Chapter 183

Proofread: Shiro

Featured Image: Aigis from Persona 3

TLN Note: Now there’s androids? Cool~

I looked around Samechiren, over and over, checking even carefully than usual .

After a.s.suring that there was no one around me, I placed a drop item to hatch it into a rogue monster .

The air around me changed completely, as the Dungeon Master・Satanachia appeared in front of me .

[Repet.i.tion!] (Ryouta)

I casted the magic in a flash .

The strongest farming magic that instantly kills anything without any conditions .

The Dungeon Master was no exception, as it was instantly killed the moment the magic was activated .

[Fuuu… . . ] (Ryouta)

I was a little relieved .

Even though I’ve already confirmed my surroundings, I still quickly killed it with repet.i.tion .

Reason being Satanachia has a special ability to control women .

Even if by itself, it’s not that strong, but when it manipulates some random bypa.s.ser, then it would be troublesome .

Before it becomes hectic, I rather kill it immediately .

The rogue monster of Satanachia dropped something .

Approaching it, I found it to be an earring .

The moment i picked up the earring, an effect popped inside my head .

Satanachia’s Ring, when equipped, it would invalidate the ability of a woman .

[……Hmmm . ] (Ryouta)

I tilted my head and unconsciously groaned .

I kinda understood . The Demon Satanachia who controls every women would drop an item which suppresses it’s ability… . . I was somewhat convinced .

However, from the dropped items I’ve gotten from rogue monsters so far, this effect is too subtle .

I think it would make more sense once I give this to a woman as a gift… . was what I thought .

[Well, it’s not something useful anyways . ] (Ryouta)

Sometimes there are exceptions .

Even though it’s a drop item from a Dungeon Master, it’s effect isn’t something great .

The Bicorn Horn that Celeste has from the Dungeon Master・Bicorn, is basically using an infinite amount of beginner’s magic .

It was perfect for Celeste, but it’s inherently subtle .

Someday it might be useful .

I thought as such as I pushed the earrings into my pocket and started walking back to Samechiren .

I met a woman while I was walking halfway .

It was a mysterious woman, even though I was right in front of her eyes, it’s as if her presence doesn’t even exist .

It was so severe that if I so much as close my eyes, I would lose sight of her . That was how thin her presence was .

However, after arriving at this world for quite some time, I have gradually improved my skill in perceiving things that others normally could not .

Still I could not feel the presence of the woman in front of me .

Is it a ghost——-? My body started shivering .

The woman casually stopped her feet and took something out of her pocket before placing it on the ground .

Immediately afterwards, a magic circle started spreading around that place .

It was a purple magic circle, it looked like a poisonous light that was reflecting a c.o.c.ktail light .

Then the presence—–was born .

It wasn’t the woman, but the magic circle .

To put it more accurately, it’s close to something like a consciousness .

Slaughter… . . Destruction .

Such words emerged in my mind, and I jumped into the magic circle immediately .


I tried jumping in, but a purplish lighting fired towards me from the edge of the magic circle .

Her hands were slowly burning .

It was a bad magic circle after all . I do not know the details, but it was clear that if the woman stood there any longer, she’ll disappear .

[Hey! What are you doing, quickly get out of there!] (Ryouta)

I shouted loudly .

The woman turned quietly towards me .

I was slightly frightened .

Surprised, and stunned .

Her eyes when she turned around——no it’s her face .

It was a doll devoid of any emotions .

The situation was progressing while I was frustrated .

The magic circle is eating her up .

Her long hair was becoming shorter, and the clothes she was wearing were slowly erasing from the bottom .

Her long hair was becoming shorter, and the clothes she was wearing were slowly erasing from the bottom .

This is no time to see!

My head turned fully awake .

What is happening, and what can I do to stop it .

What I have now, is my abilities .

All of them processed in my mind in an instant .

Together, they came up with one possibility .

I cannot afford to think any longer .

I pulled out my two revolvers, loaded the Flam and Frozen bullets respectively .

I immediately fired… . It fused and became the Annihilation Bullet .

The Annihilation Bullet was aimed at the ground—–and several Annihilation Bullets were fired to eat away the magic circle .

The missing parts of the magic circle immediately lost its effect and the purple lightning stopped .

Eventually, the area returned back to the natural outdoors .

The woman—–was safe .

[… . . Phew . ] (Ryouta)

I breathed out a sigh of relief .

An instant idea, an idea that I only had in mind which managed to succeed .

[What is the matter?]

[Don’t you what’s wrong with me? What were you even thinking! ?] (Ryouta)

I shouted in anger .

I do not know her circ.u.mstances, but it clearly looked like she was about to commit suicide .

[It was the instruction of Master . ]

[Instruction? From your master?] (Ryouta)

[Since we have became garbage to be disposed of, we decided to clean ourselves, from Master . ]

[… . . What did you just say?] (Ryouta)

I felt my belly growled in agony .

I listened to her while holding my revolvers with the Flame and Frozen bullets just for precaution .

[First of all what do you mean by garbage . I think someone who uses such words on a human being is not right in their mind . ] (Ryouta)

[Master is not wrong . ]

[Huh?] (Ryouta)

[I am an artificial life form, a thing without a soul . So disposing me is the correct expression . ]

[I am an artificial life form, a thing without a soul . So disposing me is the correct expression . ]

[Artificial… . life form?] (Ryouta)

I was lost in words .

[Yo, you mean like a robot or like an android?] (Ryouta)

[Robo-to? An-droid?]

[Aah… . uhh something like a golem? Or like a homunculus?] (Ryouta)

The woman quietly nodded .

[Very close, we are near equals . ]

[Why is such a thing… . . ?] (Ryouta)

[……Is that a question regarding the purpose of why we are manufactured?]

The woman tilted her head with no emotions on her face .

[Ah, yeah . ] (Ryouta)

[It is for the sake of the dungeon . ]

[For the Dungeon?] (Ryouta)

[I was made to artificially produce A Drop items . However, I have failed, and all the Drops I receive are F . And so I am a failed work . ]

The woman said it in a slow and monotonous voice .

While shutting my mouth, I heard her explanation .

Thus I was able to grasp the situation .

[In other words, because ordinary adventurers have variations in their productivity, so they decided to manufacture the best artificial lifeform to drop A Drop items in a fixed manner . ](Ryouta)

She nodded .

[However you failed… . . d.a.m.nit . ] (Ryouta)

[Why are you angry?]

[Well because—–] (Ryouta)

[Why are you getting angry at a failed work being thrown away?]

[Uhh… . . ] (Ryouta)

I unconsciously breathed in .

When being asked as such, it seems like a logical answer .

[We, well even so it’s not good . Anyways… . . I will not allow myself to allow you to break yourself . ] (Ryouta)

[That would be a problem . ]

[Why?] (Ryouta)

[It is the instruction of my Master, I have to follow his order . ]

This is apparently legitimate too .

This is apparently legitimate too .

[Can’t we change your master?] (Ryouta)

It was an almost spinal reflex of an answer .

In such a case, changing the master is the only way to solve this fundamentally speaking .

[It can be done . ]

[Then what should I do?] (Ryouta)

[Put your hands on my chest . Then, supply mana that is more than my previous Master . To overwrite it . ]

[And?] (Ryouta)

[That is all . ]

[That’s it?] (Ryouta)

[I am still a prototype, so it is easy for it to change . ]

Indeed, alright, if that’s the case—–

[However . ]

[However?] (Ryouta)

I stopped my hands from stretching forward to her chest .

[My power source consumes my Master’s mana little by little just by being near—– . ]

I stretched out my hand and touched her chest .

Then I sent my mana over to her .

I don’t know whether mana is MP or Intelligence in this case, but it doesn’t matter .

Either way both of it is SS which goes far beyond this world’s human being .

Her body glowed for a moment before settling down .

[How was it?] (Ryouta)

[The transfer of Master has been completed . ]

[Alright . ] (Ryouta)

[… . . Is that okay?]

I could finally see her expression from her face .

Although it was almost inexpressible, a colour of puzzlement appeared at a level if I look real close .

Was it a question of whether it was fine consuming my MP?

[Aah, there’s no problem . ] (Ryouta)

Way better than sacrificing yourself just because of your Master .

More than anything .

Seeing something being forced to do such things due to the unilateral circ.u.mstances above, I did not feel comfortable without intervening .

Proofread Shiro Featured Image Aigis from Persona 3 TLN Note Now there s androids Cool I looked around Samechiren, over and over, checking even carefully than usual . After a.s.suring that there was no one around me, I placed a drop item to hatch it into a rogue monster . The air around me changed completely, as the Dungeon Master Satanachia appeared in front of me . Repet.i.tion Ryouta I casted the magic in a flash . The strongest farming magic that instantly kills anything without any conditions . The Dungeon Master was no exception, as it was instantly killed the moment the magic was activated . Fuuu . . Ryouta I was a little relieved . Even though I ve already confirmed my surroundings, I still quickly killed it with repet.i.tion . Reason being Satanachia has a special ability to control women . Even if by itself, it s not that strong, but when it manipulates some random bypa.s.ser, then it would be troublesome . Before it becomes hectic, I rather kill it immediately . The rogue monster of Satanachia dropped something . Approaching it, I found it to be an earring . The moment i picked up the earring, an effect popped inside my head . Satanachia s Ring, when equipped, it would invalidate the ability of a woman . Hmmm . Ryouta I tilted my head and unconsciously groaned . I kinda understood . The Demon Satanachia who controls every women would drop an item which suppresses it s ability . . I was somewhat convinced . However, from the dropped items I ve gotten from rogue monsters so far, this effect is too subtle . I think it would make more sense once I give this to a woman as a gift . was what I thought . Well, it s not something useful anyways . Ryouta Sometimes there are exceptions . Even though it s a drop item from a Dungeon Master, it s effect isn t something great . The Bicorn Horn that Celeste has from the Dungeon Master Bicorn, is basically using an infinite amount of beginner s magic . It was perfect for Celeste, but it s inherently subtle . Someday it might be useful . I thought as such as I pushed the earrings into my pocket and started walking back to Samechiren . I met a woman while I was walking halfway . It was a mysterious woman, even though I was right in front of her eyes, it s as if her presence doesn t even exist . It was so severe that if I so much as close my eyes, I would lose sight of her . That was how thin her presence was . However, after arriving at this world for quite some time, I have gradually improved my skill in perceiving things that others normally could not . Still I could not feel the presence of the woman in front of me . Is it a ghost My body started shivering . The woman casually stopped her feet and took something out of her pocket before placing it on the ground . Immediately afterwards, a magic circle started spreading around that place . It was a purple magic circle, it looked like a poisonous light that was reflecting a c.o.c.ktail light . Then the presence was born . It wasn t the woman, but the magic circle . To put it more accurately, it s close to something like a consciousness . Slaughter . . Destruction . Such words emerged in my mind, and I jumped into the magic circle immediately . Bachin I tried jumping in, but a purplish lighting fired towards me from the edge of the magic circle . Her hands were slowly burning . It was a bad magic circle after all . I do not know the details, but it was clear that if the woman stood there any longer, she ll disappear . Hey What are you doing, quickly get out of there Ryouta I shouted loudly . The woman turned quietly towards me . I was slightly frightened . Surprised, and stunned . Her eyes when she turned around no it s her face . It was a doll devoid of any emotions . The situation was progressing while I was frustrated . The magic circle is eating her up . Her long hair was becoming shorter, and the clothes she was wearing were slowly erasing from the bottom . This is no time to see My head turned fully awake . What is happening, and what can I do to stop it . What I have now, is my abilities . All of them processed in my mind in an instant . Together, they came up with one possibility . I cannot afford to think any longer . I pulled out my two revolvers, loaded the Flam and Frozen bullets respectively . I immediately fired . It fused and became the Annihilation Bullet . The Annihilation Bullet was aimed at the ground and several Annihilation Bullets were fired to eat away the magic circle . The missing parts of the magic circle immediately lost its effect and the purple lightning stopped . Eventually, the area returned back to the natural outdoors . The woman was safe . . . Phew . Ryouta I breathed out a sigh of relief . An instant idea, an idea that I only had in mind which managed to succeed . What is the matter Don t you what s wrong with me What were you even thinking Ryouta I shouted in anger . I do not know her circ.u.mstances, but it clearly looked like she was about to commit suicide . It was the instruction of Master . Instruction From your master Ryouta Since we have became garbage to be disposed of, we decided to clean ourselves, from Master . . . What did you just say Ryouta I felt my belly growled in agony . I listened to her while holding my revolvers with the Flame and Frozen bullets just for precaution . First of all what do you mean by garbage . I think someone who uses such words on a human being is not right in their mind . Ryouta Master is not wrong . Huh Ryouta I am an artificial life form, a thing without a soul . So disposing me is the correct expression . Artificial . life form Ryouta I was lost in words . Yo, you mean like a robot or like an android Ryouta Robo to An droid Aah . uhh something like a golem Or like a homunculus Ryouta The woman quietly nodded . Very close, we are near equals . Why is such a thing . . Ryouta Is that a question regarding the purpose of why we are manufactured The woman tilted her head with no emotions on her face . Ah, yeah . Ryouta It is for the sake of the dungeon . For the Dungeon Ryouta I was made to artificially produce A Drop items . However, I have failed, and all the Drops I receive are F . And so I am a failed work . The woman said it in a slow and monotonous voice . While shutting my mouth, I heard her explanation . Thus I was able to grasp the situation . In other words, because ordinary adventurers have variations in their productivity, so they decided to manufacture the best artificial lifeform to drop A Drop items in a fixed manner . Ryouta She nodded . However you failed . . d.a.m.nit . Ryouta Why are you angry Well because Ryouta Why are you getting angry at a failed work being thrown away Uhh . . Ryouta I unconsciously breathed in . When being asked as such, it seems like a logical answer . We, well even so it s not good . Anyways . . I will not allow myself to allow you to break yourself . Ryouta That would be a problem . Why Ryouta It is the instruction of my Master, I have to follow his order . This is apparently legitimate too . Can t we change your master Ryouta It was an almost spinal reflex of an answer . In such a case, changing the master is the only way to solve this fundamentally speaking . It can be done . Then what should I do Ryouta Put your hands on my chest . Then, supply mana that is more than my previous Master . To overwrite it . And Ryouta That is all . That s it Ryouta I am still a prototype, so it is easy for it to change . Indeed, alright, if that s the case However . However Ryouta I stopped my hands from stretching forward to her chest . My power source consumes my Master s mana little by little just by being near . I stretched out my hand and touched her chest . Then I sent my mana over to her . I don t know whether mana is MP or Intelligence in this case, but it doesn t matter . Either way both of it is SS which goes far beyond this world s human being . Her body glowed for a moment before settling down . How was it Ryouta The transfer of Master has been completed . Alright . Ryouta . . Is that okay I could finally see her expression from her face . Although it was almost inexpressible, a colour of puzzlement appeared at a level if I look real close . Was it a question of whether it was fine consuming my MP Aah, there s no problem . Ryouta Way better than sacrificing yourself just because of your Master . More than anything . Seeing something being forced to do such things due to the unilateral circ.u.mstances above, I did not feel comfortable without intervening .

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