Highest Patreon Supporter: RegisRagnarok AND SinAria!!!(P.S Sin was so mad that I spelled his name wrong XD)

Selenium Dungeon, bas.e.m.e.nt first floor.

Today was another day where I would level up the Growth Bullet with Leia.

It was supposed to be the usual routine of firing the Growth Bullet, then Leia would revive the monster…..but.


The surrounding wasn"t how it used to be.

Normally, the adventurers would use their various ways to hunt monsters, but for some reason they"re glancing at us.

What"s more, it wasn"t just one or two, but 10 to 20 of them.

[What exactly is going on.] (Ryouta)

[They are looking at me.] (Leia)

[Is that how it looks?] (Ryouta)

Surprised, I stopped moving and stared at leia.

With some hint of red dyed on her face, she answered.

[I have heard what some have said just now. Something along the lines of {So that"s Leia・Selen huh}.] (Leia)

[….Aah, so that"s how it is.] (Ryouta)

I understood now.

With Leia having Selen"s name under her name, she is now considered someone a.s.sociated with Selenium Dungeon.

It can"t be helped that she"s attracting people around her.

Just in case, while my hands didn"t stop moving from leveling, I listened closely.

[So that"s the one with the spirit"s name….Her aura really is different.]

[Stop yer" lying, you don"t understand anything.]

[But being recognized by a spirit is amazing. I was always curious why she could infinitely used her magic, but that might be the spirit"s protection.]

There were adventurers who were envious of her, and some praising her.

There was one who was sharp to point out Leia having the spirit"s protection.

[Master.] (Leia)

[—–Yeah? What"s wrong Leia?] (Ryouta)

[Please order me.] (Leia)

[On?] (Ryouta)

Wondering what"s the matter with her, as I blinked a few times while looking at her.

Her facial expression was less apparent than usual, but she was staring at me intensely.

Not knowing what"s going on, I ordered her to do something for the time being.

[Let"s see, then let"s pick up the pace by going a few times faster.] (Ryouta)

[Understood.] (Leia)

Leia concentrated on her hands.

Right until now, it was just repet.i.tive task, and I was going to do it at a chill pace.

Well, I am going to repeat this same task for more than a day.

Thus, in order to not get frustrated by it, I was also training at Nihonium, but the work required to level the Growth Bullet does take up more time.

Guess we bring it up a notch then.

The moment the Rainbow Slime dropped the item, Leia revived it almost immediately.

I could only see the dropped item for a split second before it turned back into a Slime.


I matched with her pace.

Defeating it, she revived and I fired the Growth Bullet again.

Repeating that motion.

We gave our all.

Then, both the drop and the Slime couldn"t be seen, the scene—-it is as if there is a blur in between the air.

This is a good thing.

With the pace we"re going now, we might breakthrough with a few more levels.

Thus I focused without letting the outside noise bother me.

[They"ve upped their pace, splendid.]

[He ordered her? Who is he?]

[You don"t know? What have you been living under? He"s that Ryouta Family"s Ryouta・Satou.]

[Eeeeeh!? He"s the one?]

That day, the Growth Bullet has surprisingly surpa.s.sed the 15th level.

Evening, using the teleportation room, I went and picked up Aurum, and went to the monster"s village.

Because I didn"t use the Speed Up Bullet for some time, I have some stock piled up.


When we arrived the village, Clayman and the other monster greeted us.

[Good work everyone, and why are all of you gathering here?] (Ryouta)

[We have a request.] (Clayman)

[What would that be?] (Ryouta)

What"s happening? As I furrow my eyebrows.

All of the monsters living in this village was looking at me with dead serious eyes.

[Please let us use Ryoutsan"s name.] (Clayman)

[My name?] (Ryouta)

[Yes! We want this village to be named after Ryoutsan.] (Clayman)

[That means….] (Ryouta)

I looked around, and then looked at where they are living.

[Naming this village as {Ryouta}?] (Ryouta)

[Exactly!] (Clayman)

The rest of the monsters all cheered, and those monsters who can"t speak were making noises.

Name this village….with my name.,…

[No wait a minute.] (Ryouta)

Panicking, I lift both my hands and shook them in front of him.

[That"s incredibly embarra.s.sing.] (Ryouta)

[Is that a no then?] (Clayman)

[In the first place, why would you suddenly have this thought?] (Ryouta)

[Let me explain that for you.] (Celeste)

Then within the field of monsters, Celeste appeared from within the village.

[Oh, so you came as well Celeste.] (Ryouta)

[Yes, I had some coaching job to be done.] (Celeste)

[I see.] (Ryouta)

Since this village"s job is to clean up Indole"s trash.

Celeste who used to work as one came here to coach them.

[I understand that, but why now?] (Ryouta)

[They"ve heard about the spirit naming talk. With Leia having Selen"s protection and also having her name. That"s why this village wants it"s own protection.] (Celeste)

[This village?] (Ryouta)

[Yes. This is a monster village that Ryoutsan has worked on building for those who have been persecuted.] (Celeste)

[Aah.] (Ryouta)

[So, what"s more befiting then naming the village {Ryouta}?That"s what they ended up discussing.] (Celeste)

[Which means….something like Cerberus" collar?] (Ryouta)

Celeste nodded, then looked at the monsters with eyes of antic.i.p.ation.

These monsters are essentially my pets.

Having no place to go, and no one to feed them…They were left as stray monsters.

[I see….] (Ryouta)

[Having Ryouta"s name, more people are less likely to harm them. I don"t think anyone is stupid enough to fight with Ryouta in its name.] (Celeste)

That does make sense.

If that"s the case….Guess it can"t be helped right.

[Alright then. From today onwards, this village shall be named {Ryouta}.] (Ryouta)

As soon as I said that, the crowds cheered.

Then the monsters were doing banzais.

It"s a necessity to do it, but having a village named after me was still embarra.s.sing.

[Fufu.] Celeste smiled.

At that time, I misunderstood the meaning of her smile.

I thought it was because the idea went through, and thus she smiled.

Then, after a few days. Meeting with Cell.

[As I expect from Satou-sama. Giving names to others.] Cell looked at me with more respect than ever in his eyes.

That was when I knew the deeper meaning behind Celeste"s smile.

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