Publishedat 28th of June 2019 05:00:32 PMChapter 248

Alice・Wonderland slowly descended the stairs .

She suddenly stood still and turned behind .

Then, slowly she could see the entrance closing, and Ryouta disappearing in front of her .

Seeing Ryouta not being beside her further solidify her determination .

[Alright, let’s do this! For Ryouta, I’ll definitely get the t.i.tle of this spirit . ] (Alice)

Grabbing her fist together, she once again walked down the stairs .

When she walked down the last step, the room in front of her is completely white in colour .


The monsters that were on her shoulders were making nervous expressions, especially Boney-chan, as she could hear the rattling of her bones .

Since she knows the personalities of all her friendly monsters, she knows that Boney-chan is a little more timid than the rest of them .

[Don’t worry, I’m here with all of you . ] (Alice)

Alice patted Boney-chan’s head, and looked around her surroundings .

[What an interesting place, I don’t even know whether it’s narrow or wide… . I think I would get a headache the longer I look at this place . ] (Alice)

The end of the room looked infinite, and no matter how far she stretches, she could never touch the endless walls .

Such a strange room, a monster suddenly appeared in the middle of it .

The monster had a human-like shape, but it’s around twice the size of a normal human .

Though it has a human body, it does not have any skin, nor are there any scales on its body .

What is on its body though are jewels and golds, surrounding its body .

[Amazing——Uwaa!] (Alice)

Alice suddenly panicked and jumped to the side .

The monster suddenly raised its hands, and swung down where Alice was, making a huge explosion on the ground .

Golden, Silver, Diamonds, and Pearls .

Expensive and valuable minerals came flying out from its body like shotgun .

Though she managed to jump to the side, she was unfortunate enough to be hit by one of the gems on her forehead .

[Owie~] (Alice)

Alice rubbed her forehead with her hand and replied .

Then, the doll-like monsters slowly slide down from her arm to the ground .

[Everyone, do your best!] (Alice)

Alie summoned her fellow monsters while stopping her bleeding forehead .

Boney-chan the Skeleton .

Jumpy-san the Slime .

Bon-bon the Little Devil .

Toge-chan the Needle Lizard .

Gau-gau the Master Dragon .

The deformed monsters jumped out at once .

Even Boney-chan who had been sacred for awhile, bravely attacked the monster .

Alice took a distance and observed the monster .

She watched the fierce 5v1 battle .

The monster not only throws gems around, but it uses a stack of 10K Piro notes to hit its enemies .

Since the attack was so sudden, Boney-chan and Toge-chan were crushed into pieces, and they returned to Alice’s shoulder in doll size .

[Are you alright!?] (Alice)

Boney-chan and Toge-chan turned back into monsters and returned to battle again .

They continued to battle the monster who was guarding the way to the spirit room .

The other 4 members were killed repeatedly and returned to battle, except for Gau-Gau .

On the other hand, the monster showed no signs of being defeated .

In response to the onslaught of the 5 monsters, they scattered the gems from the body each time, but it was immediately restored as if nothing has ever happened .

[What should I do… . . ] Alice said while being troubled .

If this was Ryouta, he would say that [this living thing which has a self-regenerative ability would have a core somewhere inside its body . ] However, Alice does not have the experience nor the knowledge enough to make a decision .

Hence why she was troubled .

[Is there anything…I can do?] (Alice)

Looking at her friendly monsters being hit by the monster’s attack, and reviving again .

Alice felt that there was something wrong with the monster .

It’s not like it has any high magic or vitality .

But Alice can feel something from it .

As a girl born in a dungeon, she felt there was something with the monster .

[… . Alright . ] (Alice)

Not willing to think anymore, she decided to make her move .

She took a pac.h.i.n.ko from her pocket and used the round ball and threw it towards the monster .

The ball hit the monster’s belly, and a gushing sound leaked from the monster, and it was spraying out red juice .

Though the ball was just like a paintball like bullet, it was very effective, and the friendly monsters who saw what Alice did, concentrate their attacks on that specific spot that Alice hit .

Boney-chan used a bone club, Jumpy-san used its body to attack, Bon-bon used its magical bullets, Toge-chan used its needle and jumped at it, and Gau-gau bite it .


It made a dry noise and the monster stopped moving .

In a matter of seconds, its body cracked and eventually all the gold, silver, and gems fell apart and collapsed, and scattered all over the ground .

[Yay~ ! Thanks everybody . ] (Alice)

After that fierce battle, all five of them jumped to Alice at once, and made skinship with her .

She patted their heads one by one, and while she was doing that, a staircase appeared from the empty s.p.a.ce .

Gulping, Alice drank her own saliva .

[Under this… . is the spirit’s room…] (Alice)

She shook her head .

Is it because of the air leaking out, or is it because she was anxious?

Or maybe it’s both .

Whatever it is, she was tensed up by her nervousness .


Boney-chan suddenly clung to Alice .

Though it was a monster in which to be feared by many, Boney-chan who was clinging onto Alice made her feel better .

[… . . I’m fine, because I have all of you with me . ] (Alice)

Alice who calmed herself down, relaxed herself and went down the stairs .

As soon as she got down the stairs, a monster? Was there .

And it was on top of a piled up bundle of 10K Piros, as if it was its bed .

At the center of it, there was a monster who was in flames .

The flames for some reason is brighter than the white s.p.a.ces around them .

[Well well well, it has been hundreds of years since a human has come, and it’s a little girl?]

The flames suddenly took shape of a mouth and spoke in a loud tone .

[Uhmm…Are you Phosphorus-san? The spirit of this dungeon?] (Alice)

Alice suddenly used honorifics and asked .

[That is right, I am the master of this dungeon . Phosphorus . ]

[That’s great… . I finally met with you . ] (Alice)

[Hm, is it not a coincidence that you came here to meet with me?]

[Yes! I have a request for you . ] (Alice)

[Hmmm . ]

PHosphorus narrowed his eyes—–or what seemed to be his eyes, and looked at Alice .

After awhile, he stopped .

[Well, since you came all the way here . I should reward you with something . ]

[Oh really! Thank you very much!] (Alice)

[So, name your price—–]

[Please be my friend!] (Alice)


Phosphorus who was thrown off guard was shocked .

[What did you just say?]

[Oh, I said please be my friend! Aah—–] (Alice)

Alice hurriedly have her 5 friendly monsters turned back into their original size .

[Just like that!] (Alice)

[What did you just say?]

[Uhm…Is it, not possible?] (Alice)

[No . This is the reason why the dungeon is born . If you manage to fight all the way till you meet with me… . But is that fine?]

[Yes!] (Alice)

[You don’t any money?]

[Yes! I don’t need that!] (Alice)

Alice answered immediately, and Phosphorus was taken aback .

[… . . ]

[Uhm… . is it impossible after all?] (Alice)

[…No, I’m just surprised that’s all . It’s the first time I’ve ever met a human like you . ]

[Eh?] (Alice)

[The people who come to my dungeon, all they ever want is the money, so it’s the first time there’s a different perception from somebody else . ]

Phosphorus laughed—–or what seemed to be like it as the flames flickered .

[You sure you don’t want any money? Until the day you die, I will never give you a single Piro . ]

[Yes!] (Alice)

Alice answered without hesitation .

[Alright, then punch me once . ]

[Yes!] (Alice)

Alice punched Phosphorus without any hesitation .

It’s like how she’s gotten the rest of her fellow monsters, she needs to defeat them before getting them .

With that, Alice has become friends with Phosphorus, or Mermera .

And she has also become a member who literally has a spirit, as it is what she has desired .

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