victim. At that time even though it was an accident, an adventurer took his last breath at a place without anybody, and the equipments he placed became rogue monsters.] (Cell)

[I see.] (Ryouta)

I imagined the scene.

If I were to die in the corner of a dungeon, I imagine that my whole body"s items would hatched into rogue monsters at once.

It would total to more than 10 Dungeon Master cla.s.s and rare monsters, and since my bullets are always prepared in large quant.i.ties, the monsters of NIhonium would appear there in armies.

And if the monsters were to attack the adventurers hunting around……It would likely be a considerable tragedy.

[Hence why an agreement was reached among all Dungeon a.s.sociations, so it is a felony to deliberately discard any items that is different to that dungeon"s floor.] (Cell)

Thinking about the case, I understood.

It might lead to a light attempted murder.

Then, he would be guilty of a ma.s.s murder.

Whatever it is, it"ll be a felony.

[I"m very thankful of Satou-sama.] (Cell)

[Thankful?] (Ryouta)

[The dungeons, and even protecting the adventurers. And even knocking off the mastermind behind using the Grand Eater.] (Cell)

[I wonder if I did knock them.] (Ryouta)

[If the other party is an a.s.sociation cla.s.s, then it would be convenient. We"ll just have to strengthen the agreement by thoroughly hitting them. And making a system to never exploit the rogue monsters.] (Cell)

[Is that so?] (Ryouta)

That is……quite important.

A law is born only after penalties exist.

If they thoroughly crush the opponent of the dungeon a.s.sociation cla.s.s, it will be a considerable deterrent.

I took a look at my equipments again.

If these becomes rogue monsters, considering the number of victims coming out of the dungeon, I thought that what Cell is doing should definitely be done thoroughly.

The adventurers will be relieved, whereby making a system they can go around and hunt more than ever.

[If there"s anything I can do, just tell me and I"ll do it.] (Ryouta)

[I"m grateful for your help.] (Cell)

Cell placed his hands on his knees and lowered his head.

Although I was touched that it was a person in high position being thankful towards me——but.


Something fell from the pocket of Cell when he lowered his head.

It was a figure of me using my only revolver while firing repeatedly——OH, it was the time when I was defeating the Grand Eater.

[Why would you have something like that!] (Ryouta)

[Ehem! Oh I"m so thankful towards Satou-sama, and it"s regrettable that this boorish person person is causing trouble where Satou-sama is staying.] (Cell)

[I think right now you"re the number one boorish person here though!?] (Ryouta)

I made a huge remark, and Cell returned to his usual facade expression.

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