Announcements: Seems like I misunderstood and he did indeed waste the Pandora boxes, other than that, please welcome Udin-san as our new editor-san~~~ :3

After seeing Raze and Roza off from outside Silicon dungeon, I looked at Emily who was beside me and gave my grat.i.tude.

[Thank you, you seem to know where I was huh.]

[I heard it from Elza-san when she pa.s.sed the box to me desu. She said that Yoda-san will definitely come here and rescue them nodesu~]

[Oh, I see.]

I unintentionally let out a bitter smile.

Since I do not want any rogue monsters escaping from the Pandora Box if I left it around, I thought of letting Elza hold on to it but I guess she pa.s.sed it to Emily.

I was thinking of slowly converting them to Flame Bullets afterwards.

But she came here and used it to help me.

After looking at her insightful, I gave her lots of praise.

[Thank you Emily~]

[The pleasure is mine nanodesu~]

[Shall we find a place to grab a meal then. Since Emily had helped me lots, I want to treat you a feast.]

[If it"s like that then let"s head back home. I"ve actually heard of a new recipe recently, and I want Yoda-san to be the first one to try it~]

[No but, it"s as thanks you know. If it"s thanks, shouldn"t we bring Emily to a place to eat instead of cooking by yourself?]

[That"s precisely why nanodesu~]

The end of her word sounded like a heart shape was placed there, while Emily captures joy with those beautiful smile.

She really is&h.e.l.lip; adorable!

My chest felt warm after looking at her, thus I give in and let her do whatever she wants.

[At least let me get a good sake before heading back home. I want one that let"s me enjoy the taste of the food while sipping on it, any recommendations?]

[I heard that distilled liquor is a good match for it desu~]

[Yoshi, let"s buy a bottle for two then!]

[Yes desu!]

Following the flow, after a day"s work and some other stuff that happened, I can finally be with Emily and walked home together.

The next day, I want to head to Nihonium early in the morning, but it"s not to strengthen my abilities.

First off, I went to town to buy some common Collection Boxes.

Since the box is only ever used by people with special hobbies, 1 box cost 10k Piro which is weirdly expensive.

Though it"s not like I can"t buy it, and I even bought 6 boxes.

I first used the first 4 boxes, and used them to replenish my Freeze and Flame bullets for a total of 100 for both of them.

Since I"ve used up almost all of it yesterday, it is in need of replenishment.

As for the last 2 boxes, I went ahead to the third floor of Nihonium and hunted mummies to stored the Speed up seeds in the boxes, and thus I"d gotten hold of a hundred new special bullets.

The special bullets that I"d gotten from the mummy have a special effect, I ran some tests with it, and after finally understanding the effects of it noon came, thus I went back to Shikuro to meet up with Emily.

We went to the usual store called , and together with Emily pushed the Magic Cart full of Dandelion. (TLN: Name is 燕の恩返)

Since Elza"s counter is sort of empty, we went to her direction.


[Aah, Ryouta-san&h.e.l.lip;.and also Emily-san.]

[Today as usual, I want you to help us with the dropped items.]

[Okay, please wait for a moment.]

Elza went towards the Magic Cart and took out the Dandelions, and started weighing them.

[By the way, I"ve heard of rumours regarding you, seems like during the Magical Storm, Ryouta-san went inside Silicon dungeon and rescued someone.]

[It"s already become a rumour?]

[That is something praiseworthy.]

[Uh, really.]

I guess so.

Now that I think about it, yesterday"s situation really put me on edge.

Inside a dungeon where magic cannot be used, I"d gotten myself surrounding by monsters with 100% (maybe) physical resistance. Thinking back at it really gives me the chill.

Afterwards I saved her, I guess it would become rumours.

[Her name was, Roza right. Is she alright?]

[To be honest&h.e.l.lip;.I heard that she isn"t in great condition.]

[What do you mean by that?]

[The Magical Storm this time around, seems to be strong enough that everyone in town could not use magic. Since Roza-san"s injuries are quite severe, it"s bad because no one can use recovery magic right now.]

[If that"s the case, why don"t they just bring her to another town?]

[That is&h.e.l.lip;..her injuries are bad to the point where it"s best not to move her around&h.e.l.lip;.]

[I see&h.e.l.lip;..]

[That"s why&h.e.l.lip;.even though this is something harsh, they said that before the Magical Storm subsides, can her body still take it.]


[Ah, I"m sorry for suddenly talking about such heavy subject. Etto, the calculations are done, in total it"s——]

[Where is Roza staying right now?]

[Eh? Wh, why?]

[Please tell me, where is she right now?]

I looked at Elza straight in the eyes.

Her face suddenly went bright red, and told me about it while being fl.u.s.tered.

I arrive at Shikuro"s biggest hospital.

According to Elza, Roza is currently staying in one of the rooms in this hospital.

I went inside the room, and there laid Roza on the bed with a painful expression, and laying beside her is Raze who is staring at her with dark circles beneath his eyes.

[Aah&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;.You are yesterday"s&h.e.l.lip;.]

[It"s Satou Ryouta&h.e.l.lip;..How"s her condition?]

[&h.e.l.lip;.As you can see it"s not great. The doctor said that if tonight, and the Magical Storm has not subsided&h.e.l.lip;..]

[I understand.]

[Though we are waiting for a healer, but even though they arrive if the Magical Storm doesn"t subside&h.e.l.lip;..Kuh! Why did this happen.]

Raze hit the wall. His fist then leak out blood.

Not just his fist but his lips are also bleeding. He"s sad to the point that he bit his lips.

I looked at Roza.

Her face full of pain is showing a lack of blood, and it"s as white as a paper.

Though tonight might not be the last, but is there anything we can do right now.

I then took out my gun, and positioned it.

[Wa, wait, what the h.e.l.l are you doing!]

[I"ll end it quick.]

[Ending it quick——]

Since saying anything now is a waste of time, I shot at Roza.

The bullet went straight into the middle of her torso.

Immediately after, a bright white light is covering her body.

That was my last shot, out of all the hundreds I"d gotten, I wasted 99 of them to test the effects of the special bullets from the rogue mummies.

The white light, it"s a healing light.

Healing Bullets, was what I decided to name it after testing out the effects.

The painful expression of Roza, is slowly becoming calm, and her complexion seems to have recovered.

[Th, this is?]

[I guess with this it"s fine. Though it"s better to ask a doctor to check up on her.]

[Yo, you saved her&h.e.l.lip;..]

Raze became relieved.

With this it"s finally complete, seems that it"s the same as when I saved her from Silicon.

[Thank you so much! Really really, thank you so much!]

Raze continuously thanked me before I left the hospital.

TLN Note: I really love to troll y’all :3 sorry~ >W<

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