Highest Patreon Supporter: RegisRagnarok, SinAria!!!(P.S Sin was so mad that I spelled his name wrong XD)

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Shikuro Dungeon"s a.s.sociation, the chairman"s room.

Celeste came inside the room where Cell and I were inside, chatting about.

Celeste, who was guided by the secretary, entered the room and sat beside me.

[I"ve went through the entire floor of Silicon.] (Celeste)

[Thank you for your hard work, and sorry for asking you to do such a favour. I thought that Celeste is more knowledgeable than I am, so it would be better for you to confirm.] (Ryouta)

When i said that, Celeste looked a bit surprised, and her cheeks reddened.

[….It-it"s alright, aren"t we friends? It"s nice that you ask me for a favour this time.] (Celeste)

[Thanks.] (Ryouta)

[So, how was it?] (Cell)

Cell rushed Celeste.

As the chairman of the Dungeon a.s.sociation, obviously he"ll be concerned about the changes of Silicon.

[The conclusion is….Silicon is as it used to be. I have confirmed all the floors that physical attacks are invalid, and magic attack works.] (Celeste)

[That"s a relief.] (Cell)

[There are two places that had their drops changed, and one place where the quality change. Other than that, everything else is the same.] (Celeste)

[So there"s not much changes.] (Cell)

Celeste nodded at Cell"s question.

[We are fortunate enough to change the dungeon back with a minimum amount of changes.] (Cell)

[Anyways, the production would finally be back to normal.] (Ryouta)

[Yes, there is no change in the farming techniques.] (Celeste)

As Celeste said that, Cell looked at me and bowed quietly.

[This is also all thanks to Satou-sama.] (Cell)

[Well, I"m just glad we could get it back safely.] (Ryouta)

[I shall put out the notice immediately…..And then I"ll have to think about stopping the plans.] (Cell)

[So you"re gonna ban the breeding?] (Ryouta)

[…..] Cell went quiet.

I can understand why he would considered that.

[It"s not good that there"s no changes.] (Ryouta)

[I knew Satou-sama would say that. Yes, it"s not good that there"s no changes. Humans will not grow if there is no change, similar to how Satou-sama constantly seeks new way of fighting.

[We need to have a moderation in the breeding.] (Ryouta)

[Even politics have been moving because of Satou-sama trying to change the dungeon"s structure. So it is necessary.] (Cell)

[That"s right.] (Ryouta)

I nodded.

Since I"m always training in the dungeon, I do understand what he"s trying to say.

[Thus, instead of banning it, I"ll have to enforce some restrictions.] (Cell)

[Yeap. And it"s restrictions that everyone agrees on.] (Ryouta)

[Hmm, that is difficult, to have everyone agree on it.] (Celeste)

Cell and Celeste put on a difficult look.

Thinking for awhile, I came up with a plan.

[How about asking the people love by spirits?] (Ryouta)

[……That"s right!] (Cell)

Cell immediately understood what I was thinking.

[That means, only the people contracted by spirits can do this.] (Celeste)

[Basically, those people are talented, and they"re also recognize strength wise right?] (Ryouta)

[You"re right, if it"s not at that level, we won"t allow them to breed the Dungeon Master. Everyone should be convinced after this accident.] (Celeste)

[So, how about it?] (Ryouta)

[…..] (Cell)

[Cell?] (Ryouta)

After talking with Celeste, I turned over and looked at Cell, but he was thinking about something.

[What"s wrong, is it too hard to implement it?] (Ryouta)

[I don"t know….] (Celeste)

After watching Cell for awhile, he raised his face.

[We"ll need two people.] (Cell)

[Two person?] (Ryouta)

[Yes. We need two people who has contracted with spirits. If not, they are prohibited in changing the ecological system using the Dungeon Master.] (Cell)

[That is one hurdle to reach.] (Ryouta)

[Or rather……….] (Celeste)

[Hm? What"s wrong Celeste, looking at me like that?] (Ryouta)

[RIght now, our family has more than 2 people who are contracted with spirits.] (Celeste)

[That"s right!] (Ryouta)

[Yes. Originally, there are a few people like you in the first place. And most of them are independent who only mains one country. And they might be bad with other people.] (Cell)

[I see.] (Ryouta)

I understand somewhat.


I haven"t met her for awhile, but I do understand…..or someone who is strong.

[In other words, under this prohibition, only Ryoutsama can do it.] (Celeste)

[Basically that"s the case.] (Ryouta)

I had a hard time laughing.

On the other hand, Cell was smiling.

[I can"t say that only Satou-sama can do it. So this is just a roundabout way to say it.] (Cell)

Well, there"s no problem at all in terms of the rules, and it"s a natural measure.

Because it"s dangerous, only multiple talented people should be able to do this.

It"s the perfect restriction.

[Let"s make this the new rule then.] (Cell)

Thus, the matter of Silicon has been settled.

And the rule is now called [Ryouta Law].

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