Publishedat 23rd of August 2019 05:47:07 PMChapter 263

[Low level, it’s empty . ] (Eve)

[There’s no one in this house as well . ] (Celeste)

After Eve and Celeste returned, they reported back to me, which made my eyebrow frown .

We decided to look around the city after cleaning up the rogue monsters in Tetramine, but there was n.o.body present .

We tried going around buildings, but there was n.o.body, not even a single child .

[This is troublesome . ] Eve quietly said .

Indeed that is the case .

With such a hazardous situation in the city, it would be scary to say that the residents were hiding in their house .

[But this is odd . If they knew that this was going to happen, why didn’t they ask Ryoutsan for help . ] (Celeste)

[I thought so as well . ] (Ryouta)

Observing around, the city looks like a ruin after defeating all the rogue monsters .

Dale even told me to move houses .

So I was convinced when Neptune even said that they’re after my taxes .

[In this situation, we can help the city from the monsters more straightly . ] (Celeste)

[So low level isn’t necessary . ] (Eve)

The words of Eve are accurate .

I’m sure her bad mood would be because she followed me and her carrots are being reduced .

[That’s right, if monsters are overrunning the city, they can just ask ordinary adventurers to get rid of it . Even with this scale—– I’m sure even a hundred adventurers would be able to finish it within a day . ] (Celeste)

[What is happening?] (Ryouta)

We immediately understood the reason .

After the monsters were swept away, the residents from Shikuro returned, and even Dale and his residents returned as well .

[Thank you so much! Thank you so much!]

Dale and the residents of Tetramine kept thanking us over and over again .

[Could you explain yourself? Why did you ask us a favour in such a manner? If you just say that monsters are occupying the city, I would not refuse otherwise . ] (Ryouta)

[It’s not like that!] (Dale)

Dale was panicking and he couldn’t really explain it well as he kept stuttering .

[This was a last minute thing, and it was because of the dungeon . The city was fine until I went to Shikuro . ] (Dale)

[In other words, the situation changed after you left?] (Ryouta)

[Yes…Our subordinates… . The vice chairman ran away with all the money when I wasn’t around…] (Dale)

[… . . ] (Ryouta)

[That’s why we needed you, and it was sudden when this—-] (Dale)

[So you wanted us to break it at once . ] (Ryouta)

Dale nodded .

The residents behind him also nodded as well .

It doesn’t seem like he’s lying .

Even if there are one or two liars, it’s impossible for hundreds of people to lie at the same time .

The more people involved in their lies, the probability of a crack would increase .

What’s more, at least he evacuated the residents to a place where there are no monsters .  

It was convincing when they looked exhausted and tired .

Though we were aiming for various benefits, but thanks to the people of Shikuro coming in, the city resumed for the time being .

Since the city was so busy, we decided to head to the dungeon first .

Plumb.u.m Dungeon, bas.e.m.e.nt first floor .

[Hmm, this is… . ] (Ryouta)

[It’s full of water! How!?] (Celeste)

Celeste was first to be surprised when we entered the dungeon .

The dungeon seemed to be totally submerged with water .

Water plants were drifting around based on our movement of the body .

[Eh? But we can somehow breathe . ] (Ryouta)

[You’re right . ] (Celeste)

[That’s how it is . ] (Eve)

[Eve? Have you been here before?] (Ryouta)

Eve lightly nodded .

[It was with a party before the party Bunny was with . ] (Eve)

[So you were with various parties huh . ] (Ryouta)

[Yes . But we would always break apart because we want to go to different dungeons . ] (Eve)

So it was the same as before .

[We can breathe normally even in water . ] (Eve)

[How about this——Eii!] (Celeste)

Celeste took out her magic tool, the Bicorn Horn, and shook it .

The Infinite Fireball normally fired out .

[Oh, I can normally do it . I thought the water would weaken the flames . ] (Celeste)

[I see, so this should be alright as well . ] (Ryouta)

I took out my revolvers, and fired the Infinite Lighting Bullet on a wall .

The electric distributed around the wall, but it doesn’t conduct with the water around us, or everywhere .

It’s like we’re underwater, but it’s not water .

Such a mysterious dungeon .

[Then, how about the monsters… . There’s one . ] (Ryouta)

We found a monster .

It looked like a fish swimming around in the air .

It’s as big as a dolphin you would see in an aquarium .

However, the face looked fierce with fangs in its mouth .

[Bunny hates Killer Fish, hate it . ] (Eve)

[So it’s a Killer FIsh?] (Ryouta)

I changed the bullet to the Growth Bullet, and fired at the Killer FIsh which was swimming towards us .

The bullet caught it, and penetrated its body vertically .

Boom .

After a disturbing noise, the Killer Fish split into two .

[What!] (Ryouta)

[It split into two!?] (Celeste)

[So it’s like that . Try using magic to burn it to pieces . ] (Ryouta)

[I got it! Bicorn Horn!] (Celeste)

The ball of fire caught the Killer Fish and burned it .

[It increased again!] (Celeste)

The burned Killer Fish split again into two bodies .

[If you don’t defeat it, it will increase with each attack . ] (Eve)

Eve approached one of the Killer FIsh and chopped it .

Bu——————n .

After the disturbing noise was made, the Killer Fish increased more than twenty bodies .

[This is what happens . ] (Eve)

[Then stop multiplying it!] (Ryouta)

Because Eve’s attack isn’t a single chop, but a technique of hitting 100+ shots per second, the Killer Fish increased at a stretch .

[Because of this, Bunny hates this place . ] (Eve)

[Th-this is not the time to complain! Even with this amount—-] (Celeste)

Celeste was panicking .

I reloaded a bullet, and breathed deeply before firing .

Increasing my fire power, I used Penetration Bullets to defeat the Killer Fishes .

More than twenty plus Killer Fishes were defeated .

[——-Wait we’re alright . Amazing Ryoutsan!] (Celeste)

[Low level is so cheeky even though low level is low level . ] (Eve)

Both of them were complementing(?) me, but in two different ways .

[I see now . ] (Ryouta)

[What did you find out?] (Celeste)

[Look . ] (Ryouta)

I touched an object floating in the air .

It was a white thing .

It smells like milk . (TLN Note: Oh man)

[Yeap, the drop of the first floor is milk . We can slowly recover it while it’s floating . ] (Ryouta)

[It’s unsurprisingly useful, the characteristics of this dungeon . ] (Celeste)

What Celeste said .

The milk isn’t contained inside a bottle, but just floating around in a weightless s.p.a.ce .

It’s convenient in its own way, but .

[On the other hand, it’s fatal . ] (Ryouta)

[Eh? Fatal?] (Celeste)

[Did you not notice? How many have I killed . ] (Ryouta)

[Eh? Around twenty?] (Celeste)

[That’s not it . ] (Ryouta)

[Eh?] (Celeste)

[It was just one . ] (Ryouta)

When I said that, I pointed at the milk .

[It’s just one . ] (Ryouta)

[… . . Wait, you’re joking . ] (Celeste)

Celeste was bewildered .

Another Killer Fish has been swimming around, so I poke it a little and it immediately split, even with such a weak attack .

Since I’m doing it by myself, I counted how many were there .

After it hit a hundred, I defeated all of it by firing repeatedly .

Celeste screamed in excitement, but soon she was shocked .

The 100 Killer Fish dropped only one whole milk .

The more you divide it, the harder it is to get the drop .

Now I know why Plumb.u.m is not doing well .

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